What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Clock is Ticking on The Economy Timebomb

It’s been a month and nothing’s really happened yet? What the fuck Barak?

Ha ha ha ha – I’m sure a lot of people are subconsciously thinking that.

“What Does Obama Mean?” as in, is he the personification of that old Hollywood staple The Magic Negro? If you’re not keenly aware of this issue, it’s basically this – in many a Hollywood movie, a white hero gets into trouble (usually morally or spiritually or metaphysically) and he runs into a Black person who has all the answers for what ails this white boy, i.e. Will Smith in The Legend of Bagger Vance, Whoppi Goldberg in Ghost, Morgan Freeman in Driving Miss Daisy, Regina King in Miss Congeniality, and that’s just to name a few… I didn’t even think about it or use IMDb.com to get a comprehensive look at the sub-genre. The sad thing is that Obama NEEDS to be the Magic Negro for the United States, because the country has lost it’s way spiritually, morally, economically and respectability.

Obama’s first piece of major legislation will be this Stimulus Package (the Fair Pay Act is overdue and should had been decided by the Supreme Court a few years ago, but that's what happens when GOP/WBN Justices sit on the high court). President Obama's package will cost in close to $800bn (and for some reason that might not be enough!!)… and then he needs to handle the second $350bn of the TARP funds… hopefully, this time President Obama will be smart about who gets that money and what they do with it; perhaps he’ll take a cue from what Gordon Brown is doing in the UK, he’s making the banks sign binding contracts that they will make credit more available with the bailout money (instead of just propping up a flagging balance sheet!) – otherwise, we can safely assume that the Wall Street Fat Cats will make sure they keep their jobs through this crisis and be in position to rise again like a phoenix when the economy final emerges from the ashes…

It’s curious that President Obama’s first televised interview was with an Arab news channel and the never-ending tension in Israel was discussed. It surprised me that Qaddafi dropped a potential solution in the NYTimes Op-Ed pages a few days back… but truth be sure, the Holy Land situation will not work itself out until the Palestinians can begin to up lift themselves and have a functioning economy. If the US really wants to send shock waves, they need to drop a gang of cash on the new Palestinian governing entity and boost their tattered economy with more vigor that our own!

President Obama also took aim at bin Laden and al-Qaeda’s claim that Barak was a House Nigger… he basically said that their principals were passé and bankrupt, because all they offer their followers and Muslims/Arabs in general was violence and beat-down lifestyles. I mean, what Muslim terrorist group has ever actually DONE GOOD for the Jaleel Hooka (i.e. the Arab world’s Joe Sixpack) and the rest of the Arab Street? They promise change, but all the do is bring misery and failed attempts at bringing Middle Eastern Society into the 21st century… On a certain level, these militant groups enable it so the despots can still run shit with a sword to the neck, a cattle prod to the nutsack and an iron first to the face.

Swat the GOP Aside, they're worthless weak sisters anyway

So the bitches in the GOP/WBN (white boy network) Confederate Party are still standing in the way of the Obama Stimulus Plan – essentially because they don’t like the level of tax cuts and so-called pork barrel spending that’s tucked into the plan.

But let’s be clear about something -- all the deregulation legislation that the GOP/WNB ushered through during the waning days of the Clinton years and championed with in-your-face antics all through the Dubya years WAS IN FACT PORK BARREL LEGISLATION!

Here me out now, just here me out… pork barrel legislations is essentially appropriation bills that funnel money directly into the pockets of various moneyed constituents… for projects that only benefit a few. How is that any different than the passing laws that enabled Wall Street banks to rape and pillage with impunity all sorts of money from all sorts of the general public? All the money that was made on Wall Street from Laissez-Faire Federal Governmental policies – arm-twisted by the bitch-ass GOP pushing through fuck-the-poor bills – could (and should) be considered permanent Pork!

The desire of the GOP/WBN to extend the tax cuts (for the wealthy people again, because everyone else is basically on their way to becoming dirt poor) that Bush

I would wager that the muthafuckas in the House of Representatives fly the GOP/WBN flag will have trouble in the 2010 primaries -- let alone the main November elections!

GOP/WBN emissaries somehow think that socialism is perhaps the worst concept next to outright anarchy. But those concepts

It’s time for President Obama to sack up and go on the offensive. Without a doubt, he can’t shy away from pointing out that those who stand in the way of his plan, in the name of a shit-in-the-pants/pink-of-the-ass discredited economic philosophy, are putting the nation’s future at risk. The American economy is already floating down the River Styx, and much of the Republican Party is trying to sink the boat!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Lost Your Job? Your Sanity is next! Fuck the GOP

There was an article on Bloomberg.com that detailed the woes of credit card companies and how they’re hoping to convert themselves into holding companies so they can tap the TARP funds.

Hold the fuck up one goddamn minute! Those sons of bitches don’t need ANY taxpayer money… none!

Let them go under.

They are ruthless predators and give their clients/cardholders no muthafuckin’ mercy! I lost my 2nd job in October and asked AMEX if I can make a double-payment in November, the wise-ass customer service rep, said sure. But when I made the double payment, AMEX cancelled my account and sent me to collections!!! Now I have those dicks NCO Financial calling me up, haranguing me for money that I don't have --- 'cause they want the ENTIRE BILL paid right now, no installments, no deals, nothing. All the money, now!

What sense does that make, if I couldn't make the $15/month payment how the FUCK am I supposed to pay the $375! I owe. Granted this is not a lot of money, but it is for someone who has a demoralizing job that doesn't pay enough to cover all the monthly expenses and eat...


I'm Making Arab Money

I have a question about how all this Rescue Package money is going to be spent and monitored… when most people or companies ask for loans they have to submit a “Uses of Funds” document, so the lender know how that money is going to be spent. For some with former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson pushed through the TARP

With this Taxpayer Money that’s being given out, the Treasury Department and Congress to have as much oversight as possible, and the people who submit these “Uses of Funds” documents need to be held criminally liable if that money is spent on something else or effectively wasted (the violation being Lying to Congress, so if you fuck-up you’ll do time in Federal Prison, don’t need to put people with rapist, gang-bangers and drug dealers).

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


You know what I fucking hate right now… the telephone. My current wage-slave is answering phones (among other things) at a completion bond company… it’s god-awful, because I answer maybe 200 incoming calls a day – talk about having every ring of the phone distract and throw-off your concentration. I took this job, because I need steady income as the Writers’ Strike totally derailed my writing career and any opportunities that we starting to come. Not to mention my coke-head manager was throwing sabots into the works!

But now it’s extra worse, because of the flagging economy, I’m behind on my muthafucking bills and the Creditors are calling again. I went through a period back in 2004 and 2005, when I was jobless for about 6 months and had Creditors calling me every single fucking day asking for money.

It’s a point now where I cringe whenever the phone rings – it’s ringing right fucking now – because it’s either assholes at my job calling up looking for my boss or it’s assholes looking for money that I don’t have.

What’s really the shits is I can’t get a new job! I’ve been trying for a new job since last July, and nothing. Only two or three interviews… and that’s it. I guess I can’t really complain because I do have a JOB…

Uncle Tom Up In The GOP House!!

So the GOP-WBN selected Michael Steele to be the new Chairman of the RNC (don’t you just love acronyms?)… Steele, obviously picked to expunge the stench of “the White Boy Confederate Party” moniker that lingers so foully around the Republican party, is perhaps the worst type of Black man… a 21st Century Uncle Tom! It was bad enough when Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas were getting GOP attention during the 90s, but this fool – even if it wasn’t the Age of Obama – is the biggest puppet outside of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In the post the Age of Dubya, Dumbasses and Dickswinging GOP leaders –

Come the fuck on! A nigga is in charge of the Confederate Party? How stupid and ignorant does that sound? I don’t want to hear about how Steele represents religious values or fiscal conservatism, because under the GOP since Nixon shamed the fuck out of national office all the Elephant Party has been about is deregulating the public and private sectors, slashing public services, spreading the public’s ass-cheechs for Wall Street/Big Business (a fascist ideology) and finding every possible tax to be reduced… which we now know has been the most ignorant path of social economic growth – the bubble that burst from the GOPs mantra will present a problem for the Baby Boomers for the next decade (serves them fucks right, after all their greedy behavior over the last 30 years, they ain’t gonna have SHIT but pain during their retirement).

You know I can’t wait for Ronald Reagan’s name to be up there with Benedict Arnold– as a name that is a slanderous curse words. I can’t believe that the GOP faithful were trying to have his ugly visage carved into Mount Rushmore – if Obama sets the path to redeeming the country international and reviving the castrated economy, then HE needs his face up there… otherwise, just put Obama on the currency (like a new $25) or the replace Grant from the $50…

Steele… you shame the race, you shame the current spirit of the country!

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