What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

On The Dole

I was just laid-off a week and a half ago by my chump employer Houston Casualty Company -- they gave me a bitch severance package and then shorted me on the 4 days of PTO that I accrued and didn't use!

So I'm scouring the internet for jobs, whatever job I can find at this point, and it seems really fucked up in Los Angeles, where I think the Unemployment Rate is around 15 to 20% (unofficially).

As I'm watching some Ted Kennedy Death Coverage on CNN, a commercials runs about an unemployed breadwinner... and then it turns into an admonishment of the Obama Administration for letting 1.5 million immigrants into the country to take our jobs. It was provided by the The American Worker some group that is no doubt a front for some GOP/Confederate Political Action Committee that's trying to keep non-Whites from coming to this country.

The thing is this commercial is targeting LEGAL Immigrants, because there's no way for the government to measure and/or stop the flow of illegals. And from what I recall, you can't come to this country to work unless you get one of those 41-B Visas... and to get those, your employer has to submit paperwork to the government that indicates you, as the immigrant, have a skill that an American CANNOT fulfill. Most of the legal immigrants with sanctioned visas are usually scientists, mathematicians and computer programming specialist -- all jobs that American students over the past 25 years didn't concrete on or there's just a huge need for those skills.

Incidentally, illegals are doing jobs that white people typically have never done (as Blacks were around and those were all the jobs they could get, like janitors, trash men, housekeepers, basically shit manual labor jobs) or that Blacks won't do anymore since the Civil Rights Movement (unless they really have to mop floors and take out trash, which is usually the case for young, Black men 'cause they've been in jail). I'd really like to see a white housekeeper -- MAID -- that is, a young white janitor -- just doesn't happen.

So I take severe umbrage with this political group American Worker, what the fuck? You mean to tell me that some immigrant is going to take a job that just doesn't exist anymore? Should really ask for the repeal of NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Act) and force the Chinese to float the yuan so it's no longer artificially cheap (thus making all things from China cheap than they need to be by maybe 20%).

And what's really some shit is this commercial was up here trying to blame the Obama Administration for "continuing to allow" this to happen! I mean damn, like he could have changed the immigrant policy within his first 7 months. All the actions that were done under the Cowboy's Days in the White House are why the job situation is so fucked up. Get your concept straight, bitches!!!

The Torture Documents Are Revealled

Redacted documents?!?!? That's all we get is redacted documents regarding the CIA torture and abuse of

The Tricky Dick Cheney Doctrine that torture not only works in getting people to talk, but also provides accurate, actionable information. However, for some reason this smacks right in the face of the close to a century of interrogation experience that the FBI have built up -- and expressed in their field manual -- in dealing with criminals, terrorists and other threats to the country.

After Dubya's Debacle -- the Iraq Invasion -- FBI Special Agents went to Baghdad and tried to show the CIA how to get things out of prisoners. But the CIA wasn't having it -- the continual war between to the federal agencies as to who has the most clout, played out against the FBI.

But now it seems that the FBI has won, as Attorney General Eric Holder is looking to appoint as special prosecutor to bring to justice those fuckers from the Dubya Administration who just said to hell with treating people humanely -- if ya ain't an American, then you're a cur and we can treat you like one!

The sad thing about doing this though, is that it's going to mired Barak Obama's presidency, he's going to get fucked on the health care insurance reform issue (even in the wake of Edward Kennedy's recent death) and the economy might or might not get better by the midterm elections (which could give the GOP/Confederates control of the Senate or the House) and then his first term is basically done with. And he might not get a second turn, unless the economy REALLY turns around by 2012.

The question that we have to AG Holder is... are you going to open up the flood gates for the Republicans/Confederates to try some bullshit the next time they get in the White House? Now, on a certain level, the Dems NEED to do this because a) the bullshit with Ken Starr is ripe for payback and b) this demonstrates that the Dems aren't pussies and that they'll go to the mattresses if they have to (and wouldn't you know it would be black man who shows the GOP what it means to "get in that ass."

Sure the country needs to "get over what happened in the past administration," but I disagree because the Dubya Days fucked a lot of shit up, and the GOP/Confederates really did an unfair number of Clinton, so it's 16 years of abuse that needs vindicating.

Only problem with this CIA investigation is that it's going to make the CIA appear weak to the outside world, to those that we need to keep in check. However, the CIA's Clandestine Service will continue to act with impunity in the Middle East, kinda have to because those muthafuckas are all about decapitating people on webcam. What the fuck is that anyway? Jeez!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

How Private Industry Gets Over and Gives It To You

They fuck you in the ass with their need for more and more profit at the expense of the bottom 95% of the public.

What self-styled critics are calling Obama-Care -- even though the Obama Administration hasn't written its own proposal -- is what is irking me, and the majority of the country right now.

Here's quick video that I saw on YouTube that simply breaks down the need for universal, SOCIALIZED health care insurance.
... don't let people convince you that the government "just can't do shit right." Not every private industry company runs really well, you all do know that right? Something 75% of all new businesses fail in the first 3 years... that tells me that only a few people really have all the necessary skills, business insight and PURE LUCK to make in the dog-eat-dog world of American Capitalism. Now, I'm a STRONG proponent of private enterprise and entrepreneurs, but I know that the greed incentive leads down the shady road of behavioral economics in which Zero Sum Games are par for the course... and that results in severe pain for the loser, and let's not take into account sociological factors like racism, discrimination, xenophobia and spitefulness. Racism is big factor to consider... even though President Obama is half-Black and half-White that doesn't mean the subtle, insidious effects are racism are still alive and well.

You should take note that White Militia Groups have been on the rise since Obama came into office with a Mandate from the general public.

In Michael Moore's sensational documentary Bowling For Columbine there's a bit where Moore interviews Barry Glassner, a sociologist from the University of Southern California who wrote a book called in which he points out that the average African-American male with a graduate degree has an annual salary roughly equal to the average White American male with a high school diploma... yeah a FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL diploma. So the Black man is really fucked, because he's saddled with some extreme amount education debt and he's only making what a white boy is making just out of high school with no debt at all. I mean what the fuck is that?!?!!?

So when it comes to health care, and Black people are much less likely to check out a doctor for a lot factors, but I can best your ass that the cost is a huge factor. Even for a lawyer or doctor or attorney.

The GOP/Confederate/Republicans and even those shift Blue Dog Democrats must really hate their own profession, because they ARE the government that they claim can't run shit correctly.

But let's talk about that a little more. The federal government CAN run shit correctly. It runs the U.S. Military -- which is tasked with protecting our nation and our national interests across the globe. Now, if you honestly believe that private industry can handle ALL THINGS better than the federal government, then we need to task private industry with assembling, training, and commanding the armed forces. Surely, it would cost less... in fact, the Pentagon could see it's budget slashed by 40 to 50%, if not more (now some of them Black Ops and Dark Projects would still need to be handled by the government, because in the hands of private industry those secrets might just be sold the highest bidder) and we can let those mercenaries dictate the fate our interests here and abroad.

Oh... I forgot we're already doing this in Iraq, and from the reports that have trickled back that money-hungry mercs have performed well, but they've fucked shit up, too, and are no-doubt doing/did a vast amount of raping, pillaging, confiscating and general, all-around war profiteering. What ever happened to those gold-plated AK-47s and other wild shit that Saddam had? I don't recall hearing that it went in the U.S. Defense Budget as "seized goods in a time of crisis." I bet some merc just took that shit, melted it down and bought a yacht off the coast of Florida.

Medicare and Medicaid and the Veteran's Administration are run by the government... with hit or miss results. Sure the VA has showed its ass, but so has private industry... take a look at the meat packing industry... shit, agri-business in general, that's not run too well is it? So many corners are cut just to make a buck! And we all know that's what happens with the private insurance companies. Insurance is the biggest racket there is, hands down... because of all the indecipherable fine print that dictates these exclusionary cases that one has no idea could come into effect, because the permutations that have to occur to get something "right" is just as elusive as it is to get something "wrong" when it comes to being covered by the policy. However, when you are sick and/or in pain, you don't think about these things, you just, "I have insurance, I'm covered" and then bill from the unwaveringly callous accounting office arrives... and you see that you still going to be out of pocket by some $300 to $1000 that you didn't expect!

Americans have this ethos about working until we drop, and that hard work will pay off and allow you to live the best life that you can hope for you. Now that's a crock of shit that is continually sold by hook or by crook by all these people who don't understand sociology and how socio-economics playout in our imperfect union.

What lot of people may or may not know is that their fear of unions, so-called socialism and other so-called anti-American policies are being aroused by rich industrialists who wish to cut wages.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home Ownership... who knew it was part of The Anti-Nigger Machine

I was listening to the Public Radio International show TO THE POINT yesterday and the main story was about how Blacks an Latinos have a disproportionately high level of home foreclosures... the reason behind this? A resurfacing and repackaging of an old technique that white people used to fuck with people of color, this time it's called REVERSE REDLINING!!! This is where the insidious bankers/mortgage brokers specifically target Black and Latino homeowners and sucker them in to taking out subprime loans on their homes. Not because these people have bad credit ratings, far from it! There only could have been just being financial ignorant (truth be told, many of those exotic subprime loans are DESIGNED to confuse the borrower) and that banks, all the major banks, have systematically pulled out of servicing the so-called Ghetto.

Criminally evil bank Wells Fargo was particular malignant and malicious in its predatory activity. They're being sued by the City of Baltimore for their wide-spread practice of reverse redlining. Employees have stated under oath that they called Blacks and Hispanics, "Mud People" and were going to saddle "these idiots with ghetto loans." I'm surprised there hasn't been any emails released outlining this Anti-Nigger Machine Practice.

We can once again place the blame of this fucking with Blacks at the feet of the Dubya Bush Administration's policies. Dubya was all about having as many people as possible own homes -- irrespective of their qualifications for that or if it was economically feasible to have some much home ownership... because we saw how this drive for everyone to have their house with the picket fence artificially inflated home prices across the board.

We can also blame Dubya Bush for the outrageous level of consumer spending that went on in the wake of 9/11. Remember when that Texas fuckwad got up on the mic and damn near begged Americans to going to buy, buy, buy to spur the economy!

Thanks a lot, Dubya!

The problem with banks like Wells Fargo and Washington Mutual (uh... Chase now) is that they pushed and pushed and pushed these loans on unsuspecting Black people. In the TO THE POINT story, one of the guests recounts that in Atlanta there were task forces, TASK FORCES!!! that were set up to prevent these ANM vultures from co-opting Black Home Owners with "equity in your house that you're wasting" at Church! At Church!

What the Fuck Is Wrong With These People?!!?! Oh, I forgot, that Dubya Bush motto of get in a home and then self-rape your home by pulling out the equity so you can buy some more shit under conspicuous consumption ideals that you don't really need. The sad thing is, it wasn't just white people peddling these loans to financial illiterate people of color; lots of Uncle Tom-type card-carrying GOP Blacks and Hispanics were enlisted to "work with your people."

A record pace of home foreclosures is taking its biggest toll on blacks and Hispanics. Did big lenders conduct a new kind of housing discrimination by pushing sub-prime loans to minorities hoping for a piece of the American dream? Also, violence surrounds Afghanistan's presidential election, and combat soldiers and training in mental health.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Uncle Tom Redux

Anyone know the race of the Malcolm X Assassins?

They were BLACK! Yes, actual African-Americans... who has transformed into the worst Unkle Toms imaginable... or as we could say today, into Clarence Thomases...

This so-called Black Man - a Clarence Thomas emulator if I ever saw one (and obviously a bitch-ass, card-carrying GOP member) was kicking it at the President Obama's speech yesterday... not Obama's speech on gun rights, but his speech about Health Insurance Reform, brandishing an AR-15 ranging from his shoulder and pistol on his belt. Whatever this nouveau CT's real name is, he was part of a group of fools at the rally. When this bespectacled so-called Black man was asked why he was toting his guns at a Presidential speech, proclaimed, "Because I can do it. In Arizona, I still have some freedoms."

Still have some freedoms? Is he living in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip? Who does this zealot think he is? No doubt this deluded NeoCon-reactionary believes that some of his freedoms are being stripped away only 7 months into the Obama Presidency, as if there are ANY left after the last eight years of Dubya Bush's reign over America! I don't recall any legislation being passed that presses down on the so-called Freedoms of America (as they can be suspended at any time, just ask the Dubya Bush stream of attorneys general!)

The 2nd Amendment is so abused by Conservatives it's down-right sick... makes me gag that people actually parse up the lines of the Amendment, picking and choosing what the hell they think is appropriate for their brand of ignorance...

If ANY Black Man had a visible gun at a Dubya Bush rally, he'd be waterboarded to an inch of his life within in 5 minutes of capture... oh, because you know there would be an arrest. Just on GP, a racial profiling case that would get brushed under the rug after a quick visit by Dick Cheney... we all know that's how it would have went down.

The conservative movement in America, in any country really, is where the dangerous zealots, extremists and namby-pamby knuckleheads are born... be afraid of these people, be very afraid...

Monday, August 17, 2009

2nd Amendment Bullsh*t

Can you honest believe that people are bringing firearms to Presidential Events? People are actually overtly brandishing firearms at a President Barak Obama speaking event.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

GOP Scare Tactics...

For some reason the GOP/Confederate Party of America is trying to hornswoggle the general American public into thinking that a government-backed version of Health Care is for shit!

I was watching Fox News Channel the other day and they had this "Canadian" citizen on talking about how the universal health care system in Canada failed her when it came to diagnosing and treating her cancer. How she got the run-around, and then she ultimately had to come to the US to find the right specialist to save her life (first of all she should have gone to Cuba and saved a lot more money and gotten equal or better treatment).

But this is a PISS POOR case example, because we all know that "The System" wasn't the reason why this bitch was misdiagnosed... it was that she had bad doctors, and bad doctors aren't exclusive to national health care systems -- shit, just look at all the malpractice cases that are filled EVERY WEEK in the US with it's so-called top quality health care. The US falls behind MOROCCO in terms of overall health care for its citizens, so no shit talking about nationalized health care being for chumps who embrace socialism. It doesn't matter how health care is paid for, you can have a bad doctor. [Say it isn't so, Ramses, say it isn't so!!!] I mean just because you pay out the ass for a doctor's visit THAT YOUR HMO TOLD YOU WHO YOU COULD SEE doesn't mean that they're steering you to the best practitioner. The HMO bastards are steering you toward WHO IS ACCEPTING THAT HMO... who knows what the criteria for that is? I'm sure it's not the most-cutting edge, highly respected specialist! That's for god damn sure!!!

Also, how many stories have been related to you in which someone was stricken with some unique-as-fuck ailment and had to crisscross all over the country to find that ONE specialist who could help them and give them a new lease on life? I bet you your house and your mom's house that the HMO didn't cover that treatment or the travel costs either!!!

American Doctors and the rest of the gouge-you-for-all-you're-worth medical system lobby is once again succeeding with its propaganda coup in convincing the woefully gullible American public that government health care will be bad for.

Let's consider something, most health care goes to the poor and the old -- and those expenses are covered by MediCare and MedicAid, something like 60%, yeah, 60 fucking %, of health care is ALREADY SUPERVISED by the government.

You mean to tell me that you want private health insurance running everything? Have you fallen for the shit that GOP's anointed one - Ronald Reagan -- pushed down your throat that government is bad, that government doesn't work? If that's they case, then why do you want government to operate the military? Why do you want to have all that money spent on defense, because those same government bureaucrats are the ones who can't get shit done in Washington!! Maybe we should let private industry run the military... I'm sure Blackwater and the rest of those high-paid mercenaries can do just as good if not a better job than the Green Berets, SEALS, Rangers and the rest of the Special Forces, let alone fly the F-22 and Blackhawks better than the air calvary unit and the Air Force, because for some reason under the GOP mindset the only branch of the government that works is the military... and yet they fuck up all the damn time to! Can you say Abu Ghraib? Can you say Somali during the Blackhawk Down Inicident?

So don't fall for the horse-shit that government doesn't work, but except the government to protect your ass from global threats. If the government doesn't work, it's because the GOP/Republican/Confederates have slashed the funding, so every governmental institution is under-funded. I mean no wonder government doesn't work if they're understaffed by 40% and can't be competitive salaries!

Today's Snake Charmer

Katheryn Winnick is today's Snake Charmer... Just saw her profiled in this month's Vanity Fair... Winnick is going to be in some new movie, and her PR people got her profiled, overall it was an interesting issue; Michael jackson and Farrah Fawcett each get covers... like it was some special edition comic book from the early 90s! What gives. It's interesting to see how "photographed" people are... as if there will be no memory of them unless hundreds upon hundreds of film frames are taken of these people. Of course they'll never look or be the same after the moment that they're

There was some comment in the Farrah story, that she and Ryan O'Neal were the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie of their day... I find that hard to believe... Ryan O'Neil was never that good of an actor, and certainly not a philanthropist with a quality heart. He left destruction and broken people in his wake, by his accounts and his children's.

Now if sticking his dick in Farrah Fawcett got tiresome, then I really have to say it's more like Brad and Jennifer Aniston,,, where the hot blonde lost her luster in the bedroom... not that I know exactly why Brad said, "peace" to Aniston, but I'm sure that had something to do with it.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Second Chances... The Return of Michael Vick

America loves giving its celebrity fuck-ups a second chance... and the return of Michael Vick to the NFL is a classic example of how forgiving the public can be IF, and that's a big fucking IF, these celebrities who have fallen from grace show (public) signs of remorse.

Will Vick show the pink of his ass again? Maybe, but in other ways.

Will the Philadelphia Eagles win a Super Bowl with the dog killer?

Remember that movie from like 8 years ago called Amores Perros? Check it out and think about what Vick really did!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The political mantra, "it's the economy, stupid" was the prime-time reason for the changing of the guard in most political contests in the West, particularly in America. But what's happening now in the national debate over health care is that people are taking their eye of the ball -- which is the scurrilous straight bitches who work in the insurance industry.

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