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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Men v. Women -- Nigga Style

You knew I was going to weigh in on this, you just knew it. I bet you were wondering, when though. This is something that PISSES me off to the highest level. Seriously.

What am I talking about?

This the Tired Blackman movie trailer. Check it out (use that open in new tab on Firefox, so you don't lose this page... what no Firefox? You're slipping).

I actually know two of the actresses in the trailer. They originally hippped me to this a couple months back, and I was going to create a post but I haven't been posting that much over the last three months (no time, and not much to say, so sue me if you wanted more).

Anyway, if you don't have a video plug-in installed on your browser (and why the fuck not?), I'll give you a brief summary: it a a clip from the upcoming film Diary of a Tired Black Man (i don't where the funding is coming from, it might always be an "upcoming film") and the scenes features a Black Man (played by an African though, I wonder why not an African American) arriving at the house of his former spouse with a new partner: a white broad.

This website and the trailer has sparked a heated debate over the many issues it raises, from interracial dating to whether many black women are simply "too angry" to be datable. This is true for a lot of black women, but it also needs to be pointed out that many a black woman wants a thug type nigga, as glorified in them music videos of our over-hip-hopped culture.

The short clip (just 3.5 miuntes long) will leave most viewers either waving their hands in the air -- either in agreement or frustration.

This trailer brings the spotlight on the BOOLSHIT that black women do when they sit around with their friends. The women (nay, shrews) castigate the ex-husband, James, as a "weak punk" who has chosen to date outside the race rather than handle what they call a strong black woman. James blames the women for their inability to find, much less keep, a decent black man at their side -- because of their penchant for drama.

See a "strong black woman" is what you might call a piece of work. And they don't have any qualms about hitting below the belt, even if they're not interested in you (as a black man). Case in point, I'm out a couple weeks ago to this black girl's birthday party at this ritzy club in Beverly Hills, and I run into this black woman who meet me maybe 8 months ago at a dinner club. This black woman happened to be from a run-down ghetto section of my sad hometown Cleveland, Ohio. Anyway, we're talking, flirting a little bit and things are looking like they might be promising... until she drops some info about how I should be going to church more often (red flag!). So I cool to her, and then the dancing begins and she says to me, "I see that there are some pretty white girls here, aren't you going to talk to them?" And I was like, what the fuck brought that on? So I asked her, and she said, "I saw you last time talking to those white girls." I had to think back... oh, yeah the first time I met her I was talking with these two white actresses who were going to be in a commercial that I was getting ready to direct -- a little flirting going on, but nothing serious.


I kind of walked away, but she then let it slip that her own mother was white. I was like, you's a mean-spirited bitch!

But back to the Tired Blackman film clip; it was controversially created by first-time filmmaker Tim Alexander, who claims that being provocative is second nature to him. Alexander states emphatically that there's a disease out there called the "angry black woman syndrome." He says it must be identified, diagnosed and treated (with ruthless dicking?).

Alexander believes African-American women who grew up in fatherless homes, heard this CONSTANT REFRAIN from their aunts and grandmothers that black men are "no good" -- an opinion that is stridently reinforced in the international media -- are now these angry adult women.

"They grow up, deal with the wrong men, finally meet the right guy and don't know how to turn it off," Alexander says. "They are so used to fighting; it's the only way they know to have a relationship. So when a man is a good man, they think he's a punk."

The flipside is that African-American men who grew up in fatherless homes have a undrecurrent of disrepect for black women -- outside of their mothers (hence the fact that "mama cracks" are the most viruelent of verbal assaults among black males.

The one thing Alexander's movie scene revives is the always rancorous debate that has been going on in the African-American community for decades: Why can't black men and women deal with each other in a positive way? And what does that mean for the future of the black family?

On a certain level, the black family has been targeted for execution since the end of the civil rights era.

It is a burning question for many, including the callers that flooded the phone lines during Alexander's recent appearances on nationally syndicated black radio shows. When Alexander appeared on Rev. Al Sharpton's show, Keeping It Real, one female caller argued that black women's anger "generally starts from the man." A male caller countered: "When we come home, we don't need that loud-mouthed, self-sufficient, independent macho woman disagreeing with everything we say. We need kind women."

I can't comment from experience, as I haven't lived or dated a black woman -- simply because it never gets to the dating stage before my choices in life and my backstory raise the ire of the typical black broad...

Niggerized View of Fuck Partners

African-Americans have been bombarded in recent months with negative messages about the outlook for black couples. The Washington Post fronted a weekend "Outlook" section with the headline "Marriage Is for White People," and there are many books with titles such as Black and Single. The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington says the percentage of black women who've never married has more than doubled between 1950 and 2004.

"If you internalize that, you will enter a relationship where you are doing everything or putting up with anything just to have someone," says LaDawn Black, a Baltimore-based author and radio host. Her show deals with relationships between black men and women. She says things aren't as bad out there as one might think.

Only thing LaDawn is ignoring is that, society has targeted black men is very cunning way, a way that makes having a stable relationship quite difficult. And the pop culture that black people in general subscribe to, tells them that fucking as many bitches as possible WITHOUT the thought of commitment or sacrifice IS the way to go. That's the hype that needs to be believed and targeted for execution.

UCLA professor and sex therapist Gail Wyatt agrees. She says African-American men and women have to stop allowing outdated concepts -– and media-driven angst -– to divide them.

"Our strength is in our ability to stand together," Wyatt says. "I don't care if a black man marries a black woman or not. I care if we support each other and don't buy into myths that make us look like and live like stereotypes." The myth/stereotype is that black men have no right to find non-black women attractive unless they're slumming and are weak.

White women are usually very HAPPY in their daily lives, if they get the basics in life they're usually happy. Fuck 'em well, give 'em presents and suprise them from time to time, and keep the finances in order and you'll have a great time with a white broad -- maybe this white broad is considered subservient to a black man, because she doesn't challenge his manhood on the regular. However, for a white woman to even suck a black man's dick, she's taking a risk that white men won't want her if the relationship goes bad. So they might work a little harder at the relationship to keep it going; which might mean taking more shit from the black man. but the giving and taking of shit between black men and women is a two-way street.

There's no quick fix for the issues between African-American men and women, Wyatt purports, but she believes they can be solved. Alexander hopes his movie sparks a discussion that can bring some change and healing to the black community.

1 comment:

Fashion-Never-Dies said...

I've seen that clip before, and I can't wait for that movie to come out. I am so sick of trying to please so many angry and unruly (for no real reason at all) black women. When you get a chance, check out my blog, and read my article about "Black Queens, or Angry Black Women".


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