What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Movie Review- CRASH

Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Had a chance to see this movie twice over the Memorial Day weekend (a holiday in the US where we celebrate our dead soldiers and other war pubah stuff) -- I had a free pass to see it the second time, and the writer/director was speaking afterwards.

This is a movie I didn't think could get made -- well, not made by an African-American filmmaker (Spike Lee tried to do subject matter like this when $$$$$ wasn't the only game in town, and people in the Black Community didn't want to just laugh or what gangsta violence). Incidently there is a fascinating article in the current Brad Pitt issue of GQ outlining problems with interracial fucking in Hollywood product. I bring this up -- as a round about way of getting back to CRASH -- because the first trully offending scene in the movie is when Matt Dillon's character - enraged by a Black women ignoring his pleas - takes out his anger when he sees what he thinks is a white woman give a Black man a dick-suck while driving.

That's still THE NUMBER ONE hot button issue in the Northern hemisphere today -- the Blackman's dick going inside one of the orificies of a non-Black woman.

It's evidence by the traffic coming to this site in response to uber-model Heidi Klum wedding Black soul singer Seal.

CRASH poses difficult questions and reveals a lot about the simmering "fuck you, man!" that is just beneath the surface in Los Angeles, and probably the rest of urban America.

The acting all around was superb - you kind of forget that Matt Dillon was a major actor 10, 15 years ago -- or that Ryan Phillippe could have been an outstanding actor WHO WE SAW A LOT OF, if it wasn't for a few costily missteps; or that Don Cheadle is maybe one of the most versatile actors working in American Cinema; or that Keith David is one of the most under-used talents in a system that cherishes looks over actually ability; or that Larenz Tate has acting chops that haven't been used since MENANCE 2 SOCIETY.

Interestingly, in the expose of the Black woman and the seemingly endemic and unique behavior pattern of constantly challenging their men to act more "manly" when it comes to swallowing horseshit -- whether it's a person of color or not, who is provoking the challenge.

All in all this is a tour de force in acting and storytelling, eschewing the chump-ass Hollywood storytelling techniques that encompass most flims that Hollywood allows to made and/or distributed. See, it's not only a question of what Hollywood will make, but what they will distribute and put their marketing muscle behind.

I don't think I've seen too many commercials for CRASH, but understandably so because how do you really sell a movie that is a collection of stories about race, violence, intolerance and compromising positions? It can be done, considering that the film is making well over $36million (costing only $6, and maybe another $5 to $10 million in adverts).

See this movie, preferably in the theatre, as the movie watching experience is entirely different than watching on video or on an airplane.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Bow Down Sand N*99er!

MP's Foot On The Neck
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Why did NEWSWEEK retract a story about US Soldiers in Gitmo desecrating the Qu'ran? You know it's true, regardless of the denials coming out of the White House and Pentagon!

Think about it, in the military the enlisted personnel is predominantly under-educated - high school diploma or less -- so they're no doubt ignorant of the world outside of the "peace-loving" United States, and honestly believe that American culture gets a bad rap and is the best thing going! So when these jugheads with guns are put into a position of power/authority over people who's mission in life is to bring choas and destruction to the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave, you can't be surprised or shocked that military personnel is going to behave like despots. And when you throw Islam into the mix, that's a receipe for aggrivated assault.

As these new allegations of GI Joe abuse flood out of Afghanistan, you have to say to yourself: didn't Rumsfeld and the Joint Chief send a memo to the remaining Grunts in the Field: "stop beating the sand niggers' asses!" Did these people fail to get that memo?

If so, how come?!

Hot For Teacher!

Remember that Van Halen song from the '80s? It had a pretty racy (for the time) video depicting a hot-ass, big-titted teacher (obviously blonde) seductively staring down some junior high schooler. That twisted wet dream maybe comes true occasionally, and it usually ends with sorridly.

However, not the case with Mary Kay Letourneau. This broad actually wanted to continue the relationship with the youngest she pussy-whipper (errr raped as the law states it). Letorunear now 43 wed her high school sweetheart (and father of her two children) Vili Fualaau in a secret ceremony this past Friday near Seattle. The couple's two daughters, Audrey, eight, and Alexis Georgia, seven, who lived in the care of Mr. Fualaau's mother until Ms. Letourneau's release, acted as flower girls. Oh yeah, Letourneau was jailed for taking the young Fualaau dick too damn often whilst he was still a minor. Fualaau was 12, not even a teenager when Letournear "beat the dick up".

I remember meeting this cat from Spain a couple weeks ago at a party and he was in his late 20s complaining about the corrupt nature of LA women, and that they're not "ready to fuck" until their late 20s or early 30s. He couldn't understand why the situation was different is Europe, where he could easily snag 16 to 19 years old, dick them down and go on about his business. THAT was a little disturbing to me. However, I was reading this book called 100 Strokes Of The Brush Before Bed about this 15 year old Italian who has wild sexual encounters -- many with men in their 30s and above. The Spanish cat was adamantly against America's Statutory Rape laws. I had to walk away for dude after he said that.

What's up with having sex with a girl under 18, there's a lot of fumbling around and coddling in any event, but wouldn't that seem irritating and sure-way to kill a stiff one if you're in your late 20s?

Maybe the ideal of untainted, soft, nubile flesh is what attracts older men to women in their late teens (an age of consent and marriage in Europe and Asia prior to the 20th century), but the lack of body knowledge, immaturity and coping with the emotional see-saw of a young broad is too much to deal with as you get older. What do you have to talk about -- after sex? ah, I forgot you just go to sleep. Or maybe you just stick a dick in her mouth, that'll prevent her from asking too many questions.

See, if rank nasty and abberant!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Power to the MexiCANs

Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.
Ever seen that dumb-ass movie called "Once Upon A Time In Mexico"? There is this cheap-ass bit of dialoge that Jonny Depp vomits out; he asks Danny Trejo: "Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T?"

Well, it looks like Antonio Villaraigosa is a MexiCAN! He kicked Jimmy Hahn the fuck out of office. The first time that's happened to a first term Mayor in LA since the 1970s?!?! And Villaraigosa is the first Latin mayor since the 1870s, two centuries ago!?! Just goes to show you that even though LA is a mostly Hispanic town, they never knew how ot organize themselves to take the political reigns and run shit.

Talk about fucking up, Jimmy! Apparently, the niggas in LA weren't going to get behind Jimmy 'cause he sacked Police Chief Bernard Parks (who is African-American) in favor of William Bratton, the white man who beat the shit out of New York in the 90s (under Guiliani); you know the head of NYPD during the Amadu Dialo shooting and the Abner Luima plunger up the ass trick by white coppers.

Blacks in LA weren't too happy about that [incididently, there have been some pretty fucked up treatment of LA niggas since Bratton came in to power - at least two widely publicized shooting where the cops unleashed well over a 100 bullets on unarmed, under-20 black men], so LA Niggaz stuck it to Jimmy Hahn and dapped up the Mexican. Who might be a good mayor -- but unless he figures a way to deal with the God-awful transportation issues in LA then he's just another hoe-ass the Donkey Party got elected.

Jimmy initially refused to give up the post, thinking that the results could swing his way. He must have been smoking the crack LAPD and the Feds have been piping in the South Central the last two decades.

This marks an interesting turning point for the city that houses the greatest propaganda machine the world has yet seen. But don't expect Hollywood to take notice of the Latins running the politics, they might seek to have those westside communities seperate from LA proper.

I'm surprised that niggas were even considered as a determining factor, 'cause Black people just get taken for granted politically. As they have no true option when it comes to voting. Any Black vote for the Elephant-ass Party is one that signifies "I'm a dumb-fuck who couldn't careless about people, the environment or the future BUT I'm going to claim that I do."

Now all that needs to happen is to have Michael Jackson be found guilty -- not that I think he is, but I want to see how the drama unfolds if that happens.

Friday, May 13, 2005

I'll Be Back, Trust Me, I WIll!

Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.
Wow! The latest on Dave is that he's checked into a sanitarium in South Africa!!! [I wonder why not Switzerland? Is South African known for its pyschiatric knowledge?]

I have to believe the $50mil bill contract that Dave signed has to be a contributing factor to what's going on. No other Black comedian has made that kind of money. Shit, no Black Actor (denzel and will included) has made that kind of money -- essentially $25mil a year, plus the DVD revenues!!!! On three seasons of material!!!

I think white people love Dave a lot cause he says "nigger" quite a bit on his show -- and its one of the few places where 'nigger' can be hurtles at Blacks with no reprecussions or reprisals. Tartantino gave whites a chance to revel in that past practice quite a bit, but he's lost his ability to do it. Feel me on this, and here's why: everytime I get into a conversation about Chappelle's Show with someone white they have to bring up one of the skits that bandies about the word "nigger" and these white people -- all who are friends -- can't help but bring up the one skit called "the Niggars" where the white family in the 1950s has that name. White people love to quote that skit VERBATIM to me, or bring up the one about the blind black man who hates "niggurs." White people do the mock imitation of a black man doing a white cracker's voice (that in itself is funny, because it's so damn ironic!!!).

In all seriousness, Dave is a fantastic comedian become he's able to poke fun at the biggest source of misery in this country -- its race relations. The very best of comedians know that misery offers the most delictible bits of info to mined for comedic gold.

We'll see Dave again, shortly I hope. Apparently, Comedy Central has 4 or 5 episodes worth of material that could be aired as a "special." If they can't get Dave back before next Fall.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I'm Dave Chappelle, Beeyitch!

I'm Dave Chappelle, Beeyitch!
Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.
Contrary to what the billboards say, Chappelle's Show Season 3 IS NOT starting on May 31st. Apparently production on the show has stoppped production.

As much as people love Dave for all his skits, his penetrating commentary of race relations in the country that still champions the antagonist nature of those relations is what the show will probably most be remembered for. Bits like The Racial Draft, Wu-Tang Financial, that one "When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong" where Dave is the "good little Negro", the racist Black man and the skit where Dave testifies in all the major "black" court cases signify this man's true genius.

Of course Rick James, the Wayne Brady skit and all of Charlie Murphy's Hollywood Stories will have us laughing til we piss our pants, but Dave probably has high aspirations.

What those are? I guess we'll only know if and when the show comes back on. I don't think it'll come back for a 4th season though. Don't care how much money Comedy Central throws at Dave (unless they redesign his DVD royalty... 'cause Season 1 is the #1 selling DVD for 1st Season's of a TV Show, surpassing The Simpsons (and their first season was wack, tame, badly drawn). I figure Season 2 will make Dave on of the most paid Black men in Showbiz -- but don't expect it to give him any additional power to not have his methods questioned by those who run the business and give him money.

I wonder if the dispute in the production is over that? That Comedy Central wanted to foist their "approved" writers onto the show against Dave's wishes. Dave is only successful now, and he's been in Showbiz for at least ten years, struggling his ass off. So with no long track record of being successful, his more experimental (i.e. funnier) choices are no doubt being shit on by the Brass. A lot of times only Black people "get" a certain amount of Black humor; that trenchant biting stuff that comes from generations of living with a foot on your neck and a knife at your back.

Makes me wonder if The Boondocks show is ever going to air with the bite that the comic strip has -- maybe if it was on al-Jazeera, but no US TV network (cable or broadcast) would allow the skewering of the majority (race, society, government, class) that McGruder executes so well in the paper on humanity's greatest persuading communication device.

You know the FCC will crack down on Comedy Central and Dave will half million dollar fines for nebulous profanity use and indescent images/sounds. Who are the people establishing those guidelines?

Seal's Point of View

Heidi Klum
Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.
German supermodel Heidi Klum and British-born singer Seal have married in Mexico -- obviously a marriage in Germany might provoke some skinhead response.

This is the second high profile/celebrity Black man marrying a white woman in the last year. Curious to note that just like Tiger Woods, the white woman in question is a European.

Why is that of importance? Stunningly beautiful white women WILL flaunt their relationships with Black men in Europe, more so than in the States.

I wonder if that would be career suicide in America? Say if Lindsay Lohan was fucking someone like Pharrell - publically, 'cause they might have done it behind closed doors. I mean career suicide for BOTH!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Urban Rumors - 1st Installment

This was sent to me, I find it hilarious, but hopfully not true.

Unfortunately, the word on the street (which has been confirmed by a probation officer) is that the 60's stole 160 kilo's of cocaine from the Mexican Mafia. In retaliation, the Mexican Mafia and other Mexican gangs have decided to target and kill 400-1000 black men of all ages who are wearing white t-shirts. This is not limited to the freeways..... I understand that this is very real and very serious. Please pass this on to EVERYONE that you know. I suggest you do not wear any white shirts at all if possible. Also, if you have on a dress shirt, consider wearing your jacket over it....

I was the BIGGEST champion to end this robot, slavish, no-style-having craze/fad/phase of urban street gear! The white longboy T-shirt is perhaps the laughable uniform worn in the streets since i don't know when! Hip-hop clothing styles went 180, back in the late 80s it was vibrant color epitomized by Cross-Colors, the 90s and early 21st Century gave way to a blank, soulless, bleached whiter-than-white T-Shirt (usually not even 100% cotton) - not marking, no logos (which is good), not silk screening - nothing.

And now is it really going to be "open season" on these fools who sport this? (I see that white dudebros weren't so into sporting this cheap form of the urban rag)

As Elmer Fudd said, "It's duck season, no wabbit season!" Either way, niggas need to stop wearing this uniform and get their hands out of the air with the other cunts, and rehumanize their street stylistics.

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