What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The JOURNEY BEGINS... a new day has dawned in America.



is now the President of the United States! Can you mutha-fuckin'-believe it!!!

The huge expectations that now hang over Obama's shoulders probably can't be conveyed in words (maybe a book or two), because everybody has their own idea of what "CHANGE" means in respect to Obama and what he's supposed to bring to Washington, to America, to the Rest of the World.

First and foremost we have to believe that the Post-Cold War Kids, who were strategically crucial in this paradigm-shift election, now want government to actually DO something. Put away all the bullshit regarding who's right on the Left and who's wrong on the Right, stow the partisan rhetoric and let's end these pernicious Culture Wars -- because the Right-Wing/Conservative/Confederate Party/GOP lost, their emissaries have raped the economy, pillaged Wall Street and gutted everyone's pension fund and retirements... so they could party like it's 1987!

The challenges that face Barak Obama are considerable, but he's put together a team of heavy weights who will challenge him and challenge the timber of the federal political machine. Just to name a few:
- Change the way Americans consumer energy

- Enact Public Healthcare for all Americans

- Reform Entitlement Programs

- Solve the Shit in the Middle East

- Capture bin Laden (dead or alive)

- Change "The Tone" of politics

I'm glad that Barak Obama and his Michelle were restrained through the entire ceremony, because Blacks, in general, get associated with emotionalism far too much (witness Cuba Gooding, Jr., Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx) -- his speech was powerful, but not the oratory soar that we might have expected. However, it was great from start to finish and didn't get too emotional or peppered with "remember this" lines -- that would have cheapened the moment. Let it be known that Obama did get in his veiled jabs at Dubya and his failed abysmal administration.

Are we going to refer to Barak Obama as BHO in the future? The way we use JFK, FDR and LBJ? After he leaves office? Before?

This Ras The Exhorter signing out.

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