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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sexual Confessions... ot the MEDIA of all people

I was a little stunned that perennial hick Sarah Palin resigned her governorship of Alaska, citing that she was tired of the personal attacks on her ethics that were costing the Alaskan taxpayers too much money to defend the attacks.

Sounds like a quitter to me! How is she going to stand up to the harsh and intense spotlight of the Primary Season, if she can't take this type of abuse?

Yet for some strange reason, Governor Sanford of South Carolina, after finding his soul mate in Argentina and showed the pink of his ass on national TV and then even deeper up the recesses of his anus to the AP, is fighting to keep his bed sheets in the Governor's Mansion!

I'm not one to cry foul on either of these two (well maybe Palin, because she personifies the ignorance that runs rampant in this country), but they both need to go away so another scandal involving sex and or stupidity comes up.

Apparently, the Steve McNair shooting was a murder-suicide, and that'll eat up some media attention, but not enough. As we've seen that John Edwards' wife needed to come back into the spotlight and kick John-boy in the nuts with her book, but then the Other Woman is now demanding a paternity test of the little infant. If it comes up at Edwards' kid, that's just too bad, but in reality it doesn't do anything -- except piss his wife off even more. He's been drenched in mud and its been sun-baked on PERMANENTLY by the hot glaze of the 24-hour news cycle spotlight.

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