What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wage Slaves - Man, I Wish!!!!

The Race Card
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
You know the one thing that is hard as fuck for niggas to do? And is something that white people just don't get it? Getting a job.

If you're non-black and you're reading this, stop and think about the job that you have... how many black people are in your workplace? And don't count the chump-change jobs like the delivery guy or the security guy or the janitor.

Probably not a lot, huh? Probably one or two people on your whole floor and maybe someone working as the receptionist.

Now think about the places you go, like retail establishments and restaurants and movie theaters and gas stations or 7-Eleven clerks (no niggas there!!!).

I'm gonna say that your mail deliver person (USPS or FedEx or UPS) to your house could be a nigga, and there's probably a few cops, not to mention most of the people at the DMV or any mind-numbing government job.

Niggas are typically assed out when it comes to better paying jobs - now I'm not even talking about high paying jobs, I'm talking about jobs that pay over $25K a year BEFORE TAXES!

There was a book about the culture of fear that was discussed in that Michael Moore movie Bowling For Columbine, where the author (a USC sociology professor) stated that the average black man with a college degree and some post-graduate work under his belt with work experience is making the same or less than the average white man who only has a high school diploma!!! A high school diploma, what the fuck is that?

So the term wage slave most likely refers to white peope who WISH they had more high-paying, more flexible jobs.

Controlling What Survives In The Market

The Enemy's HQ
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
I was listenin to the Wall Street Journal Report the other day and something very interesting was discussed -- the success of HD-DVD or Blu-Ray DVD, and the WSJ predicted that HD-DVD would be come the standard because WalMart -- in its quest to supply the US consumer with the cheapest possible prices, that is hammering manufacturers to provide cheaper and cheaper wholesale prices -- will be stocking its shelves with HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray; simply because the manufacturing costs and therefore the profit margin for the retails in lower on Blu-Ray than on HD-DVD. T

hus WalMart won't be stocking Blu-Ray, and because of WalMart's market share, buying power and hypnosis of consumers, Sony and its colleagues are going to be assed out.

Now we'll have to see what actually happens, but it's a sure bet by next year this time we'll know about the fate of Blu-Ray.

The problem Sony has is that they bet the farm on the Blu-Ray technology by installing it in its Playstation 3 (the main reason by the platform is so expense and isn't performing that well). So if Blu-Ray crashes, because WalMart won't stock it will Sony have to design a Playstation 3 with HD-DVD? In order to make the platform relevant?

Sony fired the father of the Playstation recently, so no doubt the Playstation 4 (when it comes out a year before the Mayan Calender ends) will use whatever is the agreed upon DVD format of the time or won't even require a removable media option, because all games will be downloaded over the internet (which would lead to unlimited pirating).

However the more indisious thing about this story is WalMart -- the whims of that oppressive retailer will be dictating the success of new products? That's an extremely scary notion. WalMart is known for playing hardball with manufacturers to get prices as low as possible -- many a company will tell you that in order to meet the WalMart price requirements outsourcing and using sweat-shop child labor has become part of the business practice.

In our quest to keep buying whatever the fuck we can think of, we're in effect stiffling innovation and fueling child labor (read slavery) in various parts of the 3rd World. And WalMart is the Pied Piper of Hamlen leading us all to the brink of destruction -- happily!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Take It With A Broom Stick?

So the head of the Hollywood Skank Mafia has been ordered to serve 45 Days in the Los Angeles County Jail! And apparently the judge said there wasn't going to be any "in lieu of" type of sentencing, that our favorite cum dumpster would have to serve the full 45 days.

From the various news reports about what happened, the Airhead heiress was driving WHILE drunk with a suspended license from another DUI that she was dick-slapped with only a few months prior.

Truth be told I wanna see the bitch get a beat-down in the slam. 'Cause ya know she gonna try hard as hell not to serve no time. I bet the funny sight is gonna be seeing this broad when she gets out 'cause she aint' gonna have her blonde hair dye or any of the much-need beauty products that she hasta use on daily basis just to look like she's a sexy vixen. If you ever get to see this broad up-close-n-personal, you'll see that she needs those beauty product endorsement gigs -- 'cause she's hit!

What would make this story a lot funnier would be to have O.J. Simpson speak out either for or against Paris's stint in LA County. Not to mention his media presence alone would indicate that money doesn't always get you out of every jam -- particularly when you engender such animosity as Paris has with all the dick-smacking that she does to people throughout society.

LA County -- even the female section -- is by no means an easy ride. Unfornately, I don't know if this is going to be a "Magnificent Ambersons" style of cumupence for the Airhear Heiress, because tough-girl Michelle Rodriguez was given a similar sentence for a DUI and only spent around 5 hours in LA County, before the Corrections Officials decided to release Rodriguez. COs have to deal with those over-crowding issues and they're not about to deal with the celebrity circus if they don't need to.

However, I wouldn't put it pass the sentencing judget to instruct the Prison Officials to put up with any and all boolshit that Paris brings to the table in hopes of skipping out on her sentencing. You have to admit that the criminal justice system needs to show that it's not subject to overt or covert bribery and to have a scandal-hound yuothful heir do time (much like Martha Stewart) would be just what the country needs. And unlike Martha who spent time in club fed, Paris will be in the gen pop of LA County where the broom-stick wielding cholas run things in ways that Paris probably never even contemplates.

It would sure humble her in the right way.

So only time will tell...

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