What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

mussolini strung up
Do you remember this image? It's of Mussolini after the people of Italy got a hold of him and his bitch when they were trying to escape at the end of WW2.

It came to come 'cause our favoriet Iraqi strongmand got his neck stretched last night. Hard to believe he's actually dead... too bad his fucked-up kids didn't get to be publically hanged as well, Uday and Quesay were some right mean bastards.

The funny thing is, what's the difference between what George Bush and Donald Rumsfield did and what Hussein did? They each instigated wars of aggression, and only Saddam is paying for it. I have to imagine that Dubya and Rummy will never be travelling in Europe anytime soon; particularly Germany 'cause they have standing warrants to arrest those fools for War Crimes.

Can we honestly called the "War On Terror" in Iraq a war crime? Possibly, 'cause at least in Afghanistan we were going after a government that supported the 9/11 Attacks. However, no such evidence ever surfaced with Hussein to justify the subsequent invasions and sad, sad, sad occupation of Iraq.

You have to give it up to Saddam though, he held power nearly as long as Castro and raped and pillaged like the best of them. To top it off, he was defiant till the end! Always sitting up in court claiming that those judges had no right to convict him of anything. He was just doing what he felt he needed to do to maintain his power -- I'm sure Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover felt they needed to do the same thing when they signed the death warrants to numerous Black Panthers and other uppity niggers in the '60s -- yeah, I said it! When cut out all the bullshit, Hoover, Nixon and Johnson were complict in the execution of numerous notorious negro aggitators... and we never called them murderers. I figure half the original founders and leaders of the OSS and CIA signed the death warrants for a bunch of "undesirables", too, and they were lauded as heroes.

So what I'm trying to say -- it's all bullshit, whoever gets killed by a government. Pinochet never stood trial, yet I'm sure he probably personally killed or oversaw the killing of people in Chile during his brutal reign.

Well, once the Iraqu civil war is over and the country is divided in three, and people begin to write about what happened during the Saddam years, I'm sure will have some interesting books and memoirs -- that is, if any of those people survive the current fuck-shit that's going over there... but is that my problem?! Hell no, 'cause I'd be handling that shit differently. I wouldn't have dismantled the army (like the US did to the Wehrmacht at the end of Nazi Germany), 'cause at lose people had some military training, and they would have had jobs (i.e. food, money and access to contrabad shit) to assuage the anger that instantly turns to violence among Arab peoples... and I would have installed another strongman, who I'd then kill after a few years, and then allow a democratic government. Also, the US should have written the Iraqi constitution the way MacArthur did with Japan -- that way the ethnic power struggles wouldn't be in effect. It kills me that this wasn't part of the plan, the concept of Nation Building is EXACTLY what should have happened there, and yet it didn't for inexplicable reasons -- well, that's not true -- the arrogance of a fundamentalist Christian president and his "we can conquer sand-niggers, no problem" cabinet and staffers thought differently.

I just wish those fucked in the nuts Hussein kids could stand trial, or at least get them to testify in front a psychological review board!

Friday, December 22, 2006


Last night I watched Todd Field's latest film (hard to believe it's only his second, but hey) that adultery drama starring Katie Winselt and Jennifer Connelly -- two smoking hot chicks in their 30s, who stiffen the dick pretty much immediately. I'll never forget Connelly's turn in REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, when she did an ass-2-ass two-headed fuckstick session in front of a screaming, gaggle of old men... all for a single hit of heroin; talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Anyway, she resurfaces in this film (and BLOOD DIAMOND) during Oscar-season to add the extra oomph that some films need -- however, this was not one of those films. Sure, she was great in the film, but her role was limited although biting. In fact, now that I think about it, shes' perfectly cast -- with those perfectly shaped tits and those legs that go on for days, she inhabits the high maintenance chick perfectly; the kind of chick who is an over-achiever and who can easily emasculate her man (in this case husband) for not living up to the potential that her kind of beauty usually requires to stay satisfied in a relationship. You know the kind chicks, who might not be from money, but because of their looks and brains are courted by the power players of this world.

The film itself was a joy to watch, excellently crafted, written, acted and photographed; there's even this quirky narrator that adds the right amount of spice to an already gripping film.

Boredom in life, particularly domestic life leads to fantasy, and fantasy that is usually borderline perverse, because of the repressed nature of suburbia and the tranquility that a 9-to-5 job inflicts upon you. That boredom is what triggers the illicit affair in the film, and it's quite believable. It's not based upon jealously, but based upon a poor choices that the individuals made before the story began.

Poor choices can and will fuck up your life, so you have to be judicious about the choices you make, and then snap judgements that we then allow to dominate our lives for far too long.

The one thing about this film that sucks, is that we'll probably see less and less of these kind of insights into the human condition, because Hollywood hasn't opted to make a film like this in probably 10 years (minimum) and the independent money that would finance these projects might find better places for a higher ROI, as this kind of intense human drama doesn't mean SHIT to the under 25 set, so for go an enjoy this endangered species of cinematic fiction while you can.

Soon, you'll only be able to see this kind of beautiful writing and acting and musical enhancement of stunning photography perhaps 3 or 4 times a year (in English that is, foreign cinema from Europe hits this mark routinely, but we're seeing less and less of those films coming over here, too) -- never on TV proper (DVD truly did commodify and thereby eviscerate the "meaning" of movies) and perhaps just in art house or when a major studio is gunning for an Award for the prestige business that they are in for that brief period the week before Thanksgiving up to Xmas Day.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Scavengers at The Tower

Yesterday I was down in Redondo Beach area going to a friend's house, and I stopped by a Tower Records that was going out of business; had a "Five Days Left" sign blazooned across the front of the store. I had to stop, maybe there might have been a CD or a DVD that I could buy (I snagged teh 20th Anniversary of PLATOON the other day from the Tower in Sherman Oaks for only eight bills).

I walked in the door and was like, "FUCK" the place look liked a bunch of scavengers in a Mad Max film had looted the place, and recently, too. All the aisles and bins pushed to the side and where picked clean of anything of substance, the workers looked like that didn't give a rat's ass about anything (and why should they? They probably don't have any new jobs lined up).

It was sad to see this store, shit any store, in this state of complete "i-don't-give-a-fuck", because records and tapes and CDs mean a lot to me, nothing can soothe you like music, nothing can set the mood to get some fuckin' done like music, and yet we all have migrated to acquiring our music thru wired digital means -- with no desire to amass CDs anymore. I love album cover art, there's just something potentially cool and interesting about the artist that can be said in a few brief photographs... no all we have to look forward to is, the squared image on iTunes or what ever pose struck their fancy for a Rolling Stone or Vibe photo shoot.

Let's face facts though, mp3 files sound like shit, unless their being played back on those two-way or micro speakers that most computers come with OR over the earbud headphones that came with your iPod or Zune (is anyone even thinking of wasting their money on a Zune? Fuck, Bill Gates, if you ask me; and I don't give a shit that he's giving away his money to needy Africans -- and they need it, too).

But you know what? This is just the beginning, the face of things to come, when all the retail establishments that dispense with crap that we really don't need (yeah we NEED music, but not nearly 75% of SHIT that is recorded and sold to us). Just go to a Third World Country and see if they got music stores there, and then imagine what Tower was looking like when it was one it's last legs, and then look around at the other stores in the shopping centers and burn that image in your mind, 'cause something wicked this way comes...

Monday, December 18, 2006


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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quit denying it! Civil War is already in Effect!!!

See what's damn fucking hilarious to me is that everyone in the US and British government is hoping to AVOID a civil war in Iraq. But guess what? It's already in effect!

I know I'm not the first one to say this, particuarly since I'm late to make a comment after the ISG Report (which I want to read, but have no time to do).

The laughing-stock Iraqi so-called government doesn't know how to govern two dogs fucking, so how would they know how to govern the country or recognize the fact that it's all gone to hell as a result of the Arabic barbaric cultural artifact called Hammurabi's Code.

A memo was leaked recently that disgraced and dismissed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, expressed an opposing view on the Debacle in Iraq than Dubya's "stay the course."

Rumsfeld wrote, "In my view it is time for a major adjustment. Clearly, what US forces are doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough."

Nor did Mr Rumsfeld seem confident that the Administration would easily develop an effective alternative. To limit the political fallout from changing course, he suggested the Administration consider a campaign to lower public expectations.

"Announce that whatever new approach the US decides on, the US is doing so on a trial basis," he wrote. "This will give us the ability to readjust and move to another course if necessary and therefore not 'lose'. Recast the US military mission and the US goals [how we talk about them] - go minimalist," he said.

Now if you think about it... that's amazingly astute political strategy for any kind of bad public policy AND it goes to show you that Rumsfeld was ass-fucked by Dubya's desires to win in Iraq at all costs. The problem with Dubya losing and being forced to retreat, er I mean, redeploy, is that Dubya exposed the strength of America -- and the rest of the world learned that America isn't all that powerful to do anything on the global stage anymore. The War in Iraq -- not the War on Terror -- was the superpower showing the pink of its ass, and that's never good.

To be known as the president who actively shattered America's place in the geopolitical power structure is something I think Dubya will have a hard time swallowing (although he needs to get used to swallow jizz, because that's all the next two years are going to be) as he grew up during a time (and SEVERLY benefited from) when America was considered unstoppable -- and during Dubya's reign America has lost that label, and I think it stings someone who grew up with a silver spoon so far up his ass, because he knows that it'll be entirely different for his children (and are those some dumbass girls, one is cute though, but they're going to have to marry some really smart players to continue to live the life they are accustomed to).

LBJ had to resign when he fully grasped how bad he was fucking up, and Nixon had China to save his legacy (from being dipped in cat shit), but Dubya has nothing -- and Nancy Pelosi, the vindictive little bitch that she'll show everyone you have to be to be speaker of the house, is going to make it back-breakingly difficult for Dubya to close up his asshole and pull up his pants.

Social Class in a Classless Society?

I'm always one who finds the differences in the social classes in America the most defining and dividing aspects of its society. Travelling back and forth between the social classes is very fluid in America -- unlike anywhere else on the planet, in the history of the planet.

So whenever I come across material (articles, interviews, concepts in books) that detail what's going with America's social class and the way Americans contemplate such a heady, yet rarely talked about subject, it gets me jazzed up.

There is a socio-economist name Fussell, who is a "determinist", which means that he considered it relatively difficult for anyone to achieve a significant move in social (I'm a real, live case that would refute that stance, but there are exceptions to every rule). The curious thing about Fussell's determinist stance, is that America's social ethos is built on the fact that we CAN move from social class to social class. Although, you could argue that just because you made or lost a lot of money doesn't mean you've escaped the social codes of the social class you lived for most of your childhood and early adult life.

Fussell also, smartly, claimed that most Americans exhibit some degree of class anxiety or insecurity. Pointed out in the 1960s song by the R&B group The Temptations, "Don't Let The Joneses Get You Down."

Below is a breakdown of the various social classes, as defined by Fussell and others of his type.

Top out-of-sight: the "Old Money" wealthy who avoid public exposure (in part, due to experiences during the 1930s, when it was not to one's advantage to be wealthy). [True be told, I don't know enough about the 1930s to know what happened to wealthy people who didn't lose their money, but I'd like to know what their so-called "plight" was.

Upper Class: a group of those who are not only wealthy, but usually born into the wealth, and who espouse a different set of values than wealthy middle-class people or "proles". [Proles, as in proletariats, people who have to work for a living, and usually under someone else's fucking watchful eye.]

Upper-Middle Class: much better off than the majority, this class still lives primarily off earned income derived from professional status requiring expensive education: doctors, attorneys, upper-middle management, and so forth. Dentists and accountants are somewhat more problematic. This class is characterized by intense interest in higher education, and is generally the target audience of elitist, yet mainstream publications such as The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and so forth.

Middle Class: most "white collar" workers, including many of the self-employed, and a group most afflicted with status anxiety and confusion, envying the refinement of the upper-middle class and the leisure of the uppers.

High Prole: skilled, often wealthy manufacturing or service workers, who may out earn middle and even upper-middle class people but maintain a distinctively "lowbrow" culture.[Now this, this is fascinating, and we ALL know people who fit this bill. People who eschew any sense of upward class mobility -- even though they have the money -- because it would cause them to have to behave in a way that they have seen to be more disgusting to them?]

Mid Prole: an intermediate level of often poor workers, but with stable employment and relative security.

Low Prole: the working poor, with difficulty finding steady employment.[Guess who fits in here? Me! That's right damn it all to hell. What ever I do in what I'm passionate about, continues to keep me in the most fucked up of economic circumstances...]

Destitute: the homeless underclass. [What's really fucked up is that currently, this is where I am. I don't have a job, the place I'm staying in is REALLY fucked up because it's not my house and the owner has these dogs that get high priority on the living conditions.]

Bottom out-of-sight: those incarcerated in prisons, or otherwise outside the purview of sociology; like top-out-of-sights, they fall so low in society as to become effectively invisible.

So you can see there is more to the social dynamics of America than super rich, upper, middle and lower class -- each group has it's own traits that cultivate the socializing behavior of those who are in the group. What's interesting about the social codes of each group is how difficult it is to shed the codes of your previous class when you move, and how difficult it is to pick the codes of the new class. Also, it is a lot easier to degrade yourself as you fall down the social ordering. Whereas, you might never be accepted in the class that you climb to, particularly when it comes to the serious moneyed classes.

Oddly, the denizens of the uber-rich don't have the same kind of respect for someone who makes the huge paydays in their life time, whereas these muthafuckas got their immense wealth, usually, from some poor son of a bitch who made a look of fucking money in their 30s thru 50s, and then had a bunch of kids, grandkids and great grandids who just suckle of the sloppy old tit of the man who came from little in the first place.

In America, you become part of the ruling class, the so-called royal class, by maintain obscene wealth for probably two or more generations. Isn't that funny?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Always and Forever White Man's Entertainer!

There was an article/news story that I can across this evening that came out of Tempe, AZ. It's where a white gun & badge man (you know a cop) told two young Black men (who were driving a Benz) that they could escape a littering ticket if they rapped for the cop!

He said, "my gun and my badge make me right," as he proceeded to garner the rap from these stupid-ass negroes (the kind that would have had their necks slit in that play "A Soldier's Story").

What stuns the fuck out of me is this was a new story where there was actual video footage -- the cop and the cooning semi-hoods KNEW they were on tape and still acted like thiw as an everyday thang in Tempe.

Leave it to the NAACP to lash out and put its foot in the ass of the Tempe Police Department, but why didn't the producers at the news station have any editorial restraint and pull this fucking "make niggers look bad" story from the program schedule. Oh, I just said it, didn't I!

It's all about continuing to make niggas look like monkeys, buffons, and criminals in the media.

Score One for The Stormfront supporters!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Citizen Murdoch Denounces Confessional!

The one thing about Rupert Murdoch -- our modern day Charles Forster Kane -- is that he knows how to wield his power. You have to know that he pulls the plug on the OJ Simpson media circus just to show OJ that, "no nigger, you don't have any power, sway or anything else that you think might be considered influence."

It's one of the reasons why I wanted to see the book and the TV special, just to see what kind of power OJ Simpson still holds... apparently still quite a lot, because the announcement of the event sure has hell riled up those simmering crackers who will never and have never stopped hating that nigger for killing that lilly white woman.

My brother was claiming that there is/was some correlation with the Michael "Kramer" Richards incident and the OJ Simpson spotlight grab, that Michael Richards was internally fuming about the potential that OJ -- a black man who surely would have been hung by the neck until he was dead, then tarred and feathered and dragged around by an Edsel if what he was accused of doing happened say in the mid 1950s....

The one thing about Michael Richards that is very fucked up is -- he was never a known stand-up who worked the circuit and paid his dues and made a name and career and profession for himself, because those guys and gals don't let the audience's boolshit get to them. Hell, it's part of the game to deal with heckler and the audience not thinking you're any good and busting your ass! Remember the old image from the Looney Tunes where muthafuckas throw tomatoes and cabbage at bad performers when they stunk it up but good? Well that's what happened; fucking with your act is something that taught you to be better. Sure, it was a bitter lesson, but show business is a bitter back stabbing business.

Michael Richards obviously couldn't taken the piss getting taken out of him, and he erupted with his true 57 year old white man feelings toward Blacks. However, it's true he's not a racist -- per se, only because we don't know if he fucks with Black people for the hell of it on a regularl basis over chump-change shit. I'm sure that after making like 30 million dollars, he might only converse with 10 black people a year. And yet he still has the disrespet for niggas up in him to show the pink of his ass when a Black man claimed this non-comedian was not funny. Fuck, when is he ever supposed to have been funny to be able to make people laugh in a comedy club -- arguably the hardest venue in show biz?

So maybe the OJ mayhem stirred up the pot at Holllywood Hills cocktail parties, and the vitriol that has never left this city burped up to the surface of one dude's mental state. I wouldn't call him racist, just showing his true colors. As many many many many many white people still think the way he does.

I've said it before, it's not that slavery fucked the hell out of Black people, it was the dehumanization of Blacks peoples and the continued debasement of Black people AFTER slavery that established the perpetual dick-slapping of Black people. Just the fact that Black people were akin to cars and other pieces of INANIMATE personal property hasn't really trully been shaken from the psyche of American society. And don't think it'll change when all those people are dead and gone, because the media images re-inforce those thoughts constantly -- people overseas dislike American Blacks because Hollywood has told them to do just that, and be afraid of the Black man all he wants to do is fuck (odd, because what man doesn't want to fuck all the time?).

To call it disgusting is just plain stupid, it's just pulling back the curtain on what's really going on in the minds of the super rich...

Friday, November 17, 2006

A Rehash of the LOOK Magazine Confession

What do you know about the Emmitt Till case? That landmark civil rights murder, you know the one where the KKK killed Chicago native Emmitt, and the murderers skated!!! Then to add insult to fatal injury, the suspects damn-near confessed to the crime in that now-defunct photo magazine LOOK (where Stanley Kubrick got his start). Nothing ever happened to those good ol'boys until recently when the case was revisited and those bastards finally got their cummupence!

I bring this up because I still can't get over the fact that OJ Simpson is making another grasps at the spotlight with this book/2-part TV event in which he explores, kinda like Geraldo Rivera, what possibly happened that one fatalful night in Brentwood, California (a tony suburb/enclave if there ever was one). Not to put my vote in the "He Did" or the "He Didn't" basket, but damn NIGGA! why can't you live out your days in France! Or someplace in Europe where you can still get some dap! Europe harbored the likes of God knows how many African strongmen/mass murderers, and those people got on with their lives and didn't cause a stink (to my knowledge) in the public view.

Granted this fool claimed to continue looking for the "real killers" steadfastedly after he skated in LA Superior Court and then took it on the chin in Ventura County Civil Court.

The thing about OJ that boggles my muthafuckin' mind is why hasn't some really pissed-the-fuck-off white person hasn't pulled a Jack Ruby on his ass!?!?! Do lone gunmen theories only work with Presidents and Presidential Candidates? Imagine some crackpop Thai dude who wasn't even in America (or spoke English) when the OJ shit went down, and he just rolls up on OJ, pulls a Glock and starts bucking?!?!

So OJ's Fox special could get him in serious trouble as you don't know what flames will be fanned by this activity... another big question is, what sponsors are paying for the programming? ReganBooks is publishing the "What If" book of "What If" books, and I bet they make a killing. I have to assume that OJ doesn't take any payment, but funnels all proceeds to his children's trust funds (otherwise Goldman's pop's would have his hand out... the little bitch; I say that 'cause he's only mad that he cain't get his pound of flesh).

I know Johnnie Cochran is spinning in his grave; 'cause this move just tarnished his legacy (as OJ's can't be tarnished any further) and he was a great man.

See the thing about killing White Women (especially a blonde) is that society at large holds that designation up to the highest level of lauding. And to nearly behead such a sacrosanct personage AND NOT TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE GALLOWS just smacks the mouth of the sinister "undercurrent" of Power, Prestige and Privellege in this so-called Great Nation of "ours." You have to really give Cochran his props for handing the LA DA's office their ass. Because it wasn't a matter of how much money was spent on the case, but what kind of blow to society the "not guilty" verdict struck! If you ever get a chance to rummage through some old TV footage of people avidly hanging over their TV sets in HUGE groups awaiting the verdict (like some damn movie), notice how the niggas are just rejoicing -- either explosively or cautiously/silently and then notice the agog expressions on the rest of the races and ethnic groups in the country...

I wonder who is going to watch the show? Or just TiVo it? Better yet, who is going to admit to watching it?!?!! I know that I'll peep... under the auspecies that I can fire off a missive about it later on.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Admission Applications Must Contain Donation Checks

A place in the incoming freshman class at the elite universities are up for sale to those with the deepest pockets.

There was story about how Ralph Lauren's kids got wined & dined by a university stringpuller named Joel Fleischman at Duke University, and eventually Lauren pledged a six figure sum to Duke and Stringpuller Fleischman got a seat on Lauren's board of directors!!!!

They have these things called "development admits" -- students who have poor academic marks, but a high propensity for a financial donation from the family -- these muthafuckas get up in to schools pretty much no questions asked, just as long as a blank check was written.

The elite have unprecendented access to the avenues to the power centers in this country (doesn't matter if it's Hollywood, the Beltway, Wall Street or Madision Avenue) it's the same select group for people who continue to run shit, shape shit, design shit and choose who gets ignored...

And yet we CLAIM to live in a country where the "power of the people" means something. That line of propaganda has to be broadcast high and wide, 'cause the Average Joe would be rioting in the streets more often, and demanding peoples heads on stakes the way they did during the French Revolution...

Tell All Memoir?!?!

Jailed Juice
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
The big media news from Hollywood today revolves around that old standby of celebrity justice - Orenthal James Simpson; everyone is talking about how Fox is looking to claim the November sweeps week by broadcasting a two-part special with OJ that is tied to his upcoming book If I Did It, Here's How It Happened!!!

Not one to hate, but damn nigga isn't this taking it a little too far? Or are you just trying to jab your finger at Nicole Brown's chump father?

In the scabarous tabloid Simpson employs the "if I did it" fig leaf to detail the 1994 slasher murders of his wife, Nicole Brown, and Ronald Goldman, a waiter at a nearby restaurant in the upscale Brentwood, California, neighborhood where the near-beheadings took place (incidently since we've subsequently seen beheadings of people broadcast from Iraq and Afghanistan, we know it takes a lot of time to slice through someone's kneck -- all that muscle and gristle, shit, that's time consuming).

OJ walked away scottfree from those two murders in a televised criminal trial, led by the ever-marvelous Johnnie Cochran.

Cochran - You Must Acquit!
OJ was found liable in a subsequent civil suit for the deaths; obviously Cochran didn't handle that suit.

I've always claimed the OJ wasn't the sole killer, perhaps the multiple killer theory will come up in the book, which you know is airport reading for the upcoming holiday season, it's actually a great stocking stuffer. I'll have to buy it in the airport anyway, 'cause that will be a Scarlett Letter type of purchase here in SoCal 'cause people will never forgive that NIGGER for supposedly seriously dicking down, then killing a Barbie doll cute (although a coke head) white girl. Brock Peter's character in "To Kill A Mockingbird" laid the template on just how far we HAVE NOT come...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bitch-slappping the GOP

WHAAA-HOOOO!!! The House the Newt built has finally fuckin' collapsed (although not with a resounding thud...)! All the scandal and thievery and ass-fucking (whether it was paid for or of little boys) actually did those suckas in (whereas they tried to cut Cliinton off at the knees for merely dicking down -- conscenually, I might add -- of an early 20s FEMALE intern!) Bitch-move people like Pombo in CA, Foley in FL, and Weldon in PA all got their asses handed to them. Take that, sucka MCs!

What the Democrats need to have on their agenda is taking Dubya to task for lying out right to them, the American people, the United Nations and the entire planet about his ability to effectively lead the dominating financial & cultural force in the planet's history.

So now that Rummy has stepped down (he had to because Dubya knew the Donkey Controlled Congress would be fucking with Rummy and the Pentagon for the final 800+ days left in Dubya's grandstanding activity). As they say, "his whole style is CHUMP!" But is his successor going to do about Iraq?

Fuck! There's too many of them! Fall back!

Well, here's a trick they could do... they could fall back, retreat, "re-deploy", cut & run -- whatever you want to call it... in doing so, the US Military would have to pull back down South, move toward Kuwait and exit comfortably out of Kuwait's ports.

Now we know that retreating by land will bring at least 85% of the insurgents and al-Qaeda forces to surge toward the convoy, where they'll rain down jihadist bullets and motars and rpgs -- and that's fine, that's exactly what I want to happen.

Not that I want to see anymore American soliders bite the bullet in old skool Babylon, but because all these little fucks who hide out amongst the civilians and take potshots at the troops or squirrel away those IEDs will emerge from their holes and attempt to take it to the "defeated and retreating infidel-defilers", and that's when they'll get their asses handed to them. Why? 'Cause they'll be out in the open to get swiftly executed -- G.I.Joe style -- the same way the chump Republican Guard got faded in the both the Gulf Wars.

The way I figure a retreating U.S. Military is too ripe a target for all the terrorists, insurgents, Sunni militia with an axe to grind, and overzealous & over-barbaric Shi'ite gun-toting fools to pass up -- they'll coming flying out of the wood-work to get their jihad on... fish in a barrel. Although, it would tricky to get the public and the military on the ground to actually buy into such a tactic. However, it should be considered, 'cause how else would the US effectively leave them bitch-bastards hanging in the wind?

Then with the Iraqi armed fuck-ups thinned out quite a bit, maybe their joke of a government can restore some order. Although order is a relative term in Iraq, because the cabal of ethnicities over their have proven to be ungovernable in a collective. Perhaps it's best to let the country fall into civil war, to splinter the country and have the borders redrawn... sure the Sunnis will probably get SHIT, but who's problem is that? Not the Western worlds!

The sticking point though is that Prez 43 stormed into Iraq with a modern day version of Blitzkrieg under the pretext of regime change... which kind of means installing a stable government to replace to hoe who used to run things.

Oh, did you hear how today the German High Court is going to present "War Crimes" charges against Donald Rumsfeld? NOW THAT IS SOME BOLD SHIT!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Death Sentence!!! Take That Dick In The Mouth

Yo!!! So muthafuckin' Sadam is gonna get hanged by the neck until he's dead!
That's some wild-ass sheeyit, if you ask me. I mean, yeah, he was gonna get found guilty regardless of how dope or fucked-up the prosecution's case was gonna be, so no biggie that he's going down.

But he's going down by the gallows, that's quite barbaric... well, perhaps not for a country that holds host to someof the most hypocratic killing motivations imagination (i.e. because you have a freezer that was around during the time of Muhammed, therefore I must smight you with these bullets from an AK-47). Truth be told, to really show how unbelievablly bitch-ass the Iraqis are, they need to pull a page from Hitler's play book; any why not? Hussein has been compared to Hitler numerous times.

What am I talking about? Because Hitler's play book of the barbaric has a lot of "no-he-didn't" material in it. The one items that surfaces in the gray matter is the multiple hangings that Hitler demanded. By multiple hangings I mean on the same few people. See there was a group of would-be assassins who were rounded up and hanged two or three times, yeah, you heard me right. Muthafuckin' Unkle Adolf had these conspirators marched out on the gallows, the nooses fitted tight around their necks and then the man in the black mask cranked up a winch pulling these poors sods into the air. They choked and kicked and spittled and yelped and shitted in their pants and pissed their drawers and finally died -- well, not quite. A few moments before this inept killers kicked the bucket, Hitler had them cut down, and medical doctors revive them AND THEN HE HAD THE HANGED ONE MORE TIME. I think this cycle repeated twice, so these people were hanged three times total -- can you imagine the absolute horror of having your neck stretched, blacking out and then waking up with that mad man staring down at you, chuckling, and preparing you to "die" more time!

FUCK is right! God damn that man was crazy. But ya see, ya can't put nuthin' past a muthafucka who's into the occult; as Hitler was.

Which brings me back to Sadam. This muthafucka has like two or three more trial to go... more crimes against humanity bullshit charges. I say bullshit, because many of the things American industry has done over the past 50 years could also be considered crimes against humanity, but The Hague isn't fucking wit dem! Henry Kissinger comes to mind, both George Bushs, Jack Welch, anyone who worked at Haliburton.

I degress.

Back to the Iraqi Strongman. Is this fool going to get tried posthumously or are they going to hang him, then cut the rope when he's like 43 seconds from death, take him to the hospital, revive him (clean the shit out his pants), and put him back in a cell to await the next trial?

IMHO, putting Hussein on trial is a mockery of justice. When has a dictator ever stood trial? Hasn't happened! In fact, it shouldn't happen, because these people are heads of state and they should be allowed to run amok WiTHIN IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY however they see fit. Why? Because given the right circumstances, Hussein would still be in power if the US didn't oust his ass (although they kept his monkey-ass in power, didn't they?) and unless the people of a given country can actively put you down, the SuperPower shouldn't arrange a rigged court. Imagine of Hitler or Mao or Stalin or Marcos or Pinochet or Pot or Castro or Noriega or M'Butu ever went on trial within their own country without outside assistance? The country would tear itself apart!

Oh, I forgot that's what's happening in Iraq. These countries would tear themselves apart, because a huge stake of the population is instrumental in keeping strongmen in power. Dictators don't rule alone, they make decisions alone, but how many people carry out their orders?

Those Iraqis are probably all killed or exiled at the moment, and they should also be on trial...

Well, let's see how the bitch-ass Shi'ites handle this turn of events.

Friday, November 03, 2006

To The Ends Of The Earth

Jailed Juice
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Did you know that Ronald Goldman's dad lost some court fight against The Juice this week? Yeah, Goldman -- who is STILL seeking the $38million wrongful death verdict imposed on O.J. -- was seeking some publicity money streams that the Juice has been collecting by appearing as a slasher in some mock event.

Number one, Goldman will never get shit! Rich people who can escape prison when the cards are stacked against them so high, can surely prevent their assets from being seized by anybody or anything except for the Federal government.

Still the "Slasher" gag is true, then O.J. is slapping Goldman with his dick. I have to imagine that the 12 years since his daughter's death, Goldman has forced to taste O.J.'s dick more times than maybe Nicole did, certainly more than he ever wanted to.

Go out and vote on Tuesday and UNSEAT THE GOP. Those scandalous bitches don't deserve to have any political power -- they've proven that they can't be trusted with the keys to the country; they'll just fuck things up for 80% of the citizens, line their pockets extensively while their at, fuck young boys (and girls, but that's expected so it's never news) and denouce legislation that could change the course of the country and get it off the downspiral it's on right now!

Public Radio Snobs??

Sylvia Saint
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Why do NPR listeners have an aura of being snobs? I listen to it quite a bit, because I like the coverage and the interviews. And is there any other type of news radio? Besides the shit on AM that carries the likes of Larry Elder and Sean Hannity? I don't think you can call that news, more like propaganda and hang-wringing.

Although, NPR listeners probably lament the most that most entertainment outlets cater to the strictly under 25 set -- but they're the ones who are kind of responsible for that. If people over the age of 30 went to see more intelligent movies, bought less overly manufactured pop music and supported music artists who have trully worked on their craft or watched the kind of TV that wasn't so the MTV/WB/CW target demographic, then maybe the

Oh, another thing about NPR. I heard a story today stating that George Lucas gave USC's cinema school a $175 million grant, but then he said that LucasFilm was getting out of the film business and getting into the TV business! Citing that movies are too expensive to make and the risk is too large. Well, if you're looking to continue "making" the utter BULLSHIT that he's been turning out since the Raiders of the Lost Ark (arguably everything after that has been cheap rehash of the same idea -- Episodes V and VI of the first Star Wars, the yak-shit of the second trilogy, the underwealming Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, the recycled Willow, the weak 2nd through 4th installments of the Indianan Jones films, oh and who can forget Howard the Duck and Radioland Murders; never mind the so-called updating of the effects in the Star Wars movies), all the while driving up the costs of cutting edge special effects so the video game division of Lucas's empire can doublebill the development expense... then sure movies are too fucking expensive and wildly out of control gambles.

Truth be told George Lucas isn't a very dramaturgical creative person, he was just someone who jumped into the film game at a time when the space age was filtering all of its advances to the consumer world and he figured why not bring computers to film production. Just look at his output since he was seduced by silicon and binary code -- shody at best.

But it seems to me that movies can be made for half the price of the original Star Wars flim and still be damn good. There was a Russian film that came out called "NIGHT WATCH", which supposedly cost $4million and the effects work rivaled anything Industrial Light & Magic has done for ten times the budget (by that I mean the effects budget).

I fail to see how a show like "Battlestar Galatica" at $10mil an episode is less risky and more captivating than a film like CITY OF GOD with its barely $3million budget... truth be told budgets are relative. It's marketing costs, and the one thing Lucas did very well was learn how to create a brand that sells product as interesting as rotten chicken gizzards, and the public laps it up like it was the best French ice cream.

Every filmmaking center OUTSIDE of the United States can make highly entertaining AND smart films the cost of Tom Hanks' salary on a project. Although, maybe you wouldn't know about that if you only got your news and free-thinking expression for big media controlled outlets...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So the scuttlebutt around Hollywood these days is that "Studio 60: Live on the Sunset Strip" is on the verge of being cancelled.

This might be the stupidest thing that NBC-Universal has done (next to deciding not to have expense programing in the 8pm hour) since GE combined the two companies and they lost Stacy Snider as the head of universal.

TV has been outstanding as entertainment, surpassing movies because movies became "product" whereas TV is all about selling product... and Sorkin's incisive wit and commentary on what's hip for pop culture beyond the Paris/Brittany set. Sure the show is about what goes on at someplace that people don't get or maybe wanna get, but the pressures of creating the material that entertains the general audience is indeed compelling drama. The battle between art and commerce probably doesn't mean SHIT to 95% of the viewing audience, but they love it when art edges out business just for a second and engaging material is the result (whether it's TV, books, movies, theater or music). And obivously it's not The Office, which is perhaps the most familiar TV known to have been conceived, but not everyone can make light of the world of the Wage Slave that far too many of us suffer(ed) under.

People love to read biographies of famous people who bucked the odds, but those people are usually famous from doing something in the realm of "art" (i.e. Coco Chanel, Liz Taylor, Picasso, Jennifer Aniston), not bold-faced commerce and Sorkin's examination of the trials and tribulations of "putting it together" is pulls back the curtain to a certain extent. However, not as shameless as any "making of" supplement on the most recent of DVDs.

True, the in-show comedy sketches need to be better (i.e. hire some writers strictly for that purpose alone), but the human condition plumbed on Monday nights at 10pm is worth more people watching. So get out the Vote, and set your Nielson boxes or deluge NBC's email box with "keep this show" spam bombs. Whatever it takes. Sorkin is worth it -- I don't know how many people adored the West Wing, but I doubt it was the same huge number of fans by the end of the first season as it was at the beginning.

Election Practices... Reminds Me of Jim Crow

Birth of Fade Nigga Nation
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
I was listening to an NPR story this evening about the problem with electronic voting machines, and how some weak-as-fuck sonsabitches are strident proponents for these new fangled contraptions.

WHY? Somebody please tell me why!

In an age when anything and everything electronic is patently not safe, to entrust the cornerstone of the country's saving grace smacks of sucking your own dick. Sure you could do it, by bending yourself out of shape, but what fun is it? And it sure isn't as satisfying as if it was done right!

But of course, America (particularly the America that GOP supporters and Traditionalist as defined by Bill O'Reilly in his egregious book Culture Warrior) doesn't really want to be a democratic society any more -- if it ever wanted to be one since the Fall of Hitler. Remember, before Hitler the IRS and other governmental practices, institutions and clandestine activities were the exception of oppression. Now, we live in a so-called country that props up Democracy the way a pimp props up his pretty bitch at the beginning of the night -- eventhough he WHUPPED her ass the night before! He does it, 'cause it's the best way to keep business going and to have the illusion continue, yet the reality is torn up and disrespected like you wouldn't believe.

My issue with electronic voting machines is that like computers they can probably be hacked with the greatest of ease by another who has a C++ rules & regulations manual.

The worst offender is the Ohio Secretary of State, a fool who's changing the voting rules time & time again to enable his GOP's dick sucking ass to win the election in a state that has for the last 11 presidential elections been critical/key/paramount to rolling on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Hard to believe a slump-shouldered state like Ohio has so much clout in national politics. I mean there ain't shit in the whole damn state except for the Cleveland Clinic that really has any value. Ohio is one of those state's that could be hit by Kim Jong Il's nuke arsenal and what happens? (in a world where there's no fall out that is?) Biggest problem with OH elections is that they do a mighty fine job for a nothern state at keeping the niggas from casting ballots (in rigged elections anyway).

The fact that any Federal Election governing body refuses to step in -- wait a minute, wait a fucking minute that would mean trampling state's rights, obivously something that we are supposed to hold higher than all things but the Constitution itself; but something that's overrated as fuck when a single state's voters get raped with a hot iron by the GOP swindlers makes me rethink the entire concept of the US's vaunted democracy.

We shit on Ben Franklin's creation at home like it's nobody's business, and yet we're fighting a war to give it to straight-dick-wads who don't want it and/or don't give a flying dead dog dick yank about it in the first place; a war that's lasting nearly as long as the European campaign in WW2...

Monday, October 30, 2006


Bush with Clean Hands
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
That's Prescott's Grandson's final day to fuck the country, at least on an active scale 'cause we all know that the dick-slapping he's given the country will have these cosmic ripple effects that we won't begin to see the catastrophic effects of until sometime in the middle of the next decade.

There is something like 816 days left, until we can usher out the most dangerous president in the history of the game -- nay, the history of the planet moves out of office.

Did anyone read the current of Rolling Stone? The one that has a cartoom of the Capitol Building on the cover? How could you miss it? In the bottom right corner there is a drawing of a Congressman chasing a little boy (an seriously funny jab at child-dick sucker Mark Foley), the article inside is extra good at describing the painfully undemocratic (yet not unpatriotic) methods, activities and abuses that the GOP controlled Congress has partaken in since Newt "the hoe" Gingrich led the charge for the Republicans to control both houses of Congress.

One of the main federally sanctioned country-rape&pillage, James Sennesenbrenner DEFINITELY needs to be voted the fuck out of his congressional seat. Will it happen? Hard to say, as incumbents -- even ones as shady as his ass -- tend to win unless they egregiously fuck up. I'd laugh to see him lose, but it would be a short chuckle as the jaw-dropping pillaging and general bitch-slapping of America that he's done is damn near unfixable.

In fact, I'd wager that all the "bitch, take that!" tactics that the GOP has executed in the last 14 years won't ever be undone.

Only SEVEN DAYS left to see about changing the world as we know it... baby steps at a time.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Pop Music: A Euphoric Drug with a Sinister Purpose

Angelina Jolie - Orgasmic
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
I was having a conversation with my younger brother over the last couple days via our Crackberries (he's in London working on a new job and I'm back in the San Fernando Valley in a half-way house) about the differences in UK culture and American culture. What came up in the conversation is how the American public by in large is conditioned to be ignorant, in fact to relish in that ignorance.

I revived a theory that I had came up with a long time ago about how pop music (the culture it stems from) is much like at public control drug in Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World" called Soma. Pop music is controlled by the mega-corporations that have strong ties to the controlling forces in the U.S. Government. We all know that the Record Companies have done everything they can to take away the independent power of the various pop music movements over the past 40 years -- ranging from the rebellous nature of rock in the 60s (it all became corporatized), the raging, questioning zeitgeist of punk in 70s and early 80s, the "fuck the Man" nature of rap in the late 80s and early 90s -- and turned all that artist expression for questioning authority into money-making machines that made the marketing economics of the game more important than anything the artists were trying to do or say to their audience.

And at what expense? Everything those fringe music movements had going for them once they started becoming mainstream was stripped out of them like a Roman Soldier raping a Germanic tribeswoman.

Each of these musical movements became 'mainstream',became 'pop' as the major record labels started offering the artists scandalous amounts of money for control of their artistic destinies, and how much radio play any given artist would strive for/get.

The payola scandals that continue to this day have determined what mindless music blasts out of the FM dial, the MTV broadcast, and the XM satelite stream (mark my words, XM and Sirrus are taking cash, how can they not and get this -- they're beaming out info via satelite to anyone -- the FCC would put a stop to "serious seditious" sounds if they wanted to) is all designed to make you feel good when you're listening.

When you're feeling the euphoria that music conveys as it tickles the same pleasure sensors in your brain to cause your dick to get hard or your pussy to get wet, don't you wonder if it's causing you to not have rational thought?

Take a rave for example: drugs, sex and music -- the combination that can control the youth market at anytime and/or anyplace -- are the cornerstone to the success of those fantastic experiences. But the drug aspect violates each and every aspect of the War of Drugs policies from the early Reagan Administration -- don't you think those things would be shut the fuck down if they really posed a so-called threat? Cops and other law enforcement know all about that shit! How can they not? They just need to spread around some greenbacks and/or drugs and hopped up kids are jabbering away about the location and the ringleaders. The powers that be figure, keep the majority of kids high and thinking about everything else by the society that they're about to inherit...

You can't knock the orgamic power of music -- we all fuck to it, or at least we want to fuck to it, and the subject matter of a lot of music is about fucking; and everybody knows that when fucking is on the brain little else matters...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Not On My Watch"

Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Why is it that the phrases - "not on my watch" or "never again" are the most hot air any politician can breath?

Let's take a look at what is happening on George W. Bush's watch -- now although it's veracity could be called into question, American and Iraqi health officials estimate that some 655,000 Iraqis have died since Hussein got the boot. If that's true, it only half of that number is true, then we're looking at something akin to... akin to... Darfur! Where at least 250,000 Sudanese have been slaughtered.

Curiously that puts a potential death toll -- for stoppable, avoidable violence, upwards of 1 million people. Kind of reminds me of the wholesale genocide in Rwanda about a decade ago.

I'll tell you something though, what's the deal with reform? I've spoken earlier about the need for a Reformation in Islam, much like what we saw in Christianity and Hebrew teachings. Now here's something I learned recently about even the calls for reform -- in an Islamic state/society those calls are a crime punishable by death. And believe you me, there would be NO shortage of so-called protectors of the faith brandishing Black & Decker drills and other hardware tools to dismember who ever was speaking out. I guess it has to do with the fact that Muhammed told muthafuckas that what he was doing was the final correction -- ain't nothing else is need.

I link this to what's going on in Sudan and Iraq, because they are both Islamic societies (at the ruling party in Sudan is) and they're causing problems globally... can we all wish for the day when religious violence based on some crap from the so-called Holy Land is only read out in out-of-print history books?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I can't help but chuckle and giggle at the G.O.P. these last few weeks -- the Foley Fucking Underage Pages Sex Scandal is absolutely hilarious. The one thing the stories about Foley's predatory predilections is that we don't if he actually bedded down other aides... I mean was he just constantly soliciting and never got it going, or did he actually score a few times over the past few years?

What's quite interesting about this shaken-to-the-core scandal is that since Newet Gingrich ushered in the NeoCons back during Clinton's first term, we have seen a rise of the Evangelical Christian Right and their need to shape the moral center/compass of the country. And yet, during that same time the level of sexual scandal, the level of raping and pillaging of the country, the level of monumental waste from Federal Government spending, the increase of drug use and decay of the urban centers (I don't give a FUCK what the stats say I know more people know than ever before who casually use drugs that it's silly) and the fact that America has effectively turned its back on a good 10% of its population (all the niggas living in the inner city or straight rural South -- ignored like they're homeless men holding a Feed Me sign at a 405 Freeway on-ramp!) has all increased, perhaps in direct correlation with the Grip on "what is morally right" that the Rapture nutcakes have been preaching.

The G.O.P. is no doubt rigging elections -- you can't believe otherwise. Why? Because that's what happens in countries where the Middle Class is basically non-existent or on its way out, and the rich and powerful run the show. You think that America has lost its ability to be democratic on the local, state and national, then you'd be thinking correctly! You don't see it now, because it is not pervasive. it doesn't need to be, all that needs to happen is election rigging needs to happen in Key States that can tip the balance in the fucked-up Electoral College System that we use over here.

And don't be fooled into thinking that America is all about spreading democracy across the Globe -- maybe for other white peoples, but not People of Color. In every place where the people aren't white and they FINALLY have an open, if not free election and the result is something that doesn't benefit the U.S.'s global empire agenda, the US protests the results and sends out the Jackals (CIA hitmen and Consulting Company mesmerizers) to find every way possible to reverse the results of the election. Case in point, The Gaza Strip/West Bank -- Hamas is what the people wanted. What's the problem with that? Let the Palestinians fuck themselves for a few years, they'll vote out the bitches -- if they prove to be bitches. I mean, imagine if the rest of the world wasn't down with our choice of President (as most of the world leaders did NOT want G.W. Bush re-elected, and yet economic sanctions and tariffs weren't levied against the US, why not?) Back in the early 70s, the US didn't want Chile to be ruled by Allende and his Communist passions, so they orchestrated his death -- and the dictator of all South American Banana Republic's ran that country just as bad as Sadam Hussein, just not as long, and he then changed his tune as he got old as fuck (Pinochet's in his 80s, Hussein in his 60s, meaning that when Pinochet was installed into power, he was already in his mid50s -- just at that point when you get tired of the fighting... so he was going to be giving it up by the mid80 -- like he did -- for the get-go.

I guess I'm disappointed that I'm still young and the world I'm inheriting from the Reagan & Bush years is perhaps the most catastrophic possible, because it signals the decline of the Pax Americana -- AND I HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ACT LIKE A PAID WHITE MAN, LIKE A FOOL! To do so now is completely irresponsible.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Leisure Time?!? Fuck That!!!

Leisure Time?!? Fuck That!!!
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Two interesting news reports this week, and both have to do with the same thing -- the first one was the fact that Germany's industrial base is short some 38,000 engineers; the second is that the front pages of Japan's news papers are boaming the fact that Japan is losing is edge on "quality" in manufacturing.

What is this telling us about the manufacturing giants of the Industrial Age?

We all know that America's edge in just about everything except for TV/Film, drugs (illegal and legal) and financial has been considerably dull for at least 10 years -- if not longer, and now the other two post-WW2 powerhouses are stumbling.

The countries that emerged from the ashes of Hitler's nightmare and the Japanese aggression have pillaged the planet to the extent that they can't even sustain themselves with any kind of economic drive outside of the intangibles that are endemic to the ethos of the nation.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

By the Power of the Holy Spirit - Smite the Mohammedian Followers

Benny the 16th
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Apparently Benny the 16th set off a global row by quoting at 14th century text in which it was proclaimed -- "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Now if that isn't a swift kick in the ass, then I don't know what is??!?!

Granted the way the most loud-mouthed Muslims in the Arab world have brought condemnation upon the entire religion of late, so this reactionary-right-wing send up isn't entirely without provocation. However, you have to be careful when insulting a religion -- especially when it's coming for a Catholic -- a group that is perhaps the most tainted and blood-stained of all religions in the history of the world. And the thing with Muslims is, they trip at the slightest slight of Islam... remember how they were TRIPPIN'! when a couple of political cartoons mocking Mohammed were published earlier this year!

The thing is you can't really flunk the Catholic Church for dropping incindiary bombs on so-called heathens, as that's been its M.O. for its entire existence.

What is crazy is that the Vatican OBVIOUSLy had people go over and over and over the speach, before it was given and they "didn't catch" the blast at Islam? Hard to believe. To top it off, Benny the 16th was supposed to be going to Turkey next week for some sort of state function -- not a smart move to keep that trip on the schedule. Although Pope Johnny P Deuce was shot and survived another 20 years, who's to say that Benny the 16th couldn't take a bullet and maintain the papal seat for another 5 or 10 years.

We'll see...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Detroit Sucks Its Own Dick!!! Japs and Kruts can only shake their heads...

Pimp'd Out Hummer Limo
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Ford Motor Company (followed by Chrysler) has just shit on itself once again, by admiting that Toyota is going to surpass it as the No. 2 automaker in the US market -- a position Ford held for over 70 years. Oh, in case you haven't been keeping up Ford shat on itself the first time THIS MONTH by stating that it's flushed away close to $9billion dollars and doesn't expect profitability until 2009

The people at DaimlerChrysler effectively admitted that its nearly impossible to make a profitable subcompact in the United States, and that China or another Asian country is where they'll have to outsource operations.

The big issue is that about a decade ago Detroit's Big failed to make teh major structural shift in its business operations -- mainly make cars that consumer actually want to buy -- and instead focused on making SUVs and light trucks, which made more money per unit.

I'll NEVER buy an American car -- for these reasons, they are designed inside and out, top to bottom like the worst pieces of horse shit imaginable; the companies ran that planned obsolence agenda for decades before the Japanese started whuppin' that ass in the late 70s, and because when I was learning how to drive, Ford had just introduced the Taurus, and we owned one, and was constantly fucking up, looked chump and was a bitch just to sit in -- let alone handle. We had a 1980 Honda Accord, and then moved the Taurus station wagon, so I was used to being driven in a svlet car with nice creature comforts -- even for an inexpensive car, which the Accord was in those days.

The Big Three can suck shit out of a straw, because they have YET to learn how to design cars that are appealing. I wouldn't pay more than $8000 for ANY American made car. The manufacturing quality is suspect, so it might be up (per Ford's "quality is Job 1" campaign) or fucked like GM's entire line... yet by far the biggest problem is aesthetics. You can't name me 5 American cars over the past 20 years that can compete with even the basest of European or Japanese visual design. For whatever reason, Detroit focused on selling cars to the people in the focus groups who weren't looking for anything "fancy" -- fuck, get me some fancy ass car that looks like a Benz or a Ferrari or a Porsche!

The interiors are worse -- particularly the stock radio (anything made by AC Delco when it still had dominance was fuckshit, and you can quote me on that) -- even those secondary parts manufacturers weren't worth a fuck. I remember when I was a kid everyone wanted an Alpine indash stereo -- tell me, hard is it to swipe the basic design and change a few minor things, then sell it as as Delco? I mean the Japanese basically stole the Benz and BMW body designs when they hit the luxury car market, and yeah some people cried foul -- but the Japs made strides in that market segment and now practically own it!

You know what's going to happen? Nissan is going to team-up with GM or Ford, then raid the design vaults and reintroduce a bunch of cars that were hits, but with nouveau-retro designs and MAKE A KILLING! Imagine if yøu could have a 64 Impala that actually ran as good as a Toyota, had no engine trouble like a Honda

What kills me is why the American engineers HAVE NEVER been able to make quality engines the way Honda does? Especially when the Japanese effectively adopted the ideas of an American Automotive expert when determine how they'd reinvent their auto industry post WW2.

There's no excuse for the poor American mismanagement of its manufacturing base over the past few decades, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that industry is a slave to Wall Street's quarterly reporting requirements/demands. Sure, you need that check-n-balance, but the need to make corporate profits WITHOUT having a bad quarter, let alone a bad year, has become increasingly detrimental to all things American since the 1987 Stock Market Crash, which ushered in an unprecedented way and means to make outrageous sums of money via the stock market.

Also, we have to recall that the true spirit of American Industry was enabled by guess who? THE ROBBER BARONS -- the ruthless white men who raped and pillaged whenever they could to amass great fortunes that still hold sway over the American way of life over a 100 years later! God fucking damn!

Well, I'm working to set up shop in another country, as I can be around when America slips into the cesspool that it's been hiding for a couple decades now. And I WILL NOT raise children in this influx environment...

Feature this -- how the sausage is made!!!

I was just thinking about my diet today (never a good thing in a country that celebrates obesity like IT was going out of style)... since I've been sleeping on cots and couches and on-the-ground-mattresses of late, my diet has gone to shit. It consists of too fuckin' much ready-made foodstuffs (i.e. fast food or out-the-box-in-the-microwave-food) and I'm wondering if my palette is all fucked up now in that I'll be yeaerning for this slopfood and find quality food to taste foreign and different. I know that filmmaker Spurlock did a flick called Supersize Me a couple years ago where he ate McDonald's for every meal for 30 days, and how it fucked with his body ecostatis -- best believe I'm in that same boat. Ironically, my body doesn't take on weight unless I'm lifting weights in the gym (something I haven't done in close to a year), and conversely a sit-on-my-ass lifestyle causes me to lose weight!!!

I know this is the case, because I was at a friend's for a bbq a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't eat the grilled hamburger that he prepared. Yet I was fiending for an In-n-Out Double Double on the way home... perhaps it's because my friend is white and white people tend to like their hamburger (all red meat in general actually) closer to being prepared like sushi... i.e., rare or extremely rare. You talk about medium or medium well and then look at you like you're fucking up a good piece of meat!

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Worst of White Women

Meagan "damn" Goode
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
So I'm talking with Girls Gone Wild producer today at the Car Wash (you know the one in Studio City with the big-ass hand) and he's telling me this recent video shot he worked on where he had 20 African American (which he dubbed "ebony") models have a naked fun-n-frolic pool party that culminated with a pie fight. He was saying that the whole thing was a little difficult because the previous three productions were done with white bitches (blondes, brunettes and a mixed bag), who had no problem doffing of their clothes and running around naked in this fat mansion that he rented.

Yet when it came to the Black girls, they all didn't want to get in the pool 'cause it was going to fuck with their hair (he had to bribe them $50 a piece just to get in the water). But once they got in, it was doper than dope.

Except for the owner's daughter. Obviously the big-ass crib was in Beverly Hills, and the young little, rich white hoe was following around after the Black girls demaning that they not sit any where as they would stain the furniture!!!

I said, "Hold up! You mean to tell me there are still white people who would actively claim that Black people 'stain' fabrics because they have pigment in their skin? The pigment ain't water soluable!!! FUCK!"

The white producer guy was so embarrassed for the white hoe!!! SHe should be slapped with a horse whip, then branded with a "I'ma bigoted beeyatch" on her flat white ass!

Are white bitches still afraid of Black bitch's sexuality that they have to degrade them mentally, just to maintain their "edge". If you're blonde and half way decent looking with perhaps fake tits, the world is yours on the platter -- the propaganda job designed to prop up these women to be the most sought after female on the planet is just ugly.

Paris Hilton - I only want cum
Otherwise, how would the broad above even get any props?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Requim For Crescent City

Looters of New Orleans
Just finished watching Spike Lee's "When The Levees Broke", his most recent HBO documetnary, and it perhaps is the most damning thing of the white elite that run this government in the Bush administration. Simply because the way the Feds mobilized for Iraq was like some crack force as personified in the movies, and the way the treated the niggas in New Orleans (all the white who got caught up in the aftermath are considered niggers, too, by the likes of Dubya and Mike Chertoff and Mikey Brown).

What's most gut-punching is all the home video footage Lee culled or the international news agency footage that was more hard-hitting that what the US media outlets opted to broadcast to the cowardly general public of the US... as if they know that Americans can't deal with a certain amount of reality, and the purpose of a lot of video news is to assuage potential fears and keep people under control.

Honestly, I don't think the US is the superpower that it wants the world to believe that it is. Everything that the US has touched since George H.W. Bush's invasion of Panama has been a major fuck-up... and guess what? That was the last major military action during the Cold War. It seems as if the US needed the Soviet Union to prove that it was better than something, somebody, anything.

Bush's Economic Plan

After Bush's recent speaches to Congress demanding that the Geneva Convention be reinterpreted and that Gitmo be set-up as Judge-Jury-&-Execution spot, it makes me wonder what's going to happen to any US soldier or agent is hemmed up while out in the world... I don't think there have been any US POWs in Iraq (shit, they'd get their hands drilled by a Craftsman powertool while their balls are hooked up to a Honda generator, and that's before they have any questions asked of them!).

Spike's flick got me thinking about why Crescent City gets the short end of the stick... has to be because its a nigger city (like Detroit); there was something pointed out in the flick that tripped me out. Apparently, all the taxes and other potential revenue streams that come from the oil off Louisiana's coast don't go to the state or the city of New Orleans, but to Washington, DC and Texas (where the oil company's HQs are). Why the Fed fuck the state like that? Maybe now that the Lower 9th Ward had its ass handed to it, and the niggers are forced the fuck out, Big Business and Haliburtons are the country are going to take control of all that waterfront property.

Only time will tell.

I wonder if Ray Nagan is going to get re-elected after this current term is up. He was defiant to the last about what kind of ass-fucking the city WAS NOT going to take. He needs to be praised for dealing with some outrageousness on the level that no place outside of WWII era Japan and Germany have dealt with in the last few hundred years...

War Writings, Part Trois

Man, the heatwave in LA just won't fucking quit. Sweating buckets beneath a 405 overpass is not fun. At least I'm not having to ask people for money. I like hanging out under the 405 or a I-10 on-ramps, because I'm curious as to how people treat those who do ask for money, and what the response is after the beggar has been denied or gifted... either way, it's the same -- the beggar is nonplussed! If he gets a fifty-cent piece or gets ignored by a blonde bitch who thinks she's too pretty for the people around her. Only thing is, inside she's wondering what happens when her looks falter in the next 3 years.

Speaking of looks faltering in three years, I was searching through the Borders magazine section the other day for some ideas on what's going to be a good real estate investment, when I ran across the British version of GQ magazine (Christina Aguillera is on the cover). So I open it up -- no articles on how fucked up the Iraqi conflict is or how bad the UN is showing the pink of its ass by not knowing how to handle the Israeli war against the crazies in Hezballah. There's an interview with Paris Hilton about her first CD.
I glance through it, but my eyes stop on a line where she denies dancing on table tops. She corrects the interviewer with statements that she dances by whatever means necessary off the dancefloor because she hates sweaty bodies... to which the interviewer inquired why most American women have a problem with sweat. This hit home with me, because a lot of American women that I know have that same issue. It has to go back to their childhood, when their moms told them it was bad news for their pussy to sweat as it would stink like the rest of their bodies when sweating.

Of course, you have to wonder what's up with having sex if you don't like sweating? Best part of the interview was when the Interviewer asked Paris if she thought she was good in bed -- as he watched her famous sex tape right before the interview. I can imagine the look on her face! She claimed she hasn't fucked more than a couple of boyfriends -- yet, she sucks dick like working girl at the Chicken Ranch outside of Las Vegas.

It's hard to believe that when Paris was kicking it with Nicole Ritchie they were fucking fucking fucking day and night! Speaking of Nicole Ritchie, why the fuck is she so damn skinny? I find it doubly ironic that the one thing that plagues Western women who are rich so much is their weight! Does anyone know if there is a study or stats on how many poor women suffer from eating disorders? You'd think Nicole was hanging out with Black East Africans.
haitian looter
All the food at your disposal, and you choose not to eat... why not get disciplined and not the hoards of unhealthy poison that the American food industry wants us to eat, use Lionel's money to eat the best quality foods possible and take a trip to the Sudan's Darfur region and see what it means not to be able eat when and what you want -- anytime you feel the urge.

I'm serious about finding out how many non-whites suffer from eating disorders, particularly if those non-white chicks are part of the underclass. I bet it's one of those similar disproportionate figures like how many niggas constitute the prison population. I can't remember seeing any news story where Black girls where afraid of eating. Shit, Black girls love to eat -- they don't want to be fat, but they can rock it with pride if it does happen (I've spoken on this before, white women feel like failures if they're overweight by more than 30 pounds. Not so for women of color, they can be sexy with poundage).

Friday, August 25, 2006

50 year old Fuck Toy? I say YES

50 year old Fuck Toy? I say YES
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Women who travel for sex: Sun, sea and gigolos

The men are young, gorgeous and up for it. No wonder Western women see a Third World holiday as the gateway to casual sex - sometimes in exchange for cash. But as a new film highlights female sex tourism, Liz Hoggard asks who really pays the price.

The Independent on Sunday, Published: 09 July 2006

An attractive woman sips a cocktail under a bamboo shade. The sand is dazzlingly white, the sea aquamarine. A handsome young man approaches her and showers her with compliments: she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he says. For the first time in years, she truly believes she is desirable.

But this holiday romance is not all it seems. The woman is white, in her late 50s; the man, black, 18 - and paid for his attentions. The scene - from the controversial new French film, Heading South, which opened this weekend, starring Charlotte Rampling, makes us confront uncomfortable truths about sexuality in a globalised world, and the legacy of colonialism.

In the film, an intelligent, provocative take on sex tourism in the late-1970s, Rampling plays Ellen, an American professor, who spends every summer at a private resort in Haiti, where beautiful, muscled black boys are available to the female clientele, mostly affluent single women in their forties, who despair of finding mates through more conventional means. "More than sex, they are seeking a tenderness that the world is refusing them," the film's director, Laurence Cantet, explains.

Fast-forward 30 years, and the reality of sex tourism is anything but tender. Today beach resorts in developing countries such as Kuta in Bali, Negril in Jamaica and Boca Chica and Sosua in the Dominican Republic have become Third World pick-up spots for women tourists. Tour companies even market package deals as sex holidays for single and unaccompanied women. Forget Shirley Valentine, these women - who range from grandmothers to teens - don't want a long-term relationship. And there's plenty of live flesh on sale.

Take Jamaica, where 17 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line. Hustling on the beach is the only way that some young men can feed themselves and their families. No wonder they choose older women who pay better than younger ones. InNegril, the men can earn $100 (£60) for sex with a female tourist, £90 for oral sex, which Jamaican men usually regard as taboo. Many others are hired as a guide to the island and throw in sexual services, often just for as meal or a place to sleep.

The definition of a sex tourist is an adult who travels in order to have legal consensual sexual relations with another adult, often for the exchange of money or presents. We still assume that a sex tourist will be male - indeed many regard the relationship between beach boy and female tourist as harmless fun. The woman gets guilt-free sex while keeping a firm hold on the purse strings. Where's the harm?

Jane, 67, a divorcee, has spent the past 10 years holidaying in West Africa. She loves the climate and the people - and she especially loves the men. "They are so wonderfully flattering. They make you feel like a real women. I don't mind paying for their drinks and meals if they stay the night." Divorced, with two grown-up sons, she explains, "White men my own age are so set in their ways; they just want another wife."

For others, this is exploitation pure and simple. Even where no money is exchanged, this sort of behaviour destabilises local communities and families. Ignorance and lack of concern about the abject poverty and lack of choice that characterises the men's lives leads the women to romanticise their actions. It is true that women sex tourists are still outnumbered by the legions of men who travel to Thailand and the Philippines for sex with prostitutes. Charities such as Amnesty and Unicef have no official policy on female sex tourism, preferring to focus on protecting trafficked women and children. Chris Beddoe, director of Ecpat UK, the children's rights organisation that campaigns against child sex tourism, believes: "If both adult partners are open and honest about what they're getting out of it, that's one thing. But it's another thing to continue the fantasy when there's a denial of the power that money brings to that relationship that creates a culture of dependency and exploitation.'

Nirpal Dhaliwal, author of the recent novel, Tourism (which satirises older white women turned on by young brown flesh), takes a tougher view. "Women enjoy casual sex and prostitution, too, but with far more hypocrisy. They help themselves to men in the developing world, kidding themselves that it's a 'holiday romance' that has nothing to do with the money they spend. Go to any Jamaican beach and you'll find handsome 'rent-a-dreads', who get by servicing Western women - lots from Britain. I've seen similar things in Goa."

Next month a new play, Sugar Mummies, about the pleasures and perils of sex tourism opens at London's Royal Court Theatre. Set in the Jamaican beach resort of Negril, it centres on a group of British and American women, seeking sun sea, sand ... and uninhibited sex with a handsome stranger. Sexually frank and often very funny, the play doesn't pull its punches. The playwright, Tanika Gupta, travelled to Jamaica to research the subject first-hand, and says she was shocked to find how female tourists objectify the black male body. "A lot of women talk about how 'big' black men are and how they can go all night. It becomes such a myth that even the men now use it. There is this terrible mutual delusion going on. And you do find yourself thinking, 'We're not a million miles from slavery.'" The older female tourists even confided to Gupta that although Jamaica was lovely and laid-back, the Dominican Republic and Cuba were "dirt cheap". "You can go as young as you want in Cuba," one woman boasted.

For all the talk of romance, the language of sex tourism is pretty basic. In Jamaica the men are called "beach boys" or "Rastatutes". The women are called milk bottles by the men - partly because of their ultra-white skin, partly because they are seen as vessels waiting to be filled.

Another myth the play explodes is that sex tourism is only perpetrated by white women. In Jamaica, Gupta met many black American women hiring beach boys. "They might be going back to their roots, or feeling more powerful because they had money, but they were still buying the same services."

In Bali, South-east Asia, Beddoes encountered wealthy Japanese women paying local boys for sex. The boys themselves claimed they found it less degrading because they saw the Japanese women as smaller and more childlike.

Gupta was inspired to write Sugar Mummies after reading the research by UK sociologists, Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor and Julia O'Connell into female sex tourism in the Caribbean. They decided to carry out their own research when they found that the usual analysis of sex tourism does not consider women as buyers of sexual services, because prostitute-users is seen as, by definition, male.

They interviewed 240 women holidaying in Negril, and two similar resorts in the Dominican Republic. Almost a third said they had engaged in sexual relationships with local men. Though 60 per cent admitted to certain "economic elements" to their liaisons, they did not perceive their sexual encounters as a prostitute-client transaction. Instead they insisted they were helping the men, and the local economy, by giving them money and gifts. When asked to describe "boyfriends", most emphasised how for them black Jamaican men possessed bodies of great sexual value. One 42 year-old English woman who travelled at least three times a year to Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic said: "I'm not naïve. I've been around the block. I come for sex - of course the sun, but mostly the sex. I'm not coming to live and set up house with a guy. I just want some fun and good sex."

"Female sex tourism is much more informal," says Sanchez Taylor, a lecturer in sociology at Leeds University. "It takes place in bars. There's no way for women to go into a brothel and say, 'I want a blow job.'

"Women who feel rejected by men in the West for being fatter and older -you know, 35, but they look 40 - find that in Jamaica all this is reversed," says Sanchez Taylor.

"There's a poetic lyricism to the gigolo's chat-up lines," agrees Gupta. "You very quickly understand why the women are buying this. On the first day, this baby aged 18 came to chat me up. At first I thought, this will be good for my play. But then he got a bit fast, so I suggested he move on to some younger women, And he said, 'Me no want the kitten, me want the cat.'"

The problem comes, she says, when the women start believing the men they have hooked up with are in love with them. "They confuse what is actually a financial transaction with real love. If you have low self-esteem, if you've not had much luck, if you're older ... you are likely to be more susceptible," says Gupta.

Some women even marry their boyfriends and take them home to the UK, although few relationships survive the cultural difference. Jamica's most famous holiday romance has recently come crashing down. Female tourism boomed after Terry McMillan's hit novel, How Stella Got Her Groove Back was made into a Hollywood film. The novel, in which Stella, a divorced black woman in her forties, takes a holiday to Jamaica, where she meets and falls in love with Winston, a local man half her age - was a fictionalised account of McMillan's own marriage to Jeremy Plummer, 23 years her junior. This year, McMillan, 53, filed for divorce, claiming that the marriage was based on a "fraud'' because Plummer lied about his sexual orientation and married her only to gain US citizenship. He denies it.

It is a nasty twist that the countries where this sort of tourism is most rife are ex-slave colonies. Many are still dealing with the fallout of colonialism. All the hotels, restaurants, cars and glass-bottomed boats in Negril are owned by Americans. The urban economy doesn't even belong to the local people.

Yet the women who sleep with the beach boys insist they are helping race relations. They flatter themselves they have gone native. "In my play there's a scene where a white woman is taking about how she loves R&B and reggae and what she calls hip and hop," says Gupta.

It is the female tourist who books the flights and determines the length of time she will spend with their boyfriend, as well as making day-to-day decisions when they are together, such as when and where they eat. One 21-year-old migrant from Haiti who had been working in Sosua, told Sanchez Taylor that he even had to "snog" his tourist client despite a bad toothache and a swollen face. If he did not, he would not be able to afford the antibiotics to cure it.

In Sugar Mummies, Gupta deliberately allows herself one relationship that might just work. "I'm not saying anything about mixed race relationships, I'm talking about these specific kinds of sex-tourist relationships where women go out there specifically to have sex. It will probably backfire and a whole load more women will go off to Jamaica."

'Sugar Mummies' opens at the Royal Court, London SW1 on 5 August (020-7565 5000)

No strings: 'I wanted to do sex like a man'

Lucy, a 23-year-old events organiser from London, visited St Lucia this year with a friend

The words "sex tourism" make me think of City boys who go to Thailand with their mates for seedy conquests to boast about. It's different for women. When they go abroad for sex, it's about wanting to feel special and escaping the boundaries at home.

My friend and I decided to treat ourselves to a stay in a luxury hotel in St Lucia for 10 days of pure pampering - and ideally a sexual encounter. This was the first time I'd gone on holiday explicitly with this intention. I was keen to find a St Lucian man as I'd heard they were very well endowed. I had my eye on Sandi from my first day. He was a local working in the cocktail bar, in his early thirties, and was very handsome, muscular and toned with the perfect six-pack. We spent several evenings drinking, chatting and flirting in the bar.

There are very strict rules at the hotel about staff and guests so I knew I had to make the first move. I told him I was going for a walk on the beach - and we spent our first night together. It was very romantic.

This was totally different from how I'd behave at home. In London, taking a man home with you, there's always the fear that friends might see you, not to mention potential dangers or the hassle of waking up in your flat with a stranger. But on holiday the boundaries shift and you can behave totally differently. You have a tan, you feel gorgeous, you're treated like royalty - and everything is available and easy.

Sandi and I had a great time. On his day off, he took us to a local street party. I paid for taxis, drinks and food. We needed his protection because St Lucian men had certain misconceptions about white women - although I probably wasn't helping.

When it came to leaving, I surprised myself by feeling quite gutted. I'd wanted to do sex without feelings, just like the men, but there was a definite trembling of the lips - for both of us. But as we flew home, my friend and I were very pleased with everything that had happened. I'm in a relationship at the moment but if I was single again I'd definitely go on that kind of holiday. Why not?

Around one in five British holidaymakers under the age of 25 is failing to practise safe sex while abroad, according to a study published this month by Trojan Condoms.

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