What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Doesn't Some LYNCH HIM?

So the Supreme Court made a decision to keep the historic Voting Rights Acts alive today, but that Uncle Tom of Uncle Tom's Justice Clarence Thomas voted against renewal!!!

In a 8-1 Decision, the lone nigger on the court, was the lone "nay" vote! Claiming in his ironic and asinine opinion that the heinous behavior that was kicking Black people in the teeth and prevented them from voting has basically been regulated to the history books, so the Voting Rights Act doesn't need to be part of the Constitution any longer. How 'bout for historical purposes, so the Constitution is a document of record as well as the document that defines our country?

I bet that Justice Thomas will be condemning the Senate for voting to apologize to all African-Americans for slavery!

What a Tom!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Health Care - Debate and why the US of A is a sham

So President Barak Obama has reopened the health care debate, and not a minute too soon.

We all know that American health care system is WAY BEYOND FUCKED UP... consider that over 40% of all personal bankruptcies are the result of medical bills; medical bills that some managed care network refused to pay-up on a good portion of the treatment that was need to extend someone's life. Let alone fully improve one's health condition.

I'm in a boat like that myself, all though it's not catastrophic yet. I was living in an apartment where the Jackass Landlord Steve Ringel had a building that was build in the 1920s and had black mold in the units, but he was a typical slumlord and decided to cover up the bio-hazard and the rent the unit(s) anyway. I started getting these migraine headaches that kept me out of work for a good two weeks in total... and I racked up at $4000 medical bill at UCLA (doing all sorts of tests that didn't track down the cause, just pinpointed that I was having a severe allergic reaction to some substance... they didn't know what though, so even after all those cash outlay I had no answers).

I was watching TV a little bit this week and the talk about socialized health care was popping up, because President Obama wants the mess fixed while he's vacationing, so when he comes back in the Fall it's the big debate/issue that's going to consume all his time and expend a huge amount of his political capital.

Today, I just so happened to catch Michael Moore's SICKO (2007) on Starz; now I have never seen this film, before but it was extremely eye-opening and made me not what to continue living in the US of A... I mean the country is teetering on bankruptcy anyway and will be for the foreseeable. So why stick around, ya know?

Aside from all the appalling shit that goes on in the denial of care because people have to get permission from those insurance fuckers to get treatment, I was particularly interested in the trips to Canada, the UK and France that Moore took to see out other countries deal with the health care issue. There was an interesting bit in SICKO were Moore is kickin' it in Paris, and he's having dinner with a group of Ex-Pats, and this black woman points out that in France the government is actually afraid of the people, afraid that they might riot -- and they have a history of the people rising up and slaughtering the government (Robspierre and the Rein of Terror)... 'cause you always hear about how the French are protesting some shit about wages in the news. Now, the woman pointed out that the difference in the US of A is, the people are AFRAID of the government.

This fear of the government is the complete antithesis of democracy, but it's continually propagated in the United States. And it's a shame, because people are either afraid to talk out of turn or get labeled as a troublemaker. For large part of the 20th Century civil unrest and protest (violent or non-violent) was a big part of the American way of life, of demanding social change.

Although, Americans don't engage in group civil unrest and agitation. You have to think about the last time the American Public was really out to protest the bullshit that the government is doing -- on a wide spread level. Outside of the African-American dominated, Million Man March from the mid 90s, it was the 1960s, but the Protest Gene was basically stamped out of the American Public Psyche by the Kent State University Shootings. Because prior to that, the government was up here shooting and beating and water-cannoning black people - when they had limited civil rights -- and the occasional whites, those whites who were poor and had nothing to lose. But in the 60s, middle class and lower upper class whites joined the protest bandwagon and were instrumental in achieving change in the fabric of society.

However, the Nixon Administration -- which was doing socialist shit itself by practicing Price Fixed regarding Gasoline -- was so against the social disorder that was part of the 60s ethos, that when the students at Kent State were bucked down like animals in the forrest... white people recognized that their sons and daughters could get slaughtered just like niggas in the South. That the taxpayers' progeny were endangered -- because they threatened the military industrial complex's stranglehold on the American People -- made these happy-go-lucky white people recognize that they've been cowed into an existence that was basically this: keep your nose to the grindstone, work your ass of, rack up as much consumer debt as you can't even afford (as you'll notice the modern credit card, which existed prior to the 70s, began to have an expanded reach since the mid 70s) and be afraid, be very afraid of what the government can, but more importantly will, do to you if you seriously step out of line.

Shit, not even seriously out of line, just step out of line a little bit and you'll have an FBI file opened on you (as I know there is one on my 'cause of this blog and the previous blog).

When I hear these GOP/Confederates sons of bitches rage on and on about we're being seduced by the Socialists or that Barak Obama is a Socialists. I mean come the fuck on, yeah, come the fuck on!

It makes you wonder what the health care industry is really about. sure, people are supposed to make a buck in this country - drug makers, physicians and all that, but do you, Kaiser, Cigna, Humana, Blue Cross, need to rip your paying customers a new asshole if they happen to need some sort of medical care?

Deluge the GOP congressmen and women with letters and emails, demanding them to quit acting like bitches on this health care debate.

But mark my words -- The Kent State shootings were a true watershed in the destruction of democracy in the United States.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Gasoline Prices are Spiking Again

$20 Stacks
Originally uploaded by Phalanx
I don't know about the rest of the country, but in Los Angeles the price of a gallon of gas has spiked 55% this year alone -- that's the biggest price increase ever seen! Gas is at $3/gal, and if you haven't been watching the price has gone up 34 days in a row.

Once again the Oil Market Speculators are being blamed, and for some reason there's no protests or examination the news about this

The problem that too many Americans have, and perhaps most people around the globe, is that when something that is good for you is a little more expensive, people won't choose it. They'll fuck-up and select the bullshit item, because it's cheaper.

That's why Hybrids aren't all over the place - regardless of price. The IRS provided you a tax credit for the additional cost of buying a hybrid over the fucked-up internal combustion engine version, I still don't think people would make the right choice - bitches - because cash returned in the future doesn't seem to have any present value.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I guess the TOKYO Big 3 will serve up more versions of their popular cars as Hybrids, but for some reason those bitches in Germany haven't announced any hybrids. In fact, VW derides hybrids in their car commercials -- I would have to have those slandered if I was working PR for We Can Solve or Al Gore's Organizations.

People wake up on this issue before there's more pain during the recession.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Chump Company that Anchored the Big Three

Pimp'd Out Hummer Limo
Originally uploaded by Phalanx
So GM final sailed down the river... and who is really surprised? I mean since the first oil shock in the 1970s, the major US automakers have had no answer to the basic, fundamental business question of, "what do consumers want?"

Back in 2002, I read this book called HIGH AND MIGHTY, written by the NYTimes Detroit bureau chief, it's an scathing indictment of the SUV segment of the auto industry. Here's what I learned from that book... that the US automakers LOST MONEY on every car that they made. Every car! They only made money on the light trucks, and that's because they had cheated the fuel standards through effectively lobbying in Congress over the decades.

Now it stands to reason that if you lose money on something -- regardless of how vital it is supposed to be to the core of your business -- you subconsciously won't spend the money, mental resources and creative thinking to actually figure out how to make a profitable car. Ousted, good-for-nothing CEO Rick Wagoner said the pernicious killing of the EV-1 was the biggest mistake of his career! No shit, ya dumb fuck! Uh, back in 1976 it should have been apparent that oil was in the hand of crazy bastards who jockeyed camels and that oil was a finite resource who's price wasn't really subject to normal supply & demand theoretics, so to find a way to make a fuel efficient automotive vehicle or a non-fossil fuel vehicle should have been job one! (Ford's bitch-ass slogan of Quality is Job One, should have been innovation is job one! Not just 25!)

Imagine if back in the early 1990s, GM decided to subsidize the EV-1 and subsequent electronic car technology with the outsized profits it was raking in on shit like the Hummer and Escalade?

More shortly... 'cause The One's ability to control the bankruptcy is going to be a major discussion point for the next 90 days...

But suffice to say the THREE CHUMPS have shown the pink of their ass far too often... and now the Japanese and German and ITALIANS have the run of things.

But GM also squandered any and all profits on shit like dividends and stock buy-backs and even playing around in the internet space.

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