What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Trial Of The Decade (Part I Of A Series)

Michael Jackson - PLAYED THE FUCK OUT

Jacko goes on trial this week. Goddamn! This is the trial of the past decade and the current decade, as Michael Jackson should have gone down in the early '90s for his perverse penchant for prepubescent boys (are the majority of pedophiles men who want to butt-fuck little boys? I don't hear about women kidnapping boys and raping them or kidnapping little girls either? Is pedophilia an affliction for men only?)

I speculated on my old blog that whoever went to trial first between Kobe Bryant and Michael Jackson would get off, while the other would be become a two-hole tool for a slew of prisoners...

In the pre-trial comedy of Jacko's trial we've seen quite a bit, nothing as hilarious as the Defense Attorney's laptop being stolen. I wonder if that was a ploy to gain more time.

If I was Jacko, I'd stage a kidnapping where I was forcibly taken from a limo at gunpoint and then whisked away to a foreign locale. Then have an Iraqi Insurgent style of ransom deman video tape released to the media. Eventually, I would "break loose" from my captors and flee -- but I wouldn't return to America.

A well-thought out plan (with a lot of fucking kinks in it), but at least it would save me (as Jacko) from wasting what little fortune I have left on legal fees.

Stay tuned, because the trial starts tomorrow - in this bitch!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The New Reign Of Terror Is On The March

fuck Bush
Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.

What is it with the current president? As the cowpoke from Crawford, Tx, I can understand the ignorance and the giddy glee he finds in mundance activity that perhaps a 5 year old would jump for joy about.

Case in point, the Man is rejoicing that January 2005 will be a great time in the history of the Middle East because there will be an election in the Occupied Territories in the Holy Land AND an election in the shattered country that used to be Iraq - it still carries that name, but shouldn't it have a new flag and everything? Once America reconfigured Germany at the End of WW2 the flag was changed, the national anthem rejiggered and the name of the country was altered to affect the new era, new direction.

The Palestinian Election... I don't know what this will yield. Sharon and his cronies in the Knesset will have to make some concessions as Arafat is dead and the old excuses that Shurb and the Israelis bandied about "he's not looking for peace" is a continued excuse.

The Iraqi Election... just split the country in two the way Germany was severed after WW2 -- give part of the country to the Kurds and the Shi'ites, the other to the Sunnis. But make sure the Oil-rich regions are split off to a UN controlled zone! Ha, like that'll ever happen. But consider the boolshit going on over there, it should at least be considered.

Iraq was cobbled together by the British because they knew the fractuous tribes of the once-Fertile Crescent can never get along or co-exist, and therefore determine the fate of the "black Gold" sitting underneath the soil. Iraq wasn't destined to be a country on its own accord, so why does American have to continue the charade? Let the place fall into turmoil and see what happens, mabye Kuwait or Iran will invade, which will bring in Turkey and the coutnry will disappear.

Somehow the U.S. President seems to believe that the survival of liberty and freedom of America is dependant on the success of liberty in other lands. I don't know about you, but since the Patriot Act was signed liberty has taken cheap shots to the nutsack -- at least in America.

I was over in the L.A. Federal Building on Friday getting a new passport (remember what I said about this being my last full year as an U.S. Resident) and it took fucking forever just to get into the building! A long-ass line continued to expand - in the freezing LA rain (which didn't bother me, but watching chumps in flipflops huddling like it was a blizzard was intriguing), and the door guard was taking his sweet, methodical time to inspect every aspect of who ever was trying to get in the building. Couldn't they have checked us once we were inside? I guess not.

And it was all for naught, because once I got in the building I took my seat (while reading John Irving's A Widow For One Year, which I recommend) and was thinking of ways that I could have snuck a plastic or resin knife into this building and done damage IF I was a secret al-Qaeda sleeper agent.

So things aren't that free-wheeling in The Land Of The Free & The Home Of The Brave.

But at least the Iraqis have more than two LEGITIMATE parties to vote for in their polling. Why can't we do away with the stranglehold the GOP and the Donkies have on American politics? Or at least open up the playing field? Then, maybe, I can get behind a Texan idiot.

You all ever heard of the O.S.S. manuever called Operation Paperclip? I think you might find it interesting.

By The Hair of Her Chiny, Chin, Chin

Condi Rice began her stint as U.S. Secretary of State today, after a most ugly confirmation hearing in which 13 Senators gave her the thumbs down; 13! It's been 180 years since that last Secretary of State was given such a vote of no-confidence.

But you know, no one really wants to see a Black woman in that position, a position of spreading the foreign policy of the US across the globe. And by no one I mean that select group of Global Power Brokers... the GPB is radically afraid of a strong, INTELLIGENT, Black woman -- as they have proven that they can dominate in most every arena they choose to jump into. Take that woman Amarosa (from The Apprentice) who is starring in those Watercooler Burger King commercials; she grabs the WHOLE room by the balls and squeezes. And it's not even considered your traditional "ball-busting." I wonder why that is?

So an American Black woman is highly aware of her strengthens and weaknesses, and how others view her. By being extraordinarily intelligent, she is exciting and threatening in equal measure.

Ironically, you have a Democrat, from California, who is a woman - Dianne Fienstein - championing Ms. Rice. But then you also have a Democrat, from California, who is a woman - Barbara Boxer - taking a dump on Ms. Rice -- it just goes to show that the President excells in irrational division amongst the people of America.

That's what we need to get to the bottom of!

I look forward to seeing how Condi Rice puts the spin on the upcoming Iraqi Electorial Fiasco. As Ted Kennedy put it today, Bush broke Iraq and is it really up to the US to put it back together again? I didn't watch or read anything about Condi's interrogation/confirmation hearings, but I can imagine it played something similar to Anita Hill's tar-n-feathering at the hands of the Senate about 12 years ago. I can imagine that on racial hate websites, like Storm Front they had a field day with the shlacking Condi took... all so she could serve one of the most dangerous white men to rule a country since Adolf Hitler (well, that's too harsh in the wake of the 60th Anniversay of Auschwitz).

I, for one, hope that the Iraqi election is at least considered passable, because that part of the world just gets too much media attention. How diabolical is it that the Holy Land is also where the global energy sources resides in the ground?

Although if the Iraqi election is the sham everyone expects it to be, then we're in for so much more SHIT from the middle east.

What buggers me is that Iraqi people are complaining that Sunni Muslims aren't going to be adequate represented, and they constitute around 35% of the population. Hmmm.... in US elections a good 35% of the people just don't vote, many of them ethnic minorities who are denied that basic American right because of Polling Prevention Tactics by the GOP.

So if at least 50% of the country turns out at the polls, then Condi and the President should have something to champion in Washington, on the Pundit Talk shows and what ever else is covering the White House. Oh, like this blog.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bad Company? Good Company?

I was reading in The Economist recently an article about the wave of “social responsibility” that is sweeping over companies today. In the face of declining continuous profitable quarters, companies and the CEOs that run them MUST look elsewhere for their measures of success.

No longer is the pernicious quest for higher and still higher profits the fuel inside corporate boardrooms.

Here’s a bit of mantra directly from that article:
Treat your employees well; encourage loyalty among your customers and suppliers; avoid investing in “unethical” industries, or in countries where workers are paid low wages or denied decent benefits; take care to save energy and recycle used envelopes; and so on.

It is with good reason that quarter-to-quarter growth is coming under scrutiny – IT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.

Adam Smith claimed that the beauty of capitalism is that it forces everyone to compete for their daily bread… for the betterment of society at large -- yet in a world were governmental hand-outs to the rich and powerful, and racism (the tool of choice to defeat an opponent without having to actually face that opponent) have segregated – damn near permanently – the classes, you have to wonder what expense does The Corporation take for the continual raping and pillaging of the planet ALL FOR THE GLORY of that select few that can afford a high enough stock portfolio (and other ownership/wealth-creating devices) in said Corporation.

When Adam Smith was diligently writing with a quill pen by lamplight, I’m sure he never even dreamed that the Occidental Economies would be on the verge of exhausting the planets resources (if they continue to operate unchecked) and defecate on the planet with the never-ending stream of industrialization created waste; waste that cannot be recycled, reused or re-purposed.

Today's smart companies are looking into ways of re-vitalizing Mother Earth’s resources. But are they getting the lion’s share of the investment capital?

Corporate Social Responsibility must be the new MANTRA for the 21st Century, as the under 40 crowd is going to live until their late 90s at least (if they can afford the medical routines). Can you imagine a group of octogenarians robbing and stealing from the lofty elites in the Pacific Palisades, in Westchester County New York, in Boca Raton, in Evanston, IL? It’s poised to happen unless the NYSE most-favored chumps, errrr, companies look to “give back.” Shareholder value is overrated, wouldn’t you say? Mostly poignantly, when the fate of society is at stake.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

What Have Me or My Cumdumpster Sister Been Up To?

nikki hilton - three hole tool
Originally uploaded by ranges 3rd.
Apparently nothing... some who might have followed my previous blog "The Nigger Factor" might have noticed that I took the Hilton Sisters to task quite often. Some accused me of having a fetish for Paris. Maybe so, but turn the mirror on yourself -- the entire western WORLD has had a fetish for Paris Hilton. Her name itself sparks up mental images of romance, hot sex, trashy underwear, good food and just a rollicking good time.

Since the demise of my previous blog, I've been curiously away from the tabloids and anything that smacks of pop culture reading (if you can call skimming Us Weekly in the check-out line at Ralph's reading) -- except for brief snippets of the Earth-shattering failed marriage of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. We all knew it wasn't going to last - especially without any kids.

I watched Prescott's Grandson take the Oath of Office and swear to "end tyranny." What kind of grandiose, bloated, head-in-the-clouds statement is that?

As Presidents Ford, Clinton and Bush Sr. watched the Cowpoke from Crawford, Texas genuflect to the Chief Justice, the Death Nell of Pax Americana was sounding across the globe. In Beijing they were cheering, because Pax Chung-Kuo is dawning as we speak.

Needless to say the collapse of any empire is nasty business, resultant in tumultuous upheavals, the abject loss of knowledge, and rioting in the streets (my favorite catch phrase that I picked up from investment guru Jim Rogers in his book INVESTMENT BIKER).

I start 2005 with a curiously different outlook than any previous year in my last 15 years... hopefully this will be my last full year as a resident of the United States. Why do I plan on becoming an expatriate? Check back next week, next month, next quarter... it'll all be apparent.

Well back to my sabbactical.

The search for Ramses isn't quite over yet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Search For Ramses 3rd Continues...

Army Search Team
Originally uploaded by Ramses 3rd.

Check back soon to find out the story...

Is it going to be pretty?

Can't tell at the moment, but it's probably gonna be ugly.

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