What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Iraqi Strongman - Fighting For His Life

The Trial of the Iraqi Dictator resumed today, and just barely. Apparently most of the defense team has either been assassinated or fled the country in fear of being assassinated.

I guess that means Old Saddam can't get a fair trial, but what did the US and its cheap-ass coalition of the willing expect? The U.N., as feebly as it currently is, wouldn't get involved because the case has a potential death-penalty outcome; something the U.N. doesn't get down with.

The one thing that really irks me is that Quasay and Uday Hussein weren't taken a live. I wanted to see those sick, sadisitic fuckers face a jury (of their peers or not), and let them try to justify the litenay of their crimes against humanity.

Crimes against humanity-- that's a pretty strong statement to be leveled against an inidividual, sure a government, but a single person.

Whatever the appalling and egregious nature of the Butcher of Baghdad's crimes, this trial is a complete farce. In fact, any kind of trial of a head of state is a mockery of so-called justice, because as a head of state, you have unprecedented powers -- and if it was such a muthafucking problem then

I mentioned the U.N. early, and I was doing some historical research on the now-feeble body, and apparently there was a time when it put troops in the field with a "shoot-first" mandate. Yeah, the Blue Hats bucking people down! I didn't get to finish up my research, but I believe it had to do with the formation of Zaire after the Belgium colonial masters were kicked out, and the CIA had lost control of the situation -- albeit momentarily. In any event, the U.N. sent in troops with guns blazing. I don't know the exact outcome, but I have to assume it wasn't pleasant, because soon after the U.N. passed some new bylaws that pretty much damn near prevent the global body from being anything more than an international debating society. And it was so much more.

I bring this up, because if the world was so fucking aghast at what Hussein was up to they could have stopped his ass. Yeah, it would have meant fucking with a soverign nation (as if there are any true puppet nations), and apparently that should have been okay considering that crimes against humanity were being committed I think it would have been acceptible to go in and control Iraq; not just have no-fly zones, but establish actual areas where Hussein and his Republican Guard couldn't exert control.

I mean the US was already spending money with the no-fly zones, why not installing outside forces to control the Iraqi population, and then gradually ease Hussein the fuck out of power. I'm mean how different would that be compared to what's going on now?

Although we wouldn't have this comical trial.

Monday, November 21, 2005

GM's Pension Plans -- putting people out of work

GM cut 30,000 jobs today - 30 muthafucking thousand!!! jesus christ on the cross, is that even thinkable for one company to beat the economy's ass like that? That's like an entire township just getting the axe, 'cause the blowhards in Detroit can't make attractive, cost-effective cars.

I knew GM was fucking itself with a 12-inch dildo when I read this book called HIGH AND MIGHTY, a polemic and cautionary book about the travesties that dominate the roadways - SUVs. In the book, the author claimed that GM looses money on each and every car they manufacture; its profits come from SUV sales.

So I said to myself today, why the fuck is GM even in the car manufacturing business, they can't fucking make a car that anyone in their right mind would buy, and even if they do design dope-as-fuck ones, they drain money out of the company.

Sure, GM has got boatloads of cash sitting around, billions and billions. But it's all being drained away in bloated pension funds and shitass cars. The pension funds can't and shouldn't be slashed, the problem is that actual ability of the company to compete.

Truth be told GM is a microeconomic example of America in general, it's past its prime and is having dramatically difficult times battling the Japanese on the economic warzone.

The media isn't covering it for some reason (it's a forgone conclusion), but Japan has won the auto wars. Chrysler only works because they German designers retooling its output (which used to be the shittiest, remember the Chrysler K Car? What the fuck was that? Why was that introduced at a time when the Big 3 needed to be handing Japan's Big 3 their collective asses?), to the detriment of the Mercedes brand, but so what? Luxury cars will always be around, and the Benz always signifiies quality. GM hasn't had a reputation that is unsulliable in decades.

Hence it's rapid decline. I knew I should have bought Put Options on the company about 3 months ago. I'd have a fortune right now, as the stock has hit a 14-year low, it's bonds beneath junk status (shitstain, bootlicker status is what I call it).

And the people who worked for the company are going to be reeling. Just imagine when the company goes belly-up and all the people who worked there over the past 50 years, aren't going to get their medical benefits or the pension checks. Just when all those people are getting old as dirt, and want to retire or are forced the fuck out of the workplace to make way for those ignorant fuckers that make up Generation Y.

Okay, enough vitriol for one day.

Monday, November 14, 2005

For Each His Or Her Own Poison

aniston Ass-crack in view
The one thing I feel I need to express as someone who writes blogs on Blogger, and noticed that there is a "flagging" feature for when one reads an objectionable blog is that there should still be a discussion place for people who smoke weed and drink hard liquour and take illegal and legal drugs and fuck inadvisable people regardless of how pretty or ugly they are, and listen to bitter noise which some might call music.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Anatomy of Black Women Tripping?!?

The other day I was just flipping through the internet trying to find something juicy about the funny-ass shit taking place in the suburbs of Paris, when I stumbled across this message borad called AALBC.com's Thumer's Corner, are you familar with it? I wasn't until now, and I ran across this one message thread about how rising actor Terrence Howard is betraying the Black Race because he doesn't want to have Black Offspring.

Here's THE LINK to the message thread hosted by this woman named Kola Boof that details the ignorant thougth processes by maligned Black Women, undoutedly under the age of 35, castigating a Black Man for marrying a white woman (I know Taye Diggs goes through the same shit, and his wife if FINE).

Anyway, this so-called moderated Kola Boof dropped this bomb as her opening salvo:Black women are publicly called "Whores", "Bitches", "Evil Shrews" by BLACK MEN and Black Men's MEDIA.....BLACK MEN who have never protected black women or shown them love in this country

...yet these same Black men can CATER TO, PROTECT and UPHOLD THE HONOR...of the White Man's mother.

And then the Black Woman is BLAMED for this betrayal.

The other day I was talking with my brother and he mentioned one of the reasons that he likes white women is that they are "happy." He went on to elaborate that most young white girls just want to have fun, and if they even choose to entertain a Black man talking to them, then all they really want to do is have fun with a male (black, white, latin, asian) and his dick that has been expressly forbidden to them since the white race began to interact with the Black race in North America.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Is Paris Burning?

Is Paris Burning?
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Wow! The Parisian suburbs are looking like Watts from 40 years ago!

It's not surprising, because the French don't like anyone, particularly immigrants from their former colonies, who has high Muslin backgrounds or are niggas from Africa.

There was a movie about ten years ago called La Haine, it's French for "the hate" and it's a Boyz In The Hood style of film set in these Parisian suburb ghetto housing projects that would remind you a Cabrini Green in Chicago. It's the story of an African, an Arab and a Jew who fuck around, form a bond and deal with death that's all based on the fact that mainstream society doesn't want to deal with them.

Truth be told in all societies around the globe, as much as people claim they are open-minded, they're not.

This explosive backlash outside of Paris isn't going to change anything. People of color -- particularly with Islam as their religion -- get treated like SHIT in the Occidental Worlds.

I'm very interested in seeing what Jacques Chirac and these other people do to alleviate this kind of bullshit.

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