What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

mussolini strung up
Do you remember this image? It's of Mussolini after the people of Italy got a hold of him and his bitch when they were trying to escape at the end of WW2.

It came to come 'cause our favoriet Iraqi strongmand got his neck stretched last night. Hard to believe he's actually dead... too bad his fucked-up kids didn't get to be publically hanged as well, Uday and Quesay were some right mean bastards.

The funny thing is, what's the difference between what George Bush and Donald Rumsfield did and what Hussein did? They each instigated wars of aggression, and only Saddam is paying for it. I have to imagine that Dubya and Rummy will never be travelling in Europe anytime soon; particularly Germany 'cause they have standing warrants to arrest those fools for War Crimes.

Can we honestly called the "War On Terror" in Iraq a war crime? Possibly, 'cause at least in Afghanistan we were going after a government that supported the 9/11 Attacks. However, no such evidence ever surfaced with Hussein to justify the subsequent invasions and sad, sad, sad occupation of Iraq.

You have to give it up to Saddam though, he held power nearly as long as Castro and raped and pillaged like the best of them. To top it off, he was defiant till the end! Always sitting up in court claiming that those judges had no right to convict him of anything. He was just doing what he felt he needed to do to maintain his power -- I'm sure Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover felt they needed to do the same thing when they signed the death warrants to numerous Black Panthers and other uppity niggers in the '60s -- yeah, I said it! When cut out all the bullshit, Hoover, Nixon and Johnson were complict in the execution of numerous notorious negro aggitators... and we never called them murderers. I figure half the original founders and leaders of the OSS and CIA signed the death warrants for a bunch of "undesirables", too, and they were lauded as heroes.

So what I'm trying to say -- it's all bullshit, whoever gets killed by a government. Pinochet never stood trial, yet I'm sure he probably personally killed or oversaw the killing of people in Chile during his brutal reign.

Well, once the Iraqu civil war is over and the country is divided in three, and people begin to write about what happened during the Saddam years, I'm sure will have some interesting books and memoirs -- that is, if any of those people survive the current fuck-shit that's going over there... but is that my problem?! Hell no, 'cause I'd be handling that shit differently. I wouldn't have dismantled the army (like the US did to the Wehrmacht at the end of Nazi Germany), 'cause at lose people had some military training, and they would have had jobs (i.e. food, money and access to contrabad shit) to assuage the anger that instantly turns to violence among Arab peoples... and I would have installed another strongman, who I'd then kill after a few years, and then allow a democratic government. Also, the US should have written the Iraqi constitution the way MacArthur did with Japan -- that way the ethnic power struggles wouldn't be in effect. It kills me that this wasn't part of the plan, the concept of Nation Building is EXACTLY what should have happened there, and yet it didn't for inexplicable reasons -- well, that's not true -- the arrogance of a fundamentalist Christian president and his "we can conquer sand-niggers, no problem" cabinet and staffers thought differently.

I just wish those fucked in the nuts Hussein kids could stand trial, or at least get them to testify in front a psychological review board!

Friday, December 22, 2006


Last night I watched Todd Field's latest film (hard to believe it's only his second, but hey) that adultery drama starring Katie Winselt and Jennifer Connelly -- two smoking hot chicks in their 30s, who stiffen the dick pretty much immediately. I'll never forget Connelly's turn in REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, when she did an ass-2-ass two-headed fuckstick session in front of a screaming, gaggle of old men... all for a single hit of heroin; talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Anyway, she resurfaces in this film (and BLOOD DIAMOND) during Oscar-season to add the extra oomph that some films need -- however, this was not one of those films. Sure, she was great in the film, but her role was limited although biting. In fact, now that I think about it, shes' perfectly cast -- with those perfectly shaped tits and those legs that go on for days, she inhabits the high maintenance chick perfectly; the kind of chick who is an over-achiever and who can easily emasculate her man (in this case husband) for not living up to the potential that her kind of beauty usually requires to stay satisfied in a relationship. You know the kind chicks, who might not be from money, but because of their looks and brains are courted by the power players of this world.

The film itself was a joy to watch, excellently crafted, written, acted and photographed; there's even this quirky narrator that adds the right amount of spice to an already gripping film.

Boredom in life, particularly domestic life leads to fantasy, and fantasy that is usually borderline perverse, because of the repressed nature of suburbia and the tranquility that a 9-to-5 job inflicts upon you. That boredom is what triggers the illicit affair in the film, and it's quite believable. It's not based upon jealously, but based upon a poor choices that the individuals made before the story began.

Poor choices can and will fuck up your life, so you have to be judicious about the choices you make, and then snap judgements that we then allow to dominate our lives for far too long.

The one thing about this film that sucks, is that we'll probably see less and less of these kind of insights into the human condition, because Hollywood hasn't opted to make a film like this in probably 10 years (minimum) and the independent money that would finance these projects might find better places for a higher ROI, as this kind of intense human drama doesn't mean SHIT to the under 25 set, so for go an enjoy this endangered species of cinematic fiction while you can.

Soon, you'll only be able to see this kind of beautiful writing and acting and musical enhancement of stunning photography perhaps 3 or 4 times a year (in English that is, foreign cinema from Europe hits this mark routinely, but we're seeing less and less of those films coming over here, too) -- never on TV proper (DVD truly did commodify and thereby eviscerate the "meaning" of movies) and perhaps just in art house or when a major studio is gunning for an Award for the prestige business that they are in for that brief period the week before Thanksgiving up to Xmas Day.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Scavengers at The Tower

Yesterday I was down in Redondo Beach area going to a friend's house, and I stopped by a Tower Records that was going out of business; had a "Five Days Left" sign blazooned across the front of the store. I had to stop, maybe there might have been a CD or a DVD that I could buy (I snagged teh 20th Anniversary of PLATOON the other day from the Tower in Sherman Oaks for only eight bills).

I walked in the door and was like, "FUCK" the place look liked a bunch of scavengers in a Mad Max film had looted the place, and recently, too. All the aisles and bins pushed to the side and where picked clean of anything of substance, the workers looked like that didn't give a rat's ass about anything (and why should they? They probably don't have any new jobs lined up).

It was sad to see this store, shit any store, in this state of complete "i-don't-give-a-fuck", because records and tapes and CDs mean a lot to me, nothing can soothe you like music, nothing can set the mood to get some fuckin' done like music, and yet we all have migrated to acquiring our music thru wired digital means -- with no desire to amass CDs anymore. I love album cover art, there's just something potentially cool and interesting about the artist that can be said in a few brief photographs... no all we have to look forward to is, the squared image on iTunes or what ever pose struck their fancy for a Rolling Stone or Vibe photo shoot.

Let's face facts though, mp3 files sound like shit, unless their being played back on those two-way or micro speakers that most computers come with OR over the earbud headphones that came with your iPod or Zune (is anyone even thinking of wasting their money on a Zune? Fuck, Bill Gates, if you ask me; and I don't give a shit that he's giving away his money to needy Africans -- and they need it, too).

But you know what? This is just the beginning, the face of things to come, when all the retail establishments that dispense with crap that we really don't need (yeah we NEED music, but not nearly 75% of SHIT that is recorded and sold to us). Just go to a Third World Country and see if they got music stores there, and then imagine what Tower was looking like when it was one it's last legs, and then look around at the other stores in the shopping centers and burn that image in your mind, 'cause something wicked this way comes...

Monday, December 18, 2006


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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quit denying it! Civil War is already in Effect!!!

See what's damn fucking hilarious to me is that everyone in the US and British government is hoping to AVOID a civil war in Iraq. But guess what? It's already in effect!

I know I'm not the first one to say this, particuarly since I'm late to make a comment after the ISG Report (which I want to read, but have no time to do).

The laughing-stock Iraqi so-called government doesn't know how to govern two dogs fucking, so how would they know how to govern the country or recognize the fact that it's all gone to hell as a result of the Arabic barbaric cultural artifact called Hammurabi's Code.

A memo was leaked recently that disgraced and dismissed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, expressed an opposing view on the Debacle in Iraq than Dubya's "stay the course."

Rumsfeld wrote, "In my view it is time for a major adjustment. Clearly, what US forces are doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough."

Nor did Mr Rumsfeld seem confident that the Administration would easily develop an effective alternative. To limit the political fallout from changing course, he suggested the Administration consider a campaign to lower public expectations.

"Announce that whatever new approach the US decides on, the US is doing so on a trial basis," he wrote. "This will give us the ability to readjust and move to another course if necessary and therefore not 'lose'. Recast the US military mission and the US goals [how we talk about them] - go minimalist," he said.

Now if you think about it... that's amazingly astute political strategy for any kind of bad public policy AND it goes to show you that Rumsfeld was ass-fucked by Dubya's desires to win in Iraq at all costs. The problem with Dubya losing and being forced to retreat, er I mean, redeploy, is that Dubya exposed the strength of America -- and the rest of the world learned that America isn't all that powerful to do anything on the global stage anymore. The War in Iraq -- not the War on Terror -- was the superpower showing the pink of its ass, and that's never good.

To be known as the president who actively shattered America's place in the geopolitical power structure is something I think Dubya will have a hard time swallowing (although he needs to get used to swallow jizz, because that's all the next two years are going to be) as he grew up during a time (and SEVERLY benefited from) when America was considered unstoppable -- and during Dubya's reign America has lost that label, and I think it stings someone who grew up with a silver spoon so far up his ass, because he knows that it'll be entirely different for his children (and are those some dumbass girls, one is cute though, but they're going to have to marry some really smart players to continue to live the life they are accustomed to).

LBJ had to resign when he fully grasped how bad he was fucking up, and Nixon had China to save his legacy (from being dipped in cat shit), but Dubya has nothing -- and Nancy Pelosi, the vindictive little bitch that she'll show everyone you have to be to be speaker of the house, is going to make it back-breakingly difficult for Dubya to close up his asshole and pull up his pants.

Social Class in a Classless Society?

I'm always one who finds the differences in the social classes in America the most defining and dividing aspects of its society. Travelling back and forth between the social classes is very fluid in America -- unlike anywhere else on the planet, in the history of the planet.

So whenever I come across material (articles, interviews, concepts in books) that detail what's going with America's social class and the way Americans contemplate such a heady, yet rarely talked about subject, it gets me jazzed up.

There is a socio-economist name Fussell, who is a "determinist", which means that he considered it relatively difficult for anyone to achieve a significant move in social (I'm a real, live case that would refute that stance, but there are exceptions to every rule). The curious thing about Fussell's determinist stance, is that America's social ethos is built on the fact that we CAN move from social class to social class. Although, you could argue that just because you made or lost a lot of money doesn't mean you've escaped the social codes of the social class you lived for most of your childhood and early adult life.

Fussell also, smartly, claimed that most Americans exhibit some degree of class anxiety or insecurity. Pointed out in the 1960s song by the R&B group The Temptations, "Don't Let The Joneses Get You Down."

Below is a breakdown of the various social classes, as defined by Fussell and others of his type.

Top out-of-sight: the "Old Money" wealthy who avoid public exposure (in part, due to experiences during the 1930s, when it was not to one's advantage to be wealthy). [True be told, I don't know enough about the 1930s to know what happened to wealthy people who didn't lose their money, but I'd like to know what their so-called "plight" was.

Upper Class: a group of those who are not only wealthy, but usually born into the wealth, and who espouse a different set of values than wealthy middle-class people or "proles". [Proles, as in proletariats, people who have to work for a living, and usually under someone else's fucking watchful eye.]

Upper-Middle Class: much better off than the majority, this class still lives primarily off earned income derived from professional status requiring expensive education: doctors, attorneys, upper-middle management, and so forth. Dentists and accountants are somewhat more problematic. This class is characterized by intense interest in higher education, and is generally the target audience of elitist, yet mainstream publications such as The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and so forth.

Middle Class: most "white collar" workers, including many of the self-employed, and a group most afflicted with status anxiety and confusion, envying the refinement of the upper-middle class and the leisure of the uppers.

High Prole: skilled, often wealthy manufacturing or service workers, who may out earn middle and even upper-middle class people but maintain a distinctively "lowbrow" culture.[Now this, this is fascinating, and we ALL know people who fit this bill. People who eschew any sense of upward class mobility -- even though they have the money -- because it would cause them to have to behave in a way that they have seen to be more disgusting to them?]

Mid Prole: an intermediate level of often poor workers, but with stable employment and relative security.

Low Prole: the working poor, with difficulty finding steady employment.[Guess who fits in here? Me! That's right damn it all to hell. What ever I do in what I'm passionate about, continues to keep me in the most fucked up of economic circumstances...]

Destitute: the homeless underclass. [What's really fucked up is that currently, this is where I am. I don't have a job, the place I'm staying in is REALLY fucked up because it's not my house and the owner has these dogs that get high priority on the living conditions.]

Bottom out-of-sight: those incarcerated in prisons, or otherwise outside the purview of sociology; like top-out-of-sights, they fall so low in society as to become effectively invisible.

So you can see there is more to the social dynamics of America than super rich, upper, middle and lower class -- each group has it's own traits that cultivate the socializing behavior of those who are in the group. What's interesting about the social codes of each group is how difficult it is to shed the codes of your previous class when you move, and how difficult it is to pick the codes of the new class. Also, it is a lot easier to degrade yourself as you fall down the social ordering. Whereas, you might never be accepted in the class that you climb to, particularly when it comes to the serious moneyed classes.

Oddly, the denizens of the uber-rich don't have the same kind of respect for someone who makes the huge paydays in their life time, whereas these muthafuckas got their immense wealth, usually, from some poor son of a bitch who made a look of fucking money in their 30s thru 50s, and then had a bunch of kids, grandkids and great grandids who just suckle of the sloppy old tit of the man who came from little in the first place.

In America, you become part of the ruling class, the so-called royal class, by maintain obscene wealth for probably two or more generations. Isn't that funny?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Always and Forever White Man's Entertainer!

There was an article/news story that I can across this evening that came out of Tempe, AZ. It's where a white gun & badge man (you know a cop) told two young Black men (who were driving a Benz) that they could escape a littering ticket if they rapped for the cop!

He said, "my gun and my badge make me right," as he proceeded to garner the rap from these stupid-ass negroes (the kind that would have had their necks slit in that play "A Soldier's Story").

What stuns the fuck out of me is this was a new story where there was actual video footage -- the cop and the cooning semi-hoods KNEW they were on tape and still acted like thiw as an everyday thang in Tempe.

Leave it to the NAACP to lash out and put its foot in the ass of the Tempe Police Department, but why didn't the producers at the news station have any editorial restraint and pull this fucking "make niggers look bad" story from the program schedule. Oh, I just said it, didn't I!

It's all about continuing to make niggas look like monkeys, buffons, and criminals in the media.

Score One for The Stormfront supporters!!!

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