What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Soviet Gun-totting Bitch

Soviet Gun-totting Bitch
Originally uploaded by Phalanx.
So this is a plug for a really fascinating webcomic that I was hipped to by, by, by I don't fucking remember, but this is a good story... if you like good stories, told visually (i.e. as graphic novels or movies and shit), then check out The Shooting War, it's futurist story about a v-blogger in Iraq in the year 2011... yeah, George Bush's war on terror is still being fought in the Fertile Crescent by insurgents who could hope to see us all slaughtered before them.

There's great pastiche use of mixed media in The Shooting War, and a great piece of satire (as the best satire doesn't have to be laugh out-loud funny, it is supposed to tickle your intellectual brain center... that is if you've developed one -- something that's hard to come by via public school education).

It reminded me of this short film I saw an early cut of called "Fuck You, Pay Me." It was a sci-fi satire about the future of debt collectors, in which the Credit Card Companies (those soulless bastards) have the authority to hire mercenary police officers to come and TAKE YO' SHIT! with impunity. It's pretty good. It'll probably be at a bunch of film festivals in the fall or early next year... i guess. Hopefully, the filmmakers will have a website to watch the short as streaming video. Who knows...

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