What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Bush with Clean Hands
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
That's Prescott's Grandson's final day to fuck the country, at least on an active scale 'cause we all know that the dick-slapping he's given the country will have these cosmic ripple effects that we won't begin to see the catastrophic effects of until sometime in the middle of the next decade.

There is something like 816 days left, until we can usher out the most dangerous president in the history of the game -- nay, the history of the planet moves out of office.

Did anyone read the current of Rolling Stone? The one that has a cartoom of the Capitol Building on the cover? How could you miss it? In the bottom right corner there is a drawing of a Congressman chasing a little boy (an seriously funny jab at child-dick sucker Mark Foley), the article inside is extra good at describing the painfully undemocratic (yet not unpatriotic) methods, activities and abuses that the GOP controlled Congress has partaken in since Newt "the hoe" Gingrich led the charge for the Republicans to control both houses of Congress.

One of the main federally sanctioned country-rape&pillage, James Sennesenbrenner DEFINITELY needs to be voted the fuck out of his congressional seat. Will it happen? Hard to say, as incumbents -- even ones as shady as his ass -- tend to win unless they egregiously fuck up. I'd laugh to see him lose, but it would be a short chuckle as the jaw-dropping pillaging and general bitch-slapping of America that he's done is damn near unfixable.

In fact, I'd wager that all the "bitch, take that!" tactics that the GOP has executed in the last 14 years won't ever be undone.

Only SEVEN DAYS left to see about changing the world as we know it... baby steps at a time.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Pop Music: A Euphoric Drug with a Sinister Purpose

Angelina Jolie - Orgasmic
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
I was having a conversation with my younger brother over the last couple days via our Crackberries (he's in London working on a new job and I'm back in the San Fernando Valley in a half-way house) about the differences in UK culture and American culture. What came up in the conversation is how the American public by in large is conditioned to be ignorant, in fact to relish in that ignorance.

I revived a theory that I had came up with a long time ago about how pop music (the culture it stems from) is much like at public control drug in Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World" called Soma. Pop music is controlled by the mega-corporations that have strong ties to the controlling forces in the U.S. Government. We all know that the Record Companies have done everything they can to take away the independent power of the various pop music movements over the past 40 years -- ranging from the rebellous nature of rock in the 60s (it all became corporatized), the raging, questioning zeitgeist of punk in 70s and early 80s, the "fuck the Man" nature of rap in the late 80s and early 90s -- and turned all that artist expression for questioning authority into money-making machines that made the marketing economics of the game more important than anything the artists were trying to do or say to their audience.

And at what expense? Everything those fringe music movements had going for them once they started becoming mainstream was stripped out of them like a Roman Soldier raping a Germanic tribeswoman.

Each of these musical movements became 'mainstream',became 'pop' as the major record labels started offering the artists scandalous amounts of money for control of their artistic destinies, and how much radio play any given artist would strive for/get.

The payola scandals that continue to this day have determined what mindless music blasts out of the FM dial, the MTV broadcast, and the XM satelite stream (mark my words, XM and Sirrus are taking cash, how can they not and get this -- they're beaming out info via satelite to anyone -- the FCC would put a stop to "serious seditious" sounds if they wanted to) is all designed to make you feel good when you're listening.

When you're feeling the euphoria that music conveys as it tickles the same pleasure sensors in your brain to cause your dick to get hard or your pussy to get wet, don't you wonder if it's causing you to not have rational thought?

Take a rave for example: drugs, sex and music -- the combination that can control the youth market at anytime and/or anyplace -- are the cornerstone to the success of those fantastic experiences. But the drug aspect violates each and every aspect of the War of Drugs policies from the early Reagan Administration -- don't you think those things would be shut the fuck down if they really posed a so-called threat? Cops and other law enforcement know all about that shit! How can they not? They just need to spread around some greenbacks and/or drugs and hopped up kids are jabbering away about the location and the ringleaders. The powers that be figure, keep the majority of kids high and thinking about everything else by the society that they're about to inherit...

You can't knock the orgamic power of music -- we all fuck to it, or at least we want to fuck to it, and the subject matter of a lot of music is about fucking; and everybody knows that when fucking is on the brain little else matters...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Not On My Watch"

Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Why is it that the phrases - "not on my watch" or "never again" are the most hot air any politician can breath?

Let's take a look at what is happening on George W. Bush's watch -- now although it's veracity could be called into question, American and Iraqi health officials estimate that some 655,000 Iraqis have died since Hussein got the boot. If that's true, it only half of that number is true, then we're looking at something akin to... akin to... Darfur! Where at least 250,000 Sudanese have been slaughtered.

Curiously that puts a potential death toll -- for stoppable, avoidable violence, upwards of 1 million people. Kind of reminds me of the wholesale genocide in Rwanda about a decade ago.

I'll tell you something though, what's the deal with reform? I've spoken earlier about the need for a Reformation in Islam, much like what we saw in Christianity and Hebrew teachings. Now here's something I learned recently about even the calls for reform -- in an Islamic state/society those calls are a crime punishable by death. And believe you me, there would be NO shortage of so-called protectors of the faith brandishing Black & Decker drills and other hardware tools to dismember who ever was speaking out. I guess it has to do with the fact that Muhammed told muthafuckas that what he was doing was the final correction -- ain't nothing else is need.

I link this to what's going on in Sudan and Iraq, because they are both Islamic societies (at the ruling party in Sudan is) and they're causing problems globally... can we all wish for the day when religious violence based on some crap from the so-called Holy Land is only read out in out-of-print history books?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I can't help but chuckle and giggle at the G.O.P. these last few weeks -- the Foley Fucking Underage Pages Sex Scandal is absolutely hilarious. The one thing the stories about Foley's predatory predilections is that we don't if he actually bedded down other aides... I mean was he just constantly soliciting and never got it going, or did he actually score a few times over the past few years?

What's quite interesting about this shaken-to-the-core scandal is that since Newet Gingrich ushered in the NeoCons back during Clinton's first term, we have seen a rise of the Evangelical Christian Right and their need to shape the moral center/compass of the country. And yet, during that same time the level of sexual scandal, the level of raping and pillaging of the country, the level of monumental waste from Federal Government spending, the increase of drug use and decay of the urban centers (I don't give a FUCK what the stats say I know more people know than ever before who casually use drugs that it's silly) and the fact that America has effectively turned its back on a good 10% of its population (all the niggas living in the inner city or straight rural South -- ignored like they're homeless men holding a Feed Me sign at a 405 Freeway on-ramp!) has all increased, perhaps in direct correlation with the Grip on "what is morally right" that the Rapture nutcakes have been preaching.

The G.O.P. is no doubt rigging elections -- you can't believe otherwise. Why? Because that's what happens in countries where the Middle Class is basically non-existent or on its way out, and the rich and powerful run the show. You think that America has lost its ability to be democratic on the local, state and national, then you'd be thinking correctly! You don't see it now, because it is not pervasive. it doesn't need to be, all that needs to happen is election rigging needs to happen in Key States that can tip the balance in the fucked-up Electoral College System that we use over here.

And don't be fooled into thinking that America is all about spreading democracy across the Globe -- maybe for other white peoples, but not People of Color. In every place where the people aren't white and they FINALLY have an open, if not free election and the result is something that doesn't benefit the U.S.'s global empire agenda, the US protests the results and sends out the Jackals (CIA hitmen and Consulting Company mesmerizers) to find every way possible to reverse the results of the election. Case in point, The Gaza Strip/West Bank -- Hamas is what the people wanted. What's the problem with that? Let the Palestinians fuck themselves for a few years, they'll vote out the bitches -- if they prove to be bitches. I mean, imagine if the rest of the world wasn't down with our choice of President (as most of the world leaders did NOT want G.W. Bush re-elected, and yet economic sanctions and tariffs weren't levied against the US, why not?) Back in the early 70s, the US didn't want Chile to be ruled by Allende and his Communist passions, so they orchestrated his death -- and the dictator of all South American Banana Republic's ran that country just as bad as Sadam Hussein, just not as long, and he then changed his tune as he got old as fuck (Pinochet's in his 80s, Hussein in his 60s, meaning that when Pinochet was installed into power, he was already in his mid50s -- just at that point when you get tired of the fighting... so he was going to be giving it up by the mid80 -- like he did -- for the get-go.

I guess I'm disappointed that I'm still young and the world I'm inheriting from the Reagan & Bush years is perhaps the most catastrophic possible, because it signals the decline of the Pax Americana -- AND I HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ACT LIKE A PAID WHITE MAN, LIKE A FOOL! To do so now is completely irresponsible.

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