What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Reverse Beatdown!

Birth of Fade Nigga Nation
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
This past week saw the "guilty" verdict handed down in Long Beach, CA in regards to a hate crime that occurred last Halloween in which at least 10 Black Youths beat THE FUCK OUT of three white girls (in their late teens/early 20s) -- and when I say beat down, I mean damn near massacring these babes and these niggas shouted: 'fucking whites! fucking whites" -- which immediately turned the attempted murder into a hate crime.

Skateboards and Timberlands were the weapons of choice, which lead to possible loss of eyesight, brokens ribs, arms and face bones.

Not to mention psychic scarring -- best believe these white chicks will think twice about even walking down the same sidewalk with a bunch of niggas!

Not pretty to say the least.

This event no doubt polarized the community in Long Beach... that sleepy town just south of Los Angeles that gave birth to Snoop Dogg and Cameron Diaz (who ironically were at the same high school at the same time), and doesn't crop up in the news -- at least the national news that much -- but there it was front and center.

Apparently, 9 out of 10 "Black Youths" were found guilty, but ironically they're only either facing time in the Juvenile Facilty or Probation!

For that kind of asswhipping?!?! I'm surprised they're not being hunted down and strung up by Aryans or by these Latino gangbangers that are looking to make a name for themselves by slaughter niggas in broad daylight.

Racial tensions erupt more and more in SoCal, because the economic situation continues to grow bleaker and bleaker, but people don't give a good fuck. Everyone is so concerned about their personal and familial struggles that they might be seeing that LA County is approaching the tipping point in terms it's ability to provided wages that aren't being eaten by inflation and extreme competiton that could provide extended prosperity for the bulk of the population.

Biggest issue facing SoCal is -- what does this part of the nation produce (that's in the urbanized zones) that couldn't be farmed out to India or Southeast Asia for pennies on the dollar in savings?

Not much... induststry is so threadbare compared to what it was in just late 80s, and yet 1000 people move to this city/county every fucking day.

Can anyone say, "Blade Runner?"

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Niggas vs Spics!

Armed Troops in Liberia
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Ya know what the social topic of the month is in LA? A surprising strange rise of Spics killing Niggas in the mean streets of LA -- and not for drug beef, but still a simple factor of territory control.

It seems that latinos in LA are looking to reclamate certain parts of the city from the "negro menance" and they're killing innocent Blacks (like 14 year old girls) to send a message -- "Darkies get out!" The ghettos of LA have given

This one spic fool was interviewed on the radio talking about how Black people are "unclean and that they bring ghettoism." Like that's a word (more on that in a sec). Quite frankly I was shocked, because if you look at these poor Hispanic neighborhoods that have their own style of ghetto traits and sanitary habits that would make a OCD Victim kill themselves... not to mention the smell of refried beans permeates the air, the carpet and the walls of low income and poverty level latino communities.

Who would think that these two groups -- both people of color with an oppressed past in the US -- would turn on each other! Just goes to show that Afro-Americans never catch a break.

However these latinos need to recognize that all the Civil Rights work that Black people spearheaded, took the most ass-beatings and raised enough shit so MEXICANS could get a fair shake -- and here they go capping niggas for kicks and claiming that all niggas are good for is bringing ghettoism to their 'hoods.

The thing about Latino/Black gang violence is that the concept of "stopping it" has to come from a pure desire to reconcile in respect to a purely subjective issue -- it's not about drugs, it's just about skin color -- the perpertual problem of America for all times.

But back to this term "ghettoism" -- the way that word is used in popular culture days lets me know that Black people took ownership of that word throughout the mid 90s in rap music and made it a badge of dubious honor. So much so that the rest of the American population use the word ghetto as an adjective to describe behavior that is decidedly classless, behavior that has no shame, behavior that is indicative of generations of institutional racism, poverty and iirational assault by whites.

I don't know how this new crop of racial violence is going to pan. I assume that it'll only get worse and the reprisal attacks will get more and more random, striking complete innocents and then when it encroaches into the white part of town, then and only then will the police and maybe even the national guard come out and crack down on the bullshit.

Congress Wants To Line Your Pocket

$20 Stacks
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
Well... not really, but what Congress wants to do is raise the minimum wage... to a whopping $7.25/hour!!!!

Yeah, the price of a Large Value Meal at Wendy's.

The concept of a minimum wage is a misnomer. It is basically a wage that curbs peoples appetite for turning to crime to get by and/or avoids insanity (which usually leads to homelessness). That's not to say one doesn't need to have to two or three minimum wage jobs just to survive.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Brothers Gonna Work It Out!!!

I didn't know if this day would come before or after I had children, and I'm glad it's happened before -- what am I talking about? Well, we know that the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears are headed for a showdown in the SuperBowl, but is must remarkable is that no matter what happens A NIGGA IS GOING TO WALK AWAY WITH THE VINCE LOMBARDI TROPHY.

Yeah, that's right.
It's either Tony Dungy, who's been paying his dues since like forever, or Lovey Smith, who I'm sure has been paying his dues just as long, but not with the media spotlight that Dungy has had since Dungy's been a premiere NFL head coach for at leat 5 years.

After all those years of the Good Ole Boys claiming that Black men didn't have the mental capacity to be quarterbacks, let alone head coach in the NATIONAL Football League. Hats off to those Brothers.

You know the thing about it is Dungy and Smith are no doubt opening the doors for other minority head coaches, but I wonder if we'll see an Asian (any style - Indian, Chinese, Samoan) get on within the next decade or so (unless there already is one, I don't follow the pigskin gladiators all that much).

It's such a big thing though, because Black people -- particularly Black men -- have been systematically, institutionally and continually told that they don't have the "intelligence" to really kick it live in any era of so-called modern America. And yet here we are having two Brothas vie for the prize of all prizes, and in an era that is more complicated - technology-wise - than we've ever seen in pro football (in pro sports in general). That says something to me more than the fact that they are Black and are coaching, as there have been Black football coaches in college for quite sometime -- ever since all-Black colleges and universities suited up teams for the combat on the gridiron.

I wonder if Lombardi is spinning in his grave? I'm up on the fact if he kept niggas down or not, or even if he had niggas playing for the Packers (I doubt it though, too cold for Blacks to be up there anyway...)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Uh... is this what it has come down to?

I mean come on, now!!!! What the fuck?!?

But of course we know that a nigger can be Prez before a bitch...
Still I don't know if Hillary Clinton in '08 is a good prospect for the Country, much like Obama, Clinton immediately creates polarization amongst the voting populace. Since she's a double lightning rod for the GOP -- a bitch and a Clinton -- it gives the GOP a perfect sounding board for the "Get Out The Vote" campaign that they're going to need for the general election.

As much as I want to see Obama win the ticket, win the White House, I can see the election looking just like the 2000 election when the country was so split down Red/Blue State lines, with Obama potentially taking the popular vote (although highly unlikely, 'cause he's of Nigerian descent) and whoever the GOP prop up with Carl Rove dirty tricks winning the electorial college voting.

The same thing would happen with Hillary, and that's if she can get over the fact that she's a woman. Too many men AND WOMEN operate under the assumption that Women don't have the true-grit mindset to deal the confrontational nature of national and international politics... I think outside of Britain, the Philippines and India, there hasn't been a female leader on the world stage... until that new PM of Germany won oh, so recently. Britain and Germany get a pass, because the systematic debasing of women isn't part of their culture the way it is the land of the free, the home of the brave (my favorite oxymoron in the history of the world).

You have to realize that the GOP are going to capitalize on Hillary's scorned woman persona that she has left behind... not tripping and standing behind her man (good ole Bill) might look like she's soft and will accept being slighted to her core. Imagine the similar questions that were asked of Michael Dukakis about his wife getting raped, being aimed at Hillary? I'm shuddering now, and if she ever just once even has tears welling up in her eyes SHE IS THROUGH, completely and utterly.

The '08 means more to the GOP than it does to the Dems, because if they lose after Dubya's assfucking of the country (Iraw debacle, economy, domestic civil rights policies, sucking Big Businesses dick) then they'll be out of the national power circle for some time. As it's hard to believe that they'll win back the Congress this time around, too. Not to mention any new supreme court appointments.

I just don't want to see the Monica Lewinsky shit get rehashed AGAIN, and it will be. I can see Carl Rove know pulling up the video tape from the archives already, getting ready to smash the prospect of women president -- in general, let alone Hillary -- by showing the bullshit media coverage of "Cigar-in-the-pussy-gate."

The election season just got cranked up to nasty level 12...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'm single now, so.... who wants to fuck?!

Did you see the Golden Globes on Monday? Yeah, blah, blah, blah, -- nothing exciting except for Helen Mirren (at 60 she still looks sexy, and you know from his recent appearance in the Caligula remake, she's still freaky) but Reese Witherspoon perhaps looked the best, nay the most fuckable that I've ever seen her...

Of course she always looks movie star beautiful when ever she's OUT at events to get photographed, but this is her first time amongst the rich & beautiful since her split from what's his name, and she HAD to look extra hot, to let people know that, "okay, yes, I'm sexy, but I'm not getting sex right now -- so all you hot, young men who want to get down, don't not think of me as the Sexiest MILF you'll get to see.

Considering that she's way under 30, she is probably one of the primest catches in Hollywood at the moment; and since she's done with her first marriage, she's most likely to "do it right" the second time around... which is basically what they say, "the first one is practice."

Monday, January 15, 2007

Return of the Show of Shows

No, not Syd Casear, but the return of Jack Bauer and the gang at CTU! I've been telling people since the very beginning that this is TV best show since the invention of cable TV networks. Sure, THE WIRE and update of BATTLESTAR GALATTICA and SEINFELD fall within the pantheon of great shows, but they're not as captivating and addictive as "24".

"24" is maybe the most gripping piece of televised drama that we'll ever likely see -- the editing style (which changed the game) and the pulse-pounding storylines were finally reward for an industry-insider award -- The Emmy this past fall. While some people complain about some of the logic in the show, "that's not real", I'm like, "fuck off, it's TV" -- because all that TV has to do is deliver 40 minutes of truthful emotions within in believeable scenes, so if any individual scene bends reality but its emotional core is true... then the scene works, and the show wins (for example car bombs that are wired to the ignition, I was reading up on how that happens, and most of the time the victim survives the actual explosion).

The thing about this scene of Jack Bauer's exploits is that we see a broken man tracking down terrorists under the auspecies of a presidential administration that is ready to suspend civil rights & liberities at a moments notice to get the answers that it wants... which closely resembles what's actually going on in the Dubya Bush administration. You have to love the way a TV show can criticize what's going on within the Beltway, and seem like its grandstanding on a soapbox.

What like so far about the latest daily installment is that Bauer, who was used to using torture to extract information, has been the victim of dehumanizing physical & mental abuse at the hands of the Chinese (before this season began) and he's unable to take on the "mindset" to be an effective counter-terrorist... or at least he's unsure of his abilities... which again makes for fantastic drama. And Bauer is initially released from the Chinese, because he's to be traded for information about an Arab terrorist; Bauer tortured and killed a defecting terrorists brother several years ago and now that dude -- in perfect Arabian mode of eye-for-an-eye -- wants to torture then murder Bauer... however, Bauer does escape.

It's an intersting prospect to consider what would happen if the names and addresses of the Haliburton-hired private contractors who ordered or carried out some of the most heinous toruture for info extraction purposes in Iraq, was leaked to terrorist cells operating here inside the US? It calls into question the concept of War Crimes by private citizens... what's the purview for that?

Anyway, the second part of "24"'s season openner is in about 3 hours, so I gotta get back to rousing the rabble on another subject...

Whole Sale Slaughterin'

You Want This Fuckin' Oil? Come and Get It
Niggas cain't help but kill themselves, and over the most stupid things you can think of. I was listening to a report that in the past week in New Orleans there have been 8 murders! 8! The wackest of them all was the murder of the drummer for the Hot Eight Brass Band, because his death was apparently random violence.

Ray Nagan needs to get his ass in gear and put a lock down on that city. If you think about there is more killings per capita in New Orleans than any place else in the United States. The population is so small well under a million people, yet you get a person getting killed everyday - maybe even a few people each day. Over drugs and gold and women... three things that don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things, yet a triumvirate that holds sway over niggas like you won't believe!

Pimp'd Out Hummer Limo

And let's not mention Darrent Williams senseless killing on New Year's Eve! And what's even worse is not no one wants to come forward and drop a dime on the killers; who are apparent gangstas with some fear on the street rep. Being a snitch is the worst thing possible in the world of street niggas, because at a certain level one is perpetuating violence, abuse and gangsterism by not fingering dirty, society endangering people. But then again the police are going to do what they gotta do to bring you down, and for Blacks in America the history of getting taken down by Cops with trumped up charges and confessions has been too much.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Aren't You Curious...

So from time to time a serious bout of perversity invades my mental state, and I'm always wondering where the hell did that come from... well this clip below is probably what gave birth to it. It's a trailer to a fictionalized remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula. Take a look and then we'll get back to the good stuff...

When I was a college refreshman there was a lot of talk about FINALLY getting a chance to see the original film starring Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren (who coincidentally shows up in the remake, I wonder what a weekend with her would have been like in her prime?!!) -- we had to get on a waiting list that was like six weeks of people. When my night finally came, I think about 15 to 20 people came to my room and we sat down to watch the film, and slowly minute by minute people began to drift out of the room from the highly, highly perverse and dehumanizing and disgusting sexual acts, sexually-charged violence and outright brutallity until there was maybe two or three people left (I left myself maybe 30 to 45 minutes in, just too disturbing; didn't want those images in my head... at least that's what I thought at the time).

However, here it is 17 years later and after seeing the frank/explicit sexual images in this film clip (which reminded me of the uncut sequence of sexual barbarism -- if you could call it that -- in EYES WIDE SHUT) I have to say that those images and the ideas expressed in Tinto Brass's CALIGULA easily shaped a look of the darker sexual imagations that I have today. Makes me wonder what other films have done to shape the minds of others...

I'll leave you with this: consider this... to be uninhibited about one's own sexual acitvities is not the same as being unshockable...

From Camp David to Concentration Camps?

Have you read the Peanut Farmer President’s book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”? I’ve haven’t yet, but it’s next in line for me, particularly after reading an article in today’s NYTimes that 14 of Atlanta’s business and civic leaders resigned from the Carter Center’s advisory board on Thursday to protest Jimmy’s recent criticisms of Israel and American Jewish political power.

Their multi-signature letter of “I’m quitting, peace!” dragged the best-selling book through the mud for its [scathing?] criticisms of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. The letter also took issue with comments Mr. Carter has made suggesting that Israel’s supporters in the United States are using their power to stifle debate on the issue.
Here’s a quote from the letter, “It seems you have turned to a world of advocacy, even malicious advocacy,” the letter said. “We can no longer endorse your strident and uncompromising position. This is not the Carter Center or the Jimmy Carter we came to respect and support.” .

Now, Carter has a STRONG point that Israel’s backers in the US do quell any meaningful questioning of the US’ near 60 year unwavering, unquestioning support of Israel – even when it’s damaging to our oil & security interests in the so-called Holy Land region.

Truth be told you can’t criticize the current US-Israel foreign policy, by doing so it is de facto consider anti-Semitic and brings up charges of denying the suffering Jews faced during the 1930s & 40s during the Nazi pogroms...

That's a little problematic in my book, because the security concerns that are plaguing our nation, having all these troops sent to the Middle East to get killed (ranging all the way back to the Beirut bombing in 1984) stems from an unwillingness by the people of the United States and its government to approach the problems of the Holy Land (and the subsequent seepage into the rest of the Western world) with a neutral gaze.

There was a film I saw earlier this year called “Paradise Now” or something like that, it was from the Palestinian Territories and it followed two mid20s Arabs who wanted to become suicide bombers and blow up themselves and good chunk of Israelis in Jerusalem. And I was captivated on the depiction of everyday life in the occupied territories, just the location footage alone was enough to make you say, FUCK...

Is comparing the treatment of the Palestinians in refugee camps for close to 60s years comparable to Apartheid?

I’ma say, “Hell yeah!! ‘Cause muthafuckas who ain’t got no cribs for Big Mama and Big Mama’s mama -- let's be real, now, they had their cribs stolen from them --and are treated like the worst bunch of foul peoples on the face of the planet (that might be that regardless though) smacks of being too close to the P.W. Botha government view of niggas in South Africa.

Maybe it ain’t right to compare these apples and oranges (as the South Africans were extremely docile compared to the rock-thrown-at-tank Palestinians), but there ain't no reason for the issue not to be debated, and if Israel and its US supporters need to be put on Front Street for the hypocracy... then so be it!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pump Up The Troops! Pump Up The Troops?

MP's Foot On The Neck

Dubya is determined to “win” in Iraq, but apparently his definition of winning is woefully out of date; in fact, it’s a 1950s definition. As “The Decider”, he asinine decision to increase the troops on the ground in Iraq (thereby overextending the military) is perhaps the most hubristic act of military inanity since Hilter thought he could overrun Moscow in the middle of the pre-global warming Russian winter!!

I don’t understand why a bicameral legislature – extremely similar to ours, where one house is proportionally represented and the other is a fixed representation – wasn’t in the “Game Plan” from the beginning. Dubya & Crew invaded the country under the aegis of bringing democracy to these wayward sand niggers, and yet the democracy that they wanted to bring (to a country/region that has no philosophical or actual precedence for it) wasn’t even considered; particularly in a region where the feuds and hatreds have been boiling over since before the concept of democracy existed!!! At least with a government similar to our congress (don’t ask me about the executive branch, maybe the two houses choose or there are general elections), the ethno-religious violence that is beyond out of hand (and approaching dastardly disturbing)

Some people say that we (i.e. the US via the Bush Administration) can’t let Iraq tear itself apart, that the vacuum that would appear if the G.I. Joes pulled out would tumble the region into chaos… uh, wasn’t the region circling the chaos drain during Hussein’s reign of terror anyway? If he wasn’t warring with the Islamic revolutionaries in Persia, then he nerve gassing people within his own borders with Sarin and other neurological goodies. It might do the region good, if Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran gobbled up the country – getting the oil out would be hard, and the price per barrel would skyrocket (although it shouldn’t because how much is the global economy getting out of that forsaken land as it is?), but eventually the region would calm down.

Nobody said that the country HAS TO continue to exist… it’s just that in the last 20 years, we’re used to seeing more countries from internal squabbles than less (i.e. break-up of the CCCP, East Timor, Ethiopia split, Czech Republic and Slovakia…), we’d be hard pressed to believe that the disappearance of country would be a good thing for its people. But let’s face it, the Arab Shi’ites would feel comfortable under Arab or Persian Shi’ia control, whereas the Kurds don’t want to be down with the Turks, but ethnically that’s where they belong. With the annexation by the surrounding countries, there is sure to be great amounts of Arab blood shed, but that’s not my concern – as that’s going to happen regardless of the outcome.

This one pundit last night posited the question, if a Marine scout force stumbled upon a Shi’ite militia versus Sunni insurgent firefight, the Arabs where join forces to eradicate the Marines, then go back to fighting themselves… now if that doesn’t sound hopeless, I don’t know what does…

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mockery of So-Called Justice

I was just reading some shit about how the Shi'ite Government was "investigating" the leak of the cellphone movie of Saddam's execution... like they need to go through that kind of bullshit PR stunt?!??! I guess they're losing sympathy from other Arab states/leaders for the mocking, taunting and jeering that Saddam received before getting his neck stretched.

It just continues to show that Iraqi Shi'ite Muslims trully WANT civil war, so the place can go even further in to the 9th Hell, and suck dry the world's attention, resources and dipolmatic energy.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Violence Channel - All Violence 24/7, Watch It!

The internet village can't get enough of seeing human slaughter transmitted through fiber-optic signal lines -- ever since beheadings were broadcast from Iraq during the beginning of the current Gulf War, the public keeps clammoring for more and more video of people actually get snuffed.

So we all waited with baited-breath for the secreted, near-stop motion video footage of Saddam getting the noose... and then it was available for us all to see and relive on Google Video 24/7 (close to three million people have seen the killing on that Google site, and it's rated with like 3.5 star??! That's fucking sick, just shows how outrageous we still really are as people -- that many people watching it makes me remember those negro lynching photos for the early and middle part of the 20th century... all the white people (men, women & children) hanging around to see the basest killing of another human. I wonder how many people who witnessed lynchings as kids, actually were scarred by the imagery either to crusade against injustice toward Black people or to become dangerous devil-humans themselves? Beating on their wives or children and what not.

The Iraqi Gallows were in some dank basement that looked like something out of a bad scifi film from the '60s, and somebody JUST HAD TO HAVE a video camera in that room -- regardless of the poor taste, the abuse of power it demonstrated or the sadism that we now have to expect from all Iraqis -- to broadcast the death of a warlord president for the whole world to see, and to let it sink in so the outrage can begin. What was it there for ? To prove that Hussein was actually hanged? Wouldn't his dead corpse on display be enough of a convincing act? Why weren't the black masked guards and hangmen searched?

Saddam was definant to the end, even as the Shi'ite executions and guards shouted the praise of that radical cleric Moqtadha al-Sadr, Saddam was pretty much like, fuck you and the American horse you rode in on. I think that Saddam is now being viewed as a marty, because the Shi'ites just had to kill him so damn quickly. What kills me about these executioners is that they're wearing those maudlin black masks that harken back to the days of Louis XVI and the beheadings during the Reign Of Terror.

I don't understand why the Americans didn't write the constitution when they overthrow Saddam (much like what they did in Japan after ww2), in they outlined what the power structure was going to be - 1/4 voting blocks to each of the groups (Kurd, Shia, Sunni and fourth block that ups for grabs), in which the representational officers that make-up each Block is voted on via democratic elections. Then each power group would have a power base to flex their muscle, and we wouldn't have such bitter reactions toward each other or the absurb sectarian violence that's been de rigur for the past couple year.

This way the vengance is mine sayeth Muhammed Shi'ites wouldn't be fucking the country with the way it's being governed now.

Does this seem to hard for the old white men who were runnin' shit to understand? You have to factor in the fact that all these white dudes in power have an vindictive arrogance that reered up after the '90s in which the American white man came under attack by so many different ethnic and minority groups (ever notice that since Dubya has been in power all that talk has gotten REAL quite?), and since they've been runnin' shit (into the ground I might add) they've figured we can flex on niggas and people of color at home, why not the rest of the world? Guess again, huh?

Dubya was always against "nation building" but for a so-called country that never knew anything about being a country in the first place, to rule out that kind of systematic laying down the law has been a fatal mistake.

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