What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Senate Bends Over and Spreads Its Ass-Cheeks for the Health Insurance Industry

Say it isn't so?!? Say it isn't so?!!?!

But alas, it is as the the United States Senate's Finance Committee has grabbed its collective ankles and let the pulsating, putrid penis from the Health Insurance Industry get rammed up their sphincter so tough until its bled today, as they rebuked the notion of having a Public Option. While this is the first major setback to President Barak Obama's desire for healthcare reform, it's actually the main critical factor -- because nearly all the other points can be linked back to the fact that there is no choice competitive choice when it comes to selecting an insurer.

You have to ask yourself, "what is so damn bad, wrong, outrageous, socialist(?) about having a different, COMPETITIVE option than the bullshit we're forced to choke on by the likes of Aetna, Cigna and Kaiser?"

What this really says about the power of the Voice of the People is that it has been diluted and nailed shut by the moneyed fat cats on Wall Street. Some national polls (Gallup, Time/CNN, etc.) have stated that 65% of the American people WANT a Public Option. It's not like that super-majority is asking for a Single-Payer System (which is what we should have or some variant of that, like in France*). but what the super-majority craves is an opportunity to not have to deep throat the smelly cock of Wall Street anymore. As much as I relish the fact that President Obama is a Black man up in the White House and it shattered some many societal ails, his biggest campaign contributor was Goldman Sachs... yeah, that investment bank that conned the American public out of $12B (while education only gets $4.3B)... so we're not going to see the "Change We Can Believe In" until the corporations get their dicks out of politics, all campaigns must only take public funds, and there's some rioting in the street (which after the Kent State Shootings... isn't going to happen, because articulate white people got shot then, and they don't want to get shot now. Other Western countries disallow corporate campaign donations, but we in America embrace it, and when that one case comes before the Supreme Court shortly which will decide if corporations can make UNLIMITED campaign contributions, there game will be over. The US of A will become akin to the USSR in terms of who is RUNNING SHIT!

Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) had removed the Public Option possibility from his proposal, because he felt he couldn't get GOP/Republican/Confederate Party support. See that's the first BIG mistake, trying to reach out to those who blatantly act in service of the greedy, rapacious and blood-thirsty god called Profit... you don't engage the enemy, you make them kowtow to your agenda. Obama started out from a hat in hand position just by beginning the debate with his line in the sand being The Public Option, the fact that he wasn't pushing for Universal Healthcare for All through a Single-Payer System was him showing that he's got a cockleash on and the handle is controlled by Wall Street factions.

Do you know that Corporations have "better" rights in America than its citizens? They can avoid being sued and have any meaningful recourse taken against them... no company goes to jail for killing people, no company gets put out of business for treating the public like shit and peddling a crappy product that turns around hurts consumers and the environment.

The majority of Americans - both hemispheres - live in a Third World status; I can only postulate that Canada is the only First World Country in the Western Hemisphere, and that's because I don't know if 95% of Canadian wealth is in the hands of 1% of the Canadian population. When then International Monetary Fund and the World Bank stroll around the global stage looking to uplift countries where the wealth disparity is a mirror image to what we have in the good ole US of A, the first thing they would do is say, "you have to break down these oligarchs (that's the term one uses when the upper 1% has such complete control of the wealth) who run the banking and financial services sector they have TOO much wealth and they throw around the muscle the wealth affords them to rig elections, grab the government's dick - squeeze it hard -- and force the government, which is supposed to be run by the people, to continue to pass laws that feed more and more wealth back to the Upper 1%.

Where's the American Hugo Chavez? That's what I want to know?

Is there really any reason why the top personal income tax rate shouldn't be 50% or 60%? I'm in the lower class, and I can routinely pay damn near zero percent income tax (usually around 5%), so imagine what the razor-sharp accountants are doing for someone who's making say $500,000/year?

These questions will be answered later this week -- stay tuned.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You want an APOLOGY?!?!?! I don't beg a NIGGER'S pardon!

Birth of Fade Nigga Nation
Originally uploaded by Phalanx
The House of Representatives is looking to publicly rebuke fool in congressional clothing Joe Wilson, that stalwart son of the South, who was the aide de camp of the supreme bitch Strom Thurmond. Then to show how much his hatred to blacks outstrips his benefactors, Joe Wilson stridently, loudly and publicly doubted, attacked and all around faded the fuck out of Thurmond's biracial daughter, Essie Mae, when she dropped a bomb on the South Carolinians and ID'd Thurmond as her pops.

Wilson is refusing to apologize for his complete demeaning of the office of the President, and marking a new low in racial politics in this country as well as partisan politics.

I would love to see Joe Wilson get the Mussolini Treatment, lynched and then dragged by a truck around the city until his body gets torn apart, and have little kids play Kick The Can with his decapitated ugly head!

But enough of the vitriol, Wilson's brazen act demonstrates why the South -- as a bastion of poor Republicans, simply because the Democrats support equal rights for all -- continues to be out of step and out of touch with the rest of the WORLD. Not just the nation, but the world. Wilson showed the world that Southern Whites are still so ignorant and bigoted that they would attack the leader of the US, who is uplifting the nation's international status after a Southern Hick who happened to fail into the highest public office of the land shredded nearly all of America's goodwill.

White People of the GOP/Republican/Confederate ilk most likely follow and believe Glenn Beck's belief that Obama's Health Care Revamp is his idea of reparations for Slavery!!! How is the world, in the most outrageous of world views, is Obama Care a secret means for Blacks to get their 40 Acres and a Mule?

Can we lynch Glenn Beck NOW!!!?!?!?!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Joe Wilson, Card-carrying member of John BIrch Society and KKK

Joe Wilson was heckling the President of the United States of America! If that's not the most disrespectful act a GOP/Confederate/Republican Ass-Fucker could have done, I don't know what is?

Joe Wilson is as bad as that Iraqi who threw his shoes a Dumbass Dubya Bush... but for some reason no one in the White House is taking him to task. Thereby showing that the Democrats are a bunch of pussies.

Rahm Emanuel, so-called Mr. Nutcracker, asked for an apology from Joe Wilson... uh, hate to break it to you buddy, but you don't ask for an apology from a scoundrel like Wilson in the first place. What ever you get will be insincere, will be lacking any kind of humility and it let's him off the hook from getting attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked and then made the poster child of what is wrong the GOP/Republicans -- that over-weight Southern White Boys who back the Birther Movement.

Although what the media isn't saying about the Joe Wilson rebuke of the first Black President is -- just what is this childish man's mind state to make such a remark? It's plain and simple -- it's racism to Nth degree, and here's how and why. Joe Wilson is from South Carolina, so off the bat he's a Confederate who thinks the South Will Live Again, but also he must hold the greatest outrage over the fact that Barak Obama is President of the United States. Southerns over the age of 35, particularly those who have amassed power in the 80s and 90s, don't like niggers. Not one bit. They still think Black people are beneath the Whites, no matter what accomplishments or measure of intelligence, prestige, money or success the Black person has -- Niggers were our property only a 140 years ago, so I just don't see how they will ever been anything equal or better than us Aryans.

Birth of Fade Nigga Nation

Joe Wilson's outburst was basically him saying, "boy, what kinda shit are ya spewin' ta yer betters?" I'm sure Wilson never refers to President Barak Obama as, "Mr. President," but probably always calls him, "Barak." Wilson just proved to me that adage that all Republicans aren't racists, but that all racists are Republicans! And mark my words, anyone who attempted to thwart President Bush's half-intelligible rhetoric would have been burned at the stake. I mean the Republican Party in ANY of its incarnations and formats didn't censure Wilson == and they fucking pricks for not doing so. Michael Steele, you were your Uncle Tom/Clarence Thomas mask with such aplomb!

Don't let the country be back on the Road of Prosperity because of the policies the Barak Obama put in place happen before the 2012 election... just it'll basically say, "America was saved by a Harvard-educated Black man! After a Yale educated White Man and his cronies stuck a hot poker up America's collective asses!"

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Hold These MuthaF*cka Accountable!

President Barak Obama just finished his speech to both houses of Congress regarding the problems facing us with the health care reform legislation that he wants to see passed.

He made one supremely telling statement, a CEO of an Insurance company got up in front of the Senate and made some statement about how employees are encouraged to drop long-paying customers who happen to get sick, because they need to boost profits. The same CEO said this is done because of "Wall Street's Relentless Profit Expectations" - THIS is the true barbarian at the gate, ready to rape and pillage. In fact, it (Wall Street's thirst for ever increasing profits) has been pretty much raping, pillaging and stealing from the general public UNCHECKED since Ronald Reagan rolled up into the Oval Office.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Their Power Is Unparralled

We don't even really know how tight the Corporate Power Structure

There was a recent episode of Warren Olney's Show Which Way L.A. in which he was discussing the fact that most medical students avoid being general practitioners because the pay is so low and the cost to run an office and deal with the bullshit insurance bureaucracy siphons off any kind of cash that they may make. This doctor from the heartland of California was talking about how specialists get three and four times the amount, when a regular internist can provide the same care. And another doctor was stating that the drug companies pay kickbacks and bonuses to doctors who prescribe their pharmaceuticals... or the sales reps for the expense ass machines like MRIs also pay kickbacks when those machines are incorporated in part of the regimen for ATTEMPTING to deduce what is wrong with someone. The fact that all these doctors and hospitals are in the pocket on the Drug Companies isn't shocking, it's appalling. It makes you wonder if you can really trust the diagnosis, because the doctor making the claims could be making enough cash for the mortgage on his vacation home by slangin' oxycontin or xanax or God knows what other drug is being prescribed (like all the fucking anti-depressant drugs that are on the market. There's even boost Anti-Depressants that extent the reach of shit like Zoloft.

Americans need to be very afraid of the Corporate Power Structure, it's not just the military industrial complex that we need to be vigilant about, it's the financial-industrial-chemical complex that is standing with its foot on our neck, and must people are just too dumb to realize it.

Paul Krugman's NYTimes Editorial excoriated the right-wing/GOP/Confederates and the outright lies that they're offering the public as the alternative to Obama-care; these lies serve who? You guessed it!

But Krugman makes some interesting points about how potentially ungovernable the nation is (just like California has proven to be), because of the lines drawn in the sand by the members of the Republican / Confederate party, "Given the combination of G.O.P. extremism and corporate power, it’s now doubtful whether health reform, even if we get it — which is by no means certain — will be anywhere near as good as Nixon’s proposal (you have to read the whole article for this explanation), even though Democrats control the White House and have a large Congressional majority.

And what about other challenges? Every desperately needed reform I can think of, from controlling greenhouse gases to restoring fiscal balance, will have to run the same gauntlet of lobbying and lies.

I’m not saying that reformers should give up. They do, however, have to realize what they’re up against. There was a lot of talk last year about how Barack Obama would be a “transformational” president — but true transformation, it turns out, requires a lot more than electing one telegenic leader. Actually turning this country around is going to take years of siege warfare against deeply entrenched interests, defending a deeply dysfunctional political system

So where are we when it comes to uncuffing the LLC Shackles? When these idiots in the town hall meetings scream that they want their America back, I somehow doubt they mean the pre-70s America, when corporate lobbyists and interests didn't steal the governing from Main Street and put all the decisions in the hands of Wall Street and those sitting in boardrooms smoking cigar and sipping brandy, chuckling gleefully as they continue to bad their pockets at the expense of the hard working people who make up the dramatically dwindling middle class.

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