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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Roadblocks To Your Future Well-Being

Senator Charles E. Grassley believes that a Public Option for Healthcare Insurance will ultimately force private insurers out of busines... is that a bad thing? I guess it is if you're running for national public office, because you can get so much campaign contribution (selling your asshole to get fucked by the big dick of the corporate oligarchs that are running things) from insurance companies.

Grassley claims that the Federal Public Health Program will run the market, and "that doesn't sound like a level playing field to me." Here's what's wrong with that jackass statement -- when is the playing field ever level? Particularly since the Reagan Revolution and the complete deregulation and destruction of the Unions pretty much canted the playing field - permanently in favor the 1% oligarchs who run things in this so-called democracy (what's that favored book? The Best Democracy Money Can Buy)... it's required reading to brush up on why political change favors the wealth and sticks it to the lower class masses (which is damn near everybody by the end for this Business Cycle).

Any Democratic Senators who are afraid of not getting re-elected if they vote FOR a Public Option in the impending healthcare reform legislation need to be voted out of office in ANY EVENT! Because they're letting their petty personal desire to stay in the Senate (and reap the personal benefits) override what is best for the American Citizenry... who they are supposed to be represent. It's funny (well, sad, actually), how money all of a sudden causes Senators to factor out the little man. Just because I can't contribute to your campaign, but live in your realm of control, doesn't mean that I'm not affected by your actions and votes.

The one thing I expect to happen regarding health care is that the American public still pays out the ass for insufficient healthcare. Whatever the "cost" of a Public Option is or will be, it's certainly going to be nowhere near the cost that Dubya and Tricky Dick's unwarranted war has cost us in seven years of struggle with a people that can't get their act together to at least better themselves. Saddam was one mean cuss, but he kept all those combustible Iraqi factions in their place. Although, if you think about it, what's happening now it was would have happened in any event once Saddam died. His perverted and corrupted and twisted and sadistic sons wouldn't be able to run Iraq, they would fight amongst themselves over who should be in charge and then a civil war would be on the horizon... where the factions would be Qusay v. Uday v. the Shi'ites... but it would have been their mess, not a quagmire that sucks and sucks and sucks American tax payer dollars down a drain that doesn't even feed us cheaper than cheap oil. So no, the Public Option would damage this 1/6th component of the economy, it would find a way to

What's just too damn scary is that Medicare and Medicaid are going to bankrupt the economy in any event. Maybe the Sarah Palin prognosticated death panels aren't out of the question, seeing how without proper healthcare cost reform it'll be too expensive to keep sick old bags.

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