What's next? I don't know, do you? Who am I? I am someone who makes films. What do I do? I look through viewfinders. And how do I live? I live by the skin of my teeth.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enemy of Humanity? Please! On of few rays of hope in the Western World

President Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday October 9, 2009... I wonder what that Arizona Congressman, a complete fucknut, who claimed that President Barack Obama is an enemy of humanity or that their needs to be a a military coup to remove the Obama Influence on the country.

These Tea-baggers & 912ers... they're not patriotic at all, they part of the ever-emerging White Identity Movement was lit on fire on Election day 2008.

So mark my words, it's time to watch the FUCK OUT! What ever these people say, they don't like President Barack Obama and his policies -- which aren't liberal or socialist -- simply because he's Black.

What's sad is that some many white people refuse to acknowledge that , so few white people are calling a spade a spade in public. What's is aggravating is when watching any commentary/news channel (i.e. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News), the majority of the commentators and facilitators/anchors is that they don't broach the subject of racism or confront the guests on the lies they're spewing or that their party (or business) wants them to spew.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Messenger of Humanity, spoke about President Barack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, indicating that what's important about the prize recognition is that America finnally recognized its internal hatred and racial violence by electing a Black man, a member of the former slave class, to the highest, most legitimate office in the land.

Afghani Taliban is not pleased that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize -- fuck them! What international voice do they have? The International Hate Prize? The International Divisive Champion Medal? And the only other group that is so up-in-arms about Barack Obama being bestowed with this international prize is the WHITE Republican - Confederate - GOP card-carrying Americans. Even that Uncle Tom of Uncle Tom's Michael Steele let horseshit flow from his mouth when he had a chance to comment about the Prize. When is Michael Steele going to rip Rush Limbaugh's hand from out his rectum, and quit being Rush's ass puppet?

The Nobel Committee defended their choice by citing that President Barack Obama changed the climate of international diplomacy and his desire to reduce (perhaps eliminate) nuclear arms. After Dubya Bush and Tricky Dick Cheney's machinations that are akin to Rome's Nero basically force-fed day old dog shit down the throat of the world, anything that Barack Obama does to change the way the international community views the US of A is worth getting some prize.

President Barack Obama has rockstar popularity around the world, outside of America, because the world population doesn't have a history of keeping their foot on the Black man's neck. It was done by Europeans, but its held up continually by Americans. I'm talking about White Identity Movements, who feel embattled perpetually (??!!?) Now this might be true, but one must consider this -- the history of the White Race is to dominate all other races, not to assimilate or even co-exist!!

We, that is educated and semi-educated people, must do is be extra vigilant against ALL White Power Movements that look to establish themselves and hold on to power - as if White People don't have all the power in the world. If they're afraid of losing power they need to handle the Chinese. Ignorant fuckers.

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