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Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Fucked in the ass HURTS no matter who's doing it!

Girl Fucks Girl
Originally uploaded by Phalanx

This week the Obama Administration has enacted edicts to cap executive pay for financial companies and the big banks. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

Now many critics are clamoring that this is socialist, that this yanks the core out of capitalism (being paid a heinously high wage for your skill set), and that it'll stifle competition or cause a "brain drain" at this top

The so-called skill that these top financial wizards really have is the moxy to bet large and bet large often where the odds of success are rigged to work out, but in the extreme happenings that the bets don't pay off, Satan comes calling to the American Taxpayer.

The upper level managers at the big banks WILL NOT be hurting by having actually salary caps, because they're getting unlimited compensation in stock options... which means that the quest to drive up the stock prices (short term gain over long term growth once again) will continue to put at risk everyone else's wealth. Not to mention that these people will be able to borrow against the future worth of the stock options (that will no doubt be worth a lot, because these oligarchs WILL ensure that the stock price continues to rise -- at the expense of what else? who knows, but surely it's at the expense of the lower classes' pensions and future well-being.

My bunghole hurts just thinking about how big of dildo Wall Street is going to shove up it -- with no vaseline -- next time.

I heard something today, which has to be bullshit, but probably not and I'll have to do some research to find out. In any event, the tidbit of news was that Bank of America will be charging its credit card customers a few who PAY OFF THEIR ENTIRE BALANCE EACH MONTH! Yeah, seriously you must pay Bank of America interest fees if you carry a balance or pay a fee just to keep the card if you carry no balance (and they have the nerve to maintain the name "bank of america", should be the "bank of the soviet republic").

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's too close to what a bullshit credit card company like First Premier does (you have to pay $6/month "service" fee... regardless if you have a balance or not just to keep your account open... on top of the annual fee and any interest charges you get for whatever balance you have).

Take the dick out of my ass BofA, please!?!!?

Wells Fargo, run by cheap fucker John G. Stumpf, no doubt has something similar in the works that they'll announce shortly.

It would seem that American Express isn't such a bad option with their $55 annual fee... at least if you're the type of person who doesn't want to carry a credit card balance and uses the credit card as a cash substitute, not a loan. Getting a loan these days is just a pernicious hassle if banks like BofA and Wells Fargo are going to spread your buttchecks and expand your sphincter with a baseball bat.

The Oligarchical power that the Wall Street Banks exhibit, subtly, is really a direct result of Ronald Reagan's presidency. Remember President Eisenhower's Farewell Speech, in which he warned about the heinous and pernicious power grab that the Military Industrial Complex was working? Well, during Reagan's administration, he fucking embraced the Military Industrial Complex and made the majority of Americans think it was unpatriotic not to do so!!!

You want to know why America can pay for healthcare and why Social Security is such an atomic bomb in national politics? Because of Reagan's excessive military spending on programs that were just complete bullshit designed to line the pockets of rich fucks. Remember SDI? The Strategic Defense Initiative? It was Reagan's military business CEOs wanting more money, and Reagan pushed through the spending measure on some program in which laser satellites were going to shoot down Soviet ICBMs... yeah,... how completely idiotic does that sound. Considering the fact that no one knows if ICBMs actually will work... they've never been tested! Do yo know that! The idea of sending missiles over the North Pole is lunacy, because who knows if the extreme magnetism won't trip up the guidance system.

That's why the nuclear submarine fleet is of infinite more importance, we know those SAM warheads actually work.

But Reagan tricked the public into thinking that America needed to outspend the Soviets, when it was known by the CIA DURING NIXON'S TIME that the Soviets were no real military threat... and yet, for another 15 years money was wasted on building up the military at the expense of reducing the deficit, money that could have been spent on renewable energy. Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House (which Reagan tore down like the complete jackass that he was), and just imagine if Reagan did help orchestrate Carter's defeat by colluding with the Ayatollah Khomenini and Carter's policies on getting the US off its oil addiction had been in effect for the another 4 years? Where would we be known regarding the quest for Green Energy Sources? A lot fucking further than we are now... but Exxon and the rest of Big Oil was funding Reagan and the rest of the GOP SOBs... to the benefit of whom? The top CEOs, Board Members and major block shareholders... at the expense of the planet and the American taxpayers wallets.

Reagan jammed a fat dick up our asses and we still can't get it out, because we now have to make hard as FUCK decisions regarding healthcare, social security and green energy... all the while letting the

If the US had adopted Carter's ideals about renewable energy, the Jihadi movement wouldn't be so powerful, because by around 1990 to 1994, the US wouldn't need so much oil from the Middle East and its zealots wouldn't have thought of the World Trade Center as such a massive target.

Can we take Reagan's cock out of our ass now? Please, it's still hurts even though it's been pumping in and out for the past 25 years...

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