What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama and the Role of Government

Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
In Barak Obama’s recent speech today he touched upon the role that government needs to play in the 21st century economy… I’m sure too god damn many Adam Smith Acolytes and Milton Freeman dick-polishers hate this fact, and probably a large swath of uninformed Americans fit this bill, too. But let’s be real, China is the ultimate fascist state – I’m not talking about the bullshit mistaken identity that fascism has become known where people think it is analogous to National Socialism (i.e Nazism, which is fascism with a heavy, heavy religious component) but what the term actually means – corporatized government. China has many state-sanctioned entrepreneurs who are mega-billionaires, outstripping the wealth of many on the Forbes 400, and probably aren’t even considered because of propagandistic fears.

We face some unprecedented fucking changes in the way we live in the next 5 to 15 years… and the governments of other nations are moving forward with the speed of business AS BUSINESSES! You know all these sovereign wealth funds that having been popping up and buying huge chunks of American business? Why the hell doesn’t the US Government have some sovereign wealth funds that do that to foreign companies? I figure that countries that have barriers for foreigners to own companies (public or private) shouldn’t be allowed to purchase controlling interest in any Occidental stock markets.

In other news that parents of that sad little bitch who was killed name JonBenet Ramsey were cleared of any wrongdoing by DNA testing… now that story can go to rest, ‘cause I’m about tired of hearing about little bitch-ass kids like that getting hemmed up and murdered… it happens every day in this twisted country, that’s why they have Amber Alters, because a buncha sick mofo’s are kickin’ in the streets with a high sense of impunity.


Birth of Fade Nigga Nation
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
That old hang-over from the bygone Civil Rights Era, the Rev. Jesse Jackson dropped a vicious bomb on Democratic Presidential hopeful Barak Obama last Sunday on that right-wing bastion of shitpot stirring “Fox & Friends” (First off, you have to ask yourself why the fuck is Jesse kickin’ up on FNC in the first place? Is he demonstrating that he’s got Rove’s hand up his ass, he’s just a puppet?)

Have you ever heard of “Lonesome Rose”? You haven’t? Shame on you! So you’re gonna have to peep out Elia Kazan’s obscure masterpiece A FACE IN THE CROWD and see why life is imitating art with this Jesse Jackson dog-stained-shoe-deep-in-the-throat fiasco. Said “hot mic” fiasco has exposed Jesse Jackson as a jealous sour-grapes swillin’ fool! The most fucked-up thing about Jackson’s remarks – a desire to cut Obama’s nutsack from his person – is that a lot of white people think Black political figures like Jackson are spokesmen for the entire populace (which is just such a damn fool assumption)! The Black Voting Monolith has been something that Democrats have courted and taken for granted for decades. But this slip of the tongue blunder just makes those cronies from the Civil Rights era appear to be upset that no one of them and their ilk got this far in the race to the presidency.

Jesse’s been on the scene since before MLK fell into the gunsights of our Assassination Democracy, and for some reason he’s avoided getting shot at. I guess it’s because the Assassination Guild that is part of the Intelligence Community knows all of the skeletons in Jesse’s closet and most likely can wiggle the wrist of the hand that’s up his black ass and get him to operate the way that THEY see fit.

Honestly, you have to do too much dirt and be witness to too much dirt to have survived the minefield known as politics for as long as Jesse has, and not be completely scandalized (although Jesse did have his requisite sex scandal in the past decade)

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