What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Monday, July 27, 2009


The RNC -- which is claiming that the current blacklash against President Barak Obama's health care/insurance reform plan is a grassroots movement -- just plum plain forgot that couple of weeks ago announces that the RNC was going to spend $1million in a campaign to discredit or “cast a shadow” on President Barak Obama’s health care revamp initiative. Like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

Seriously is Michael Steele the biggest Uncle Tom/Clarence Thomas that has ever been produced (outside of those “brothas” that shot Malcolm X)??? If ever a black man needed a lynching (which I never advocate, except in dire and extreme circumstances)

You can’t reasonably believe that Obama’s plan is catastrophic, and why the fuck do the GOP/Republician/BigBusiness Fucktoys continually deride, denounce and destroy attempts to revamp healthcare. This will be the reason why I move out of the United States, because Health Care costs just eat up too much.

Granted America is filled with fat, over-fucking-weight slobs who munch down on too much fast food and have all around shitty diets which start causing harm from your late 30s until you die, and that needs to change for any change in the cost of health care to be meaningful as non-wasted expenses in a family’s yearly financial structure.

Those GOP/Confederate fucks wasted our time and the tax payers money with Sonya Sotomayor hearings, focusing in on her stance that a Latin woman is more wise than a white man – no doubt that is true, because white men when they get to a certain age and achieved a certain level of power to make decisions that more than their immediate family have either committed a lot heinous crimes or are just ignorant and stubborn about their ignorance.

I heard some White Trash Bitch claim that the government shouldn't have control over 1/6 (or 1/7) of the national economy... uh, bitch, they control 110% of the national economy -- if they want to, have you considered that? And 60% of health is already run by Washington Desk jockeys... get your head out of your ass.

Peepshow of a Sideline Hottie!

So Erin Andrews, that swimsuit model who’s doing semi-legit work as a Sports Sideline Reporter/Commentator was the victim of a Peeping Tom, who apparently drilled a hole and stuck a lipstick camera into her hotel room to view her disrobing and revealing her outrageously smoking hot bod to the public at large…. If you look at the three photos that accompanying this blog – then you get the idea of what her body looks like and all you have to imagine is a) the size and shape of her nipples and b) what her bush looks like (if she has one and doesn’t get the Brazilian wax job).

Do men want to jack their dicks to this broad? They sure do! I mean, I’m getting hard just writing about Erin Andrews (as I haven’t decide which of four photos I’m going to post up with this entry).

It’s a sad day when hot bitches can’t even stay in hotel rooms for fear of getting spied on like Norman Bates was spying on Janet Leigh in Hitchcock’s PSYCHO… remember that seen? If that was a modern film, you’d seen Anthony Perkins jacking his dick as her watched her undress.

Still this is a weird news story, because it's rare that actual members of the media get the harsh spotlight turned on to them... still Erin doesn't deserve to be violated in such a way.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Quick Shot from the Streets of LA

Originally uploaded by Phalanx
California, the golden state, the West Coast wonderland, the land of Milk and Honey... well all that's come to a muthafuckin' END!!!

As California suffers the impending doom of a $24 billion budget deficit, you have to wonder what else going to be cut? The state can't generate enough money as it was (never did set-up a rainy day fund)

Also, Los Angeles is crying broke these days, too! The City was begging for donations to pay for the Michael Jackson memorial service, as they couldn't pay the police force to keep people in check.

Sooner or later, the Police are going to get laid off like the Teachers always do in bankrupt cities (case in point, Cleveland during the late 70s and early 80s)... unless the new LA Mayor authorizes (under the table of course) the LAPD to loot from offenders what they need to cover their salaries.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sexual Confessions... ot the MEDIA of all people

I was a little stunned that perennial hick Sarah Palin resigned her governorship of Alaska, citing that she was tired of the personal attacks on her ethics that were costing the Alaskan taxpayers too much money to defend the attacks.

Sounds like a quitter to me! How is she going to stand up to the harsh and intense spotlight of the Primary Season, if she can't take this type of abuse?

Yet for some strange reason, Governor Sanford of South Carolina, after finding his soul mate in Argentina and showed the pink of his ass on national TV and then even deeper up the recesses of his anus to the AP, is fighting to keep his bed sheets in the Governor's Mansion!

I'm not one to cry foul on either of these two (well maybe Palin, because she personifies the ignorance that runs rampant in this country), but they both need to go away so another scandal involving sex and or stupidity comes up.

Apparently, the Steve McNair shooting was a murder-suicide, and that'll eat up some media attention, but not enough. As we've seen that John Edwards' wife needed to come back into the spotlight and kick John-boy in the nuts with her book, but then the Other Woman is now demanding a paternity test of the little infant. If it comes up at Edwards' kid, that's just too bad, but in reality it doesn't do anything -- except piss his wife off even more. He's been drenched in mud and its been sun-baked on PERMANENTLY by the hot glaze of the 24-hour news cycle spotlight.

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