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Friday, October 30, 2009

The Punk In Chief

I'm thoroughly disappoint with our first (and last) Black president.

Barack Obama has proved to be just like all the Democrats who have reached national prominence since the Fall of Richard Nixon... proved to be a bitch on his knees and his mouth wide open to accepts a pulsating penis for the GOP members of Congress.

Sure, I'm a liberal, in fact, some would accuse me of being socialist, but regardless of the monikers that you might hang on me, Barack Obama has shown that he doesn't have a set of steel balls to beat down the Republican/Confederates who are STILL controlling things in the National Legislature, even though the Democrats have a so-called majority in both houses of Congress!!!

Bill Maher used to ragged on Barack Obama all summer as the health care debate started heating up, because Obama pulled the Single-Payer System off the table from jump.  I don't know about you, but that's piss-poor negotiating... particularly with those cretinous GOP bastards.  To not ask for the moon and the stars -- and announce it to the American people -- was just criminally ignorant, and demonstrates no spine or no willingness to really hand it to the  RNC and the nobs that serve in it and under it.  If the Single-Payer Plan was what Obama initially launched, then the water-down by lobbyists and special interest bill that would now becoming out of the House and the Senate would be much more robust than the laughable excuse that Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday.

Have you heard about the details for this bill?  It has no teeth in negotiating with hospitals and doctors for optimal payments for services.  And states can opt out of the so-called Public Option that's been offered up?  Not to mention that you can't get on the Public Option unless you are completely unable to get insured through your employer.  And I don't know what the House Bill says about Pre-existing conditions, but I'm sure it's some Sad Sister attempt to make good on something that is handled criminally currently.

Barack Obama has been pussyfooted on health care, the wars in the infernal Middle East and he's thrown the Gays under the bus... I'm not sure where and when he's going to come through on any of the campaign shit that he promised.  But you know his biggest campaign corporate donor was Goldman Sachs, so I don't any kind of real economic reform of the Middle Class can ever occur.  Notice how I didn't mention anything about the Economy as something that we must hold Obama's feet to the fire about, because no President and help The Economy -- they can FUCK IT in the ass with no vaseline the way Bill Clinton did by repealing the Glass Steagall Act and enacting the 1996 Telecommunicatons Act, and championing then signing into law NAFTA.  Thanks, Bill, thanks a lot!

Obama, like some many other Democrats, are looking to forge laws through bi-partisanship.... why the fuck is that part of the agenda?  The GOP never attempt for bi-partisanship, the GOP encourage divisive rhetoric and behavior, the GOP ram it down your throat if you mess with them... and they're unapologetic about it.  Also, if there was a need for bi-partisanship legislation, why is the need for a majority important?  Why are parties important?  Those divisions exist, because Right Wing Factions are all about swindling people under the prostituted rubric of "capitalism and the American Way."  Is the American Way about stripping people of their money, making them slaves to debt holders and banks, refusing the general citizens affordable health care and empowering the Corporations so they have more power and RIGHTS (yes, Constitutionally protected RIGHTS) than human beings!

Maybe the only thing Obama hasn't shown his ass on is nominating Sotomayor to the Supreme Court... but he still hasn't figured out how to checkmate that Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas...

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