What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Death of Icon symbolizes more?

I haven't posted in a long time, and that's just a personal matter. But on to business... I'm glancing through an old TIME magazine and in the "Milestones" section (where the death of important people is discussed) Marvel Comics' CAPTAIN AMERICA was listed among the newly dead.

Apparently my prediction from just about a year ago -- that in Marvel Comics' Civil War, Captain America would die -- actually came true. Obviously killing off Steve Rogers, the man behind the mask, is a ground breaking event; only we've seen it before with Superman, The Flash and several others.

However, the interesting thing about killing Captain America -- and the whole Civil War cross-over event -- is that Cap represented what is supposedly best about this country. He embodied it, lived it, and breathed it (not to mention he kicked a lot of ass defending it). And by killing him, the comic publisher took a huge stab at what's going on in the popular culture -- the death of American liberties as we know them under Prescott Bush's grandson's administration.

Comics became somewhat relevant again, they weren't totally regulated to being the fodder for terrible summer action movies aimed at an audience that never even read the characters in their Glory Days OR on their decline throughout the late 80s and early 90s.

Cap will live again... probably comes back in January after the new President is sworn in... that's what a notorious negro aggitator like myself would do.

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