What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Retreat!?!? From what Objective...

Today I was listening to some Veterans of Foreign Wars speak about the much-ballyhooed Pull-Out of American Forces from that nasty quagmire formerly known as Iraq.

What people keep saying is that we can't leave until we've finished our mission, finished our objective... my question is, what the fuck exactly is our mission?

The fact that it can't be pitched Hollywood style in less than three sentences is the reason why it's a cluster fuck in the Middle East and Iraq specifically -- people are dying, money is being wasted, and animosity is being generated, because there really isn't any concrete plans, benchmarks and goal breakthrus for the military, the government or the U.S. citizens to monitor the successes and failures of Dubya's War...

A pull-out just needs to happen, because we can't keep soldiers there for years at a clip... at least rotate people from places like Europe and South Korea to the region, to give those poor souls who are getting heat stroke on the regular a break and a chance to see their families.

It's hard to tell what success in the country would constitute, and since that's not an ideal state to be in, it's best to figure that out so we can then turn tail and run AND STILL save face.

Obviously preventing the ripping apart of the country is the only major goal/mission -- but that's not something the US or anything cabal of countries could prevent from happening IF the Iraqis wanted to happen.

Pull out as soon as possible, eat the shit the Dubya has been concocting in a pot and waiting to serve since instigating the invasion, and see who America withstands feces-breath for years (if not decades) to come... 'cause the Brits are already on their way out, and we'll be the last man standing, holding the lion by the tail as the whirlwind comes a-reaping...

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